Are you in God's waiting room of loneliness? God gives us comfort and hope through looking at snapshots of the prophet Elijah’s life. We can find assurance that God will do the same for us today.
God has a plan and a purpose for your life, but there is a subtle strategy the devil wants to use to stop you. Discover what the strategy is and how to overcome it.
Opening Music
The Lord is My Light, John Bischoff
Kenneth Logan, organ
Daniel Henry-Saturné, 8th Grade Class President
Call to Worship
Guilherme Bueno, 8th Grade Treasurer
Praise to the Lord • Holy Spirit • Trust in You
Vocals: Kayleigh Staniszewski, Towette Shiow, RaeAnne Prentice, Ruthley Faustin-Atisme;
Piano: Raygio Masengi, Jion Kim; Kenneth Logan, organ
Congregational Prayer
Luis Flores, 8th Grade Class Pastor
Children's Story
Kayleigh Staniszewski, 8th Grade Vice-President
Call for Offering
Marco Sciarabba Badenas, 8th Grade Secretary
Alexander Wright, 8th Grade Parliamentarian
Worship in Music
Faith, Jay Stocker
Ruth Murdoch 5th Grade Children's Choir
"God's Waiting Room: A Divine Disruption"
Ben Martin
Song of Commitment
It is Well, arr. Daniel Bondaczuk
Andrews Academy & Ruth Murdoch Departments of Music
Closing Music
Go Forth, Go Forth with God, John Darwall
Kenneth Logan, organ
Samuel Family (Jenisca)
Lord I Need You, Christy Nockels, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, Kristian Stanfill, Matt Maher
Bacchiocchi Family (Gianna)
Wonderful Words of Life, P. P. Bliss
Feliciano Family (Kameron)
Alvarez Family (Juan)
Parent Tributes
Teddy & Kristen Jones (Thomas)
Scottie & Arnie Baker (Einra)
Special Music
Made a Way, Travis Greene
Leonor Family (Giovanni); Gabriel Krause, piano
Panel Discussion
Lindsey Pratt, Kaila Campbell, Bia Martin, Hunter Penn, Quintin Wilson
Parent Tribute
Craig & Sue Wiker (Chase)
Call for Offering
Worthy Student Fund
Daniel & Joelle Ashley (Joshua & Hannah)
Krista Metzgar (Kassie)
Opening Music
The Lord is My Light, John Bischoff
Kenneth Logan, organ
Diane Myers
Call to Worship
Richard Aguilera (Leo)
Song Service
This Is Amazing Grace • One Day
Vocals: Leo Aguilera, Malaika Ferguson, Wambui Karanja, Jaden Leiterman;
Nathaniel Chung, keyboard; Lucas Aguiar, guitar; Andres Weiss-Segui, bass; Josh Ashley, cajón
Kleber Goncalves (Isabella)
Samuel St. Phard, Shaya Hart
Sonia & Davide Badenas (Flavia)
Jeremiah 32:17, 27 NIV
Wendy Baldwin (Hunter)
Special Music
It is Well, arr. Daniel Bondaczuk
Andrews Academy & Ruth Murdoch Departments of Music
"God's Waiting Room: A Divine Disruption"
Ben Martin
Consecration of Graduates
David Keyes (Nolan)
Prayer Response
The Lord Bless You
Carrie VanDenburgh, soprano; Julie Reid, alto; Charles Reid, tenor; Marcelo Martins, bass
Closing Music
Go Forth, Go Forth with God, John Darwall
Kenneth Logan, organ
Offering for March 15, 2025
Pioneer Operating Budget
When Joseph Leek died, he left nearly $1.8 million to an organization that provided guide dogs for the blind.
Nothing unusual there. Except that nobody, not even his own family, had any idea that he had that kind of money. The 90-year-old lived like a pauper, according to his daughters. He watched television at a neighbor's house to save on electricity, put off home repairs, and bought secondhand clothes.
Joseph’s problem was not the lack of money; he was driven to save money to help others.
Likewise, the lack of funds isn't the real issue in the church, but a lack of understanding in the purpose of giving and why God installed this as part of the redemptive restoration process. When we don’t participate in giving, it weakens our spirituality and the spirit of generosity. By giving regularly, we nurture a generous spirit which aligns more with Christ's character.
Giving offerings shouldn’t be motivated by earthly rewards, but by sharing in Christ's eternal glory. Now this is priceless! The right understanding of giving should propel us to give more for His glory. That’s why our donations to the church should not be driven by emotional appeals and feelings, but by our love and deep commitment to Christ and the people He gave His life for.
Today, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us give so we can reflect Christ’s unselfishness.
—North American Division Stewardship Ministries
Lamson Hall Upgrades with Maranatha
From May 11–June 8, 2025, Maranatha Volunteers International will be working at Andrews University to update the Lamson Hall residential rooms and suite bathrooms. Please consider volunteering and letting your family and friends know of this opportunity. All individuals (including local) should sign up at the Maranatha website:
Sabbath School Lesson Overview for Second Quarter
Dr Roy Gane will present the major themes and concepts included in the second quarter's Sabbath School lessons: Allusions, Images, Symbols: How to Study Bible Prophecy. This overview, scheduled for March 22, 4:00-5:30pm. will meet in the PMC Commons. All are welcome. For further information, please contact Melchizedek Ponniah at or call 269-876-7476.
Master Guide Club
Do you want to complete your Master Guide Program? If so, please consider joining the Master Guide Club that meets weekly on campus to help you complete the requirements.
For more information or to join, please visit