Church Offices Closed  —  

The church offices will be closed Monday September 2 for the Labor Day holiday.



Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Part 4 of a 4 Part Series
Saturday, November 10, 2012

More In This Series

Part 1 of a 4 Part Series
Part 2 of a 4 Part Series
Part 3 of a 4 Part Series

Three Angels, One Warning: Global Confusion”


Dylan Grice: “The 99% blame the 1%, the 1% blame the 47%, the private sector blames the public sector, the public sector returns the sentiment . . . the young blame the old, everyone blame [sic] the rich . . .” (in John Mauldin’s “Out of the Box” 10-26-12)

Arthur Schlesinger: “What makes the current situation worse today is that the world faces a spreading recession that will intensify every grievance, every antagonism, every hatred. As good times ease entry into full membership in a national community, so hard times sharpen animosity and conflict. Unemployment, especially among the young, poisons human and social relationships. People who can’t find jobs look around for some other to blame—the blacks or the Jews or the immigrants. If the U.S. goes into depression, it will not be a melting pot. It will be a boiling pot.” (Wall Street Journal 12/11/91)

The Great Controversy: “Those who honor the law of God have been accused of bringing judgments upon the world, and they will be regarded as the cause of the fearful convulsions of nature and the strife and bloodshed among men that are filling the earth with woe.” (614)

  • □  ID Marker #1—Radical to the End
    •   The Greek word for “endurance” is hupomone—“ under.”
    •   Hebrews 12:1-3—Jesus the cross.
    •   Hebrews 10:36, 37
    •   Jesus: “He/she who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13).
  • □  ID Marker #2—Radical to God
    •   “Here are those who keep the of God.”
    •   Jesus—Matthew 19:18, 19—“the commandments of God” are the (see also Matthew 15:3, 4).
    •   Paul—Romans 7:12, 7—“the commandments of God” are the .
    •   John T. Anderson: “There can be no question that the ‘commandments of God’ that the saints keep at the close of earth’s history are indeed the , God’s holy law, the Decalogue spoken from Sinai and committed to writing by God’s own finger.” (Three Angels, One Truth 297)
    •   John T. Anderson: “This divine reminder [of the seventh-day Sabbath in the Fourth Commandment] has been
      under attack from the very beginning, for Satan saw how great a the Sabbath can be when faithfully observed. The devil hates the Sabbath, because [1] it identifies God as the Creator; because [2] by taking time off and spending it with Him it builds our relationship with God; because [3] it outlines salvation as a system of grace (we rest in His work); and because [4] it demonstrates God’s ability to bring His work to completion.” (123)
    •   “Three Angels, One Warning” that will be the battleground of earth’s endgame between Christ and Satan and that will determine on whose side you will stand.

 “To obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22) for is the highest form of worship.

  • □  ID Marker #3—Radical to Jesus
    •   “Here are those who hold fast to the of Jesus.”
    •   The “faith Jesus” describes His perfect life of unshakeable faith and trust in the Father that He lived out for me, with God gladly receiving Jesus’ victorious faith as my own.
    •   “Faith Jesus” describes me placing my personal faith in Jesus and His perfect sacrifice in my place, trusting H is victorious life, death and resurrection as the sole basis of my acceptance with God.
    •   This final ID marker makes it unequivocally clear that obedience to God and His Sabbath is not a form of legalism but is rather the fruit of passionate devotion to Jesus as both and .
  • □  Seven parallels between Daniel 3 and Revelation 13/14:
    •   #1—Babylon rules the .
    •   #2—The king of Babylon creates an to honor himself.
    •   #3—He demands of himself.
    •   #4—The penalty for refusal is the pain of .
    •   #5—All the world bows down and worships the image—all except a small .
    •   #6—Their reasons for refusal are the same: radical ; radical ; and radical .

  #7—Blamed by Babylon, they are thrown to their death—but the Son of God is with them—and them.

“Here is a call . . .”
Are you willing to answer it? 

(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
House of Prayer Revelation 13 - How to pray for America NOW - Led by Pastor Dwight Nelson

Please join us for House of Prayer meetings each Wednesday evenings at 7 PM in the Earliteen Loft here at Pioneer.  We are excited about a new study series lead by our own Pastor Dwight Nelson that will begin on Sept 4th.

Please invite a friend and join us for spiritual shot in the arm in the middle of each week as we sing, share, study, and pray together.

Join the PMC Sanctuary Choir

Join us as we prepare amazing choral compositions to sing for select church services throughout the year. New members are needed and will be most welcomed, so give us a try. Our rehearsals are light hearted, and at times comical for those who enjoy humor. Beginning Sept. 3, rehearsals are every Tuesday, from 6:30-8:00 PM in the Early Teen Loft. Come with a spirit of singing and fellowship.

Women's Ministry Fall Kickoff Brunch

Pioneer Women’s Ministry invites women of all ages to our annual Fall Kickoff Brunch. Let’s welcome fall with friends and good food. Space is limited, text “women” to 269-281-2345 to register.

10-week Best Weigh Nutrition and Weight Loss Program

Our physical health impacts spiritual health:  both are vitally important, and maintaining a healthy weight promotes both. That is why we are offering our 10-week Best Weigh Nutrition and Weight Loss Program starting September 16, this time Monday evenings in the PMC commons. Do not let diabetes and high blood pressure sneak up on you! Sign up and invite a friend. Text Health to 269-281-2345 right away!

Adventurers is about to start!

"The Forever Friends Adventurer Club is back for a new year, and we’re inviting all boys and girls ages 4-9 to join us on September 8, 2024, at the Pioneer Memorial Church Welcome Center! This year we will have lots of adventures with games, crafts, nature hikes, songs, and more – all while growing closer to Jesus. In person registration begins at 9 AM with our first meeting starting at 10 AM. Don’t miss out on a year of friendship, learning, and excitement! For more details, contact We hope to see you there! To register text “Adventurers” to 269-281-234 or scan the QR code"

Adventist Seniors of Michiana (ASM) Announcement

All Adventist Seniors 55 years and up are invited to the first meeting of the new ASM (September to August) year. Bring a dish and join in the potluck on Sunday, September 8, 2024, at 1:00 pm in the Village SDA Church Fellowship Hall. Membership fees for the new year remain the same at $20 per person. Our speaker for the day will be the President of Andrews University, Dr. John Wesley Taylor V. His topic is: Early Adventist Education: 1844-1874. In keeping with this year's celebration of 150 years of Andrews University, come and learn how it all began!  We hope to see all members and many come!

Cheryl Doss, President ASM: for further info, pleae call Cheryl at 269-277-0767.

Join the Pioneer Sanctuary Choir

Join us as we prepare amazing choral compositions to sing for select church services throughout the year. New members are needed and will be most welcomed, so give us a try. Our rehearsals are light hearted, and at times comical for those who enjoy humor. Beginning Sept. 3, rehearsals are every Tuesday, from 6:30-8:00pm in the Early Teen Loft. Come with a spirit of singing and fellowship.

AdventistGiving Online (AGO) Contributors

Your faithfulness is greatly appreciated. To ensure that your donations are properly credited to your account, when contributing through AdventistGiving, please log in under your name, instead of contributing as a "Guest."

House of Prayer

Revelation 13 – How to Pray for America NOW – Led by Pastor Dwight Nelson. Please join us for House of Prayer meetings each Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM in the Earliteen Loft here at Pioneer. We are excited about a new study series lead by our own Pastor Dwight Nelson that will begin on September 4. Please invite a friend and join us for spiritual shot in the arm in the middle of each week as we sing, share, study, and pray together.

Women's Fall Kickoff Brunch

September 15 •  9:00 AM

Pioneer Commons

Pioneer Women’s Ministry invites women of all ages to our annual Fall Kickoff Brunch. Let’s welcome fall with friends and good food. Space is limited, text “WOMEN” to 269.281.2345 to register.
