
Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


The heartbreaking terrorist attacks in the streets of Paris only serve as a painful reminder that we live in a broken world. Our planet is filled with cities, and those cities are filled with hurting people who are in desperate need of a few inner city angels.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
As We Begin
More About Jesus I Would Know • John Sweney
Adrianne Magsipoc
"By the Word of Their Testimony" Baptism
Korollos Abdelmalak with Rodlie Ortiz
Children's Story
José Bourget / Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven • Timothy Waugh
Worship in Music
Capriccio • Kevin McChesney
“Mission Possible: Urban Decay—Angels in the Inner City” • Dwight K. Nelson
Connect Cards, Tithes & Offerings
I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go • 573
As We Depart
O God, Faithful God • Johannes Brahms

More In This Series

Considering the Adventist Church's historical stance on the separation of Church and State, how do we respond to the increased attention and scrutiny brought on by the presidential candidacy of one of our prominent members? Where do we stand when it comes to the causes of our Evangelical nation? How can we best serve this nation that we love?
Nearly 500 years ago, a young monk stood all alone before the the greatest assembly of powers, princes, and pontificates the world had ever seen. His courage would spark one of the greatest social revolutions in history. How can we tap into that same source of strength to start our own social revolution today?
In a world where we are called to follow what is popular, Christ calls us to be "uncool." If we desire to follow Christ, we are called to deny self, and follow Him (Matthew 16:24).

“Mission Possible:

Urban Decay—Angels in the Inner City”



□      This World of Pagans

·      The daughter of Bertrand Russell: “His whole life was a search for God. . . . Somewhere at the back of my father’s mind, at the bottom of his heart, in the depths of his soul, there was an empty space that had once been filled by God, and he never found anything else to put in it.”

·      Bertrand Russell: “There is darkness without and when I die there will be darkness within.” (Mysticism and Logic)

·      His daughter: “I would have liked to convince my father that I had found what he had been looking for, the ineffable something he had longed for all his life. I would have liked to persuade him that the search for God does not have to be vain. But it was hopeless. He had known too many blind Christians, bleak moralists who sucked the joy from life and persecuted their opponents; he would never have been able to see the truth they were hiding.” (In Philip Yancey’s Vanishing Grace, 32-33)

□      His Love for Pagans

·      Exhibit A—God and the pagan king

§  Genesis 20

·      Exhibit B—God and the pagan city

§  Jonah 4:11

§  Clark Pinnock: “. . . the book of Jonah stands in the canon to testify to the universal salvific will of God.” (A Wideness in God’s Mercy 28)

·      Exhibit C—God and the pagan city

§  Jeremiah 51:44-45

§  Revelation 18:4

·      Exhibit D—God and the lost city

§  Luke 19:35-42

§  Desire of Ages: “While the westering sun was tinting and gilding the heavens, its resplendent glory lighted up the pure white marble of the temple walls, and sparkled on its gold-capped pillars. . . . [which] caught the splendor of the setting sun, shining as if with a glory borrowed from heaven.  Jesus gazes upon the scene . . . His eyes fill with tears, and His body rock[s] to and fro like a tree before the tempest, while a wail of anguish bursts from His quivering lips, as if from the depths of a broken heart.” (575)

·      Exhibit E—God, Giuseppe, Sonya and the pagan city Bergamo, Italy

·      Exhibit F—God and the pagan city

§  Acts 18:9-10

§  NASB: “Do not be afraid any longer.”

§  Prophets and Kings: “In every city, filled though it may be with violence and crime, there are many who with proper teaching may learn to become followers of Jesus. Thousands may thus be reached with saving truth and be led to receive Christ as a personal Saviour.” (278)


The question is:

Are you willing to go?

(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Fellowship Dinner

There will be a fellowship dinner this Sabbath following the second worship service in the commons on the lower level. Visitors are welcome.

Offering for May 11, 2024

Disaster & Famine Relief

As we approach Christ’s return, the Bible tells us that crisis events will increase around the world. Emergency Management officials, who have tracked disasters for over 50 years confirm that tornadoes are touching down with greater impact, hurricanes are moving at greater speeds and mass shootings continue to affect our communities on a regular basis.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church serves those affected by these types of devastating events. Adventist Community Services (ACS) responds throughout the North American Division. Volunteers open collection centers to support those whose homes have been destroyed, support communities that have been struck by senseless shootings with Emotional Spiritual Care teams, and deliver supplies to areas of greatest need in the aftermath of a disaster.

Your offering this Sabbath will ensure ACS is able to prepare, respond, and work in recovery efforts that take place within the North American Division, which includes the United States, Canada, Bermuda, Guam, and Micronesia. While ACS is responsible for these areas, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has not forgotten the rest of the world and has another humanitarian organization that responds to events outside of the North American Division called ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Association).

Please give this Sabbath to the disaster and famine relief offering, where your donation will support both ACS and ADRA. We look forward to continuing our work to serve communities in Christ’s name.

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

ASM Potluck Dinner

All Adventist Seniors of Michiana (ASM) Members, and those who are planning to become members, are invited to come to the Village SDA Church Fellowship Hall on Sunday, May 19, at 1:00 PM. Please bring a dish or two of your favorite food to share at the potluck dinner. It is always so much fun to fellowship with friends (55+ years of age) while enjoying various speakers, special music, devotionals and themes. This particular ASM meeting will feature Dr. James North as he presents: "Roadmap or GPS: God's Way." If you have any questions, please call Cleon White (269-861-2580).  We hope to see you there!

Cleon White, President

Andrews Academy Children's Church

Andrews Academy will be holding a children's church on Sunday, May 19, from 12:00 - 2:00 PM, in which we will provide activities for children aged around 8-12 years old. We will be having arts and crafts, light snacks, physical activities, and Christ centered activities. 

Bible Repairers & Room Decorators

Are you willing to enjoy a quiet few hours in a Children's Sabbath School room mending Bibles, refreshing the room decor, replenishing table supply kits, or a little deep cleaning? Can you gift one day (or evening) per month to come in to support our awesome volunteers who already do so much on Sabbaths?  Email childrenss@pmchurch.org or text 269-845-0178 including your name, what projects you're willing to help with and we'll get you connected soon. Thanks for adding your gifts.

Adventist Heritage & American History Tour

Explore Scenic New England and it's Rich History from September 1-8, 2024


Pastoral Staff Transition at Pioneer

Please see the letter below regarding a Pastoral Staff transition at Pioneer.

Letter from Elder Jim Micheff

Oasis Public School Ministry

Oasis Public School Ministry provides a safe community for real talk, good food, fun activities, and building relationships between students, leaders, and God. This ministry is open to all public middle and high school students and meets Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 PM in the 5th grade Sabbath school room. Bring a friend and check it out! For more information, contact Diane at simplestirrings@yahoo.com.