In 2024, after a powerful sermon, Pastor Shane asked the congregation, “Do we need revival?” “Do you want revival?” It appeared to be a rhetorical question, however, the congregation that morning erupted with a resounding, “YES!”
From the story of Elijah we learn that revival doesn’t just happen. Leaders have to call for revival. People have to cry out to God for revival. This is why we’re inviting you to join us in person for a very intentional journey: Sunday – Sabbath, March 2-8 at 7 pm. Just 7 nights at 7 pm for 70 minutes with speaker Don MacLafferty, Founder/Director of In Discipleship.
Community-wide Call to Revival
EveningsDiscipleship Training
Community-wide Call to Revival
Each evening, Pastor Don will walk us through portions of the story of the prophet Elijah. Through presentations, demonstrations, and discussions we will learn how we too can experience revival and discipleship in our own lives and how we can be used by God to bring revival and discipleship to our homes, and our communities.
Sunday: "Stand Before God"
Monday: "Live God’s Word"
Tuesday: "Find Heart Healing"
Wednesday: "Come and Worship"
Thursday: "Cry for Fire"
Friday: Mentor "Your Elisha"
Sabbath Morning: "Be an Elijah"
Sabbath Evening: "What’s Next?"
Discipleship Training Conference
Lake Union Pastor/Elders/Leaders are invited to learn about how experiencing revival without discipleship can end up as just a “feel-good moment.” True revival makes us hunger and thirst for MORE+ of Jesus and all that He longs to give us. When we experience true revival, we long to live EVERY day as a disciple of Jesus. This kind of living takes intentionality, and there’s more joy when we make the journey with fellow pilgrims. This Discipleship Training follows a small group model with activities and soul challenges. It will not only draw you closer to Jesus, but it will give you practical tools to lead your family, your congregation, your friends and neighbors to becoming daily disciples of Jesus who long to live in His presence.
Sunday, March 2 | |
3:30 PM | Training in Pioneer Youth Chapel |
5:30 PM | Supper |
6:15 PM |
Leaders gather for prayer |
7:00 PM |
Revival Meeting
Monday, March 3 – Friday March 7 | |
8:30 AM |
Discipleship Experience |
11:30 AM | Lunch |
1:00 PM |
Discipleship Experience |
3:30 PM | Free Time |
5:30 PM | Supper |
6:15 PM | Leaders gather for prayer |
7:00 PM |
Revival Meeting
Sabbath, March 8 | |
9:00 AM |
1st Service - Church |
11:45 AM | 2nd Service - Church (Same sermon) |
1:30 PM | Lunch |
5:15 PM |
Leaders gather for prayer |
6:00 PM |
Revival Meeting
Sunday, March 9 | |
8:30 AM |
Breakfast, testimonies, coaching for Next Steps, Dedication |
10:30 AM |
Depart for home |