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Monday January 20 for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.


The Collective

Hymneo fosters collaborative and creative worship experiences through the writing, composing, producing, releasing and distributing of modern congregational worship songs that are inspired from a scriptural foundation and carry a distinct artistic depth in melody, lyric and instrumentation. Hymneo (him-nay-oh) originates as a Greek word, meaning to sing praises or hymns. In Psalm 96, the greatest hymnist to give melody to words wrote this invitation: "Sing to the Lord a new song... Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deed among all the peoples" (vs. 1, 3, NASB). Hymneo's mission is to uplift the gospel of Jesus Christ, foster collaboration between Adventist artists, and produce music that can be sung in today's congregational gatherings.


To You We Sing

Words and Music by Michael and Melissa Gibson

Have you ever forgotten what God has done in your life? Or maybe you struggle with doubt wondering if God will do what He says? Many of us have felt that way. In Isaiah 40 and 1 Corinthians 2, the prophet and the apostle remind us of what God has done and the unfathomable nature of what he is going to do.


Taking these verses and putting them to song, "To You We Sing" was written to highlight the God who is over and above all the earth and the heavens but willing to be known personally. It is to our awesome, glorious, faithful, holy and merciful God that we sing and worship.

-Michael & Melissa Gibson, Composers

Fairest Lord Jesus

Words by Munster Gesangbuch, Michelle Odinma; Music by Michelle Odinma

The newer rendition of Fairest Lord Jesus was written in an attempt to add a modern polish to an old hymn favorite. While planning for a Hymneo Collaborative session, I felt that it was important to present music that reaches a broad crowd of worshippers. In my attempt to unite young and old, traditional and modern audiences, I chose to add a chorus and new melody to the well known and loved hymn "Fairest Lord Jesus." After developing a melody, chords, and tentative lyrics for the verses and chorus, I presented a draft of the song to the Hymneo Collaborative.


Together, we were able to develop a bridge, perfect the choruses, and piece the progression of the song together. The creation process of the new rendition of the song was so smooth, I had no doubt in my mind it was attributed to the prayer invested in the project and God’s creative Spirit upon us. The input from the different members of the Hymneo collaborative put the finishing touches on what became our rendition of "Fairest Lord Jesus."

-Michelle Odinma, Composer

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