The Pioneer Family is invited to join Stephen Farr and @Unmistakablymelissa for a very special 40 Days of Prayer Challenge March 31 – May 9, 2021. Melissa and Stephen will be going through the devotional book "40 Days Prayers and Devotions to Prepare for the Second Coming," by Dennis Smith. Each day you can join them on Instagram for a Live re-cap and a special time of prayer. Melissa will also be sharing each day on her YouTube channel.
The goal of this challenge is to empower you and a partner to strengthen your prayer time, to encourage you to pray for others, to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and to pray together as a community for the Second Coming of Jesus. By joining this challenge, you are becoming a part of a revival that is beginning right here at Andrews University and is already reaching people around the world. You are joining in our shared mission to be World Changers for a changing world. You are joining in praying that Andrews University, its staff, faculty and students will be blessed now and, in the years, to come with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We want to see revival. We want to see "His Kingdom Come and His will Done on Earth as it is in Heaven." We want to be part of preaching the gospel to the world as a witness to all the nations and we want to see Jesus coming again in the clouds. Amen
If you'd like to join in the challenge, the book can be ordered on Amazon or at Live sessions will be recorded each day and uploaded to Instagram, YouTube, and Andrews University Graduate Student Association Facebook Page and multiple other platforms.
"Thank you so much for joining us in this 40 Days of Prayer Challenge. I can't wait to hear and share the miracle stories that happen during and after this challenge."
–Stephen William Farr, Andrews University Graduate Student Association Student Chaplain