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Monday January 20 for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

Family Life Ministry

COVID-19 Update: During this time of social distancing, we are offering weekly ideas of ways to spend quality time in nature, as well as indoors.
These activities will hopefully strengthen the family bond while remedying the cabin fever we’re all feeling.

Welcome to the Family Life page! We strive to offer multiple events and activities for our church family throughout the year, including the annual hayride, swim and gym, game nights, and more. We also present seminars and talks on topics such as child guidance and grandparenting.

Family Life Features

Bubbles and Barriers

If you’ve ever experienced the joy of blowing bubbles, you know that bubbles only last for a short time before they pop and disappear. But while they are floating and whole, they are fun to be around. You can watch how they rise and fall with the air current; you can see their iridescent colors; you can chase after them and try to catch them with your wand. But all too soon, they pop and are gone.

For a week and a half this Christmas vacation, my family got to enjoy a bubble with our best friends. For a week and a half, we were able to go into each other’s houses and be unmasked for the first time in over four months. We made sure to quarantine before venturing into this bubble, and once we got into it, there was joy. Joy to be in each other’s presence without barrier. We were able to share meals, deeper conversations, games, movies, photos, even hugs. And it was so good.

But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. As we said our goodbyes Saturday night, there was the realization that it could be about six months – a whole half a year – before we could enter into our bubble again if things don’t change with COVID. And there were tears. Tears for all that we would miss in the coming months.

This world is not our home. If it were, there wouldn’t be such barriers between friends. It makes me long for our heavenly home where we won’t have to experience the fracturing effects of sin, such as insidious diseases. We know it can be so much better.

In the meantime, we will go for our Sabbath walks together in the fresh air, in God’s nature, and with our masks. We will talk on the phone, text, and Zoom and try to stay close in the ways that we are able.

These barriers we are experiencing between us and others during this pandemic are just a glimpse of what the barrier of sin does between us and God. There is a distance between us. We try to mask and hide our real selves from Him. We have a hard time hearing His voice and His leading. But He longs for so much more. He knows it can be so much better.

In the meantime, we can do what we can to limit the effects of sin in our relationship with God. We can pray with more fervency and expectation. We can read and study more deeply and consistently. We can be more cognizant of His blessings and how He is working in our lives. We can keep our eyes open to His beauties and our ears open to His influence.

And then as we go through our days here in this sin-sick world, we can be in our bubble with God until we can be unmasked and face to face with Him in Heaven.

–Diane Helbley

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