Adventist Seniors of Michiana

We will meet May 19, which is the third Sunday of May since the second Sunday is Mothers' Day. Dr Richard Beckermeyer will talk to us about his missionary dental service. Bring a dish to share and plan to have a great afternoon of food and fellowship.
HEADS-UP for the June 9 meeting which will follow a different format than usual. Instead of a potluck lunch, the ASM officers will be serving a haystack lunch. The cost will be $5.00 per person. You will NOT need to bring a dish to share. Our guest for that day will be Dr Brian Strayer telling about, "The John Byington We Never Knew."

May 19, 1:00 PM
Location: Village Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Fellowship Hall
Contact: David Waller - or (269) 409-1020