Eternity's Edge: New Visions for an Aging Movement

Prelude to Persecution


Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Think persecution is a thing of the past: Bible times, early church, Dark Ages, etc.,not the present or the future? Think again! But then, why don't we experience it more today? The Bible's answer is clear, disturbing, hopeful.
Saturday, February 04, 2006

More In This Series

We have no king but Caesar!" Strange words coming from the mouths of religious people who hated Rome. A demonically inspired collusion, a marriage of convenience to get their bloody task completed. Could it be that we too make such collusions to serve our own ends?
Old Story. Powerfully new application. Same bottom line. You decide.
A lone defender of God's honor and truth stood up against an ancient tri-lateral alliance that threatened his life. The same players are all in place for the final showdown just before the return of Jesus. Where are you among them?
Faced any closed doors lately? Financially, socially, professionally, health wise? Consider this: those closed doors could be setting you up for God's BHAG! So, what's a BHAG? Very good question. You won't be disappointed in the very important answer.
Technological advances are conquering outer space and cyber space. But there's one last, great frontier to be conquered for God. And it will be conquered . . . when God's last question becomes our first.
"How long will you go limping?" Aging movements do that, don't they? And yet the Elijah movement in the end will be a race through earth's final storm. The Elijah secret is in the seven-fold prayer.
Dickens' statement sets up this classic reflection on Easter. How is it possible to hold the opposites of death and faith, despair and hope in the same heart?
What causes you to jump for joy or sends you into a pit of despair? The answer, divinely etched into human nature, also provided the antidote to depression. Imagine, if you dare, the Magic Kingdom!
Level 5 (top rung) leaders, not only in top companies and families on earth but also in the divine economy in heaven, have a common, counter-intuitive characteristic. Do you possess it?
What's the meaning of a color? Lots if it's God's color, the color of His throne. Knowing that color helps solve one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible.
(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Sabbath Vespers

Graduates, family, and friends are invited to attend Sabbath Vespers tonight at 8 PM at the Howard Preforming Arts Center. This beautiful services of tributes and music will be a wonderful way to close the Sabbath.

Fellowship Dinner

There will not be a fellowship dinner this Sabbath.

Offering for May 4, 2024

Pioneer Operating Budget

“Ding!” My phone went off again in my pocket. It was just one of those busy days I was having as a college professor, but with deadlines looming, and students waiting to be taught, I did not really want to deal with my phone notifications at the moment.

Can you relate to that feeling? I have found that technology can often be a wonderful blessing, as it allows me to connect meaningfully with my family members who live all over the world. At the same time, it can sometimes disconnect me from the life that is happening right before my eyes.

One thing I decided to do years ago was to take a weekly Sabbath, on the Sabbath, from my devices, as often as I can. That way, when I gather in worship with my family, my fellow believers, and my students, I can be fully in tune with what is going on.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25, NIV). Today’s offering is for the local church budget. This will help provide the resources necessary to allow us to continue to meet together and worship as one!

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

Pathfinder Bible Experience 2024

 to the Pioneer Evergreens Juniper Team! They earned 1st placed at the 2024 Pathfinder Bible Experience in Colorado. The team thanks the Pioneer Memorial Church members for your prayers.

Bible Repairers & Room Decorators

Are you willing to enjoy a quiet few hours in a Children's Sabbath School room mending Bibles, refreshing the room decor, replenishing table supply kits, or a little deep cleaning? Can you gift one day (or evening) per month to come in to support our awesome volunteers who already do so much on Sabbaths?  Email or text 269-845-0178 including your name, what projects you're willing to help with and we'll get you connected soon. Thanks for adding your gifts.

Adventist Heritage & American History Tour

Explore Scenic New England and it's Rich History from September 1-8, 2024


Pastoral Staff Transition at Pioneer

Please see the letter below regarding a Pastoral Staff transition at Pioneer.

Letter from Elder Jim Micheff

Something in Common Sabbath School

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage.

  • April 13- The Tale of Two Brain-Part 1
  • April 20-The Tale of Two Brain-Part 2
  • April 27-The #1 Key to Incredible Sex
  • May 4-How to Stay Married and Not Kill Anybody

Everyone is Welcome Sabbath mornings from 10:30-11:30 in PMC room 141.

Oasis Public School Ministry

Oasis Public School Ministry provides a safe community for real talk, good food, fun activities, and building relationships between students, leaders, and God. This ministry is open to all public middle and high school students and meets Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 PM in the 5th grade Sabbath school room. Bring a friend and check it out! For more information, contact Diane at