
Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Does addiction seem like an unbeatable challenge? Here are 7 steps you can take to turn your defeats into victory.
Saturday, April 12, 2014

More In This Series

Innocently deceived. Ruthlessly held. This series will take a closer look at the Enemy's tactics in this raging spiritual warfare, and how freedom is not just possible, but promised.
No matter where you go on this planet there are always three things that people universally love. Could the greatest blessings God gave to humanity be the very things the Enemy uses to enslave us?
Feeling trapped by addiction? What if the very same power that freed Jesus from the tomb was available to free you from you're own bondage?
The same One who can break your bondage to sin can also wash you clean and keep you that way for the rest of your life.

“The Bondage Breaker:
How to Turn Your Defeats into V-I-C-T-O-R-Y”


The Principle
• Luke 8:1-3
• Luke 11:24-26
• You must what you .

• Re video gaming:

  • Philip Zimbardo in an Aug 2011 TED talk: “Boys’ brains are being digitally rewired in a totally new way, for change, novelty, excitement, and constant arousal. They’re totally out of sync in traditional classes, which are analog, static, and interactively passive. And they’re totally out of sync in relationships [with young women], which build gradually and subtly.” (www.TED.com TED Talk, Aug 2011/quoted in Leadership Fall 2011)

The Plan

  • #1—Replace hi-visual/hi-tech stimulation with .

     Psalm 46:10—“Be and know that I am God.”

    •   Richard Foster: “In contemporary society our Adversary majors in three

      things: , , and .”

    •   Desire of Ages: “When every other voice is hushed, and in quietness we wait

      before Him, the of the soul makes more distinct the voice of

      God.” (363)

  • #2—Replace self-absorbed stimulation with .

    Wall Street Journal “Can Faith Rewrite an Addict’s Brain?”: “Frequent involvement in seems to help in the treatment of those who do abuse alcohol and drugs [according to a research report to be released next month in Alcohol Treatment Quarterly]. . . . Our study showed spiritual experiences predicted abstinence, increased social behavior and reduced narcissistic behavior. . . . Why might this combination work? Neuroscientists, including Andrew Newberg in his 2010 book ‘How God Changes Your Brain,’ are beginning to uncover what happens to the mind when the unconscious neurological foundations of addiction are short- circuited by [1] spiritual awakening and [2] a new focus on others. Neuronal pathways in the brain appear to be instantaneously realigned.” (WSJ 3-28-2014)

  • #3—Replace hormonal stimulation with /physical exertion.
  • #4—Replace dietary stimulation with .

     “I have come to realize that the ‘lust on/off switch’ primarily starts with my .” (Graduate student email)

 “Physical habits have a great deal to do with the success of every individual. The more careful you are in your , the more simple and unstimulating the food that sustains the body in its harmonious action, the more clear will be your conception of duty. . . . The has much to

do with the disposition to enter into temptation and commit sin.” (Counsels on

Diet and Food 52)

  • #5—Replace beverage stimulation with .

     The stimulation that injects into the nervous and circulatory systems, pumping you up before dropping you down, is an artificial stimulation for both you and your body.

  • #6—Replace stress stimulation with .
     Blaise Pascal, the French mathematician and philosopher and Christian of the

    seventeenth century, wrote: “All the unhappiness of men arises from one single fact, that they cannot stay in their own room.” (Ruth Barton, Invitation to Solitude and Silence 9)

  • #7—Replace some of your old friends with .
     April 16—Wednesday 7 p.m.—a special prayer and anointing service for all
    •   Counseling and Testing Center— (269) 471-3470/


    •   www.MichianaSober.org for local Alcoholics Anonymous groups
    •   www.alcoholics-anonyous.org for national directory
    •   Sexaholics Anonymous/Sundays 5-6 p.m./call Ed (480) 274-8114
    •   Google for local information for other 12-Steps

      Desire of Ages: “Jesus knows the circumstances of every soul. You may say, I am sinful, very sinful. You may be; but the worse you are, the more you need Jesus. He turns no weeping, contrite one away. He does not tell to any all that He might reveal, but He bids every trembling soul take courage. Freely will He pardon all who come to Him for forgiveness and restoration.” (568)

      You must replace what you remove! 

Care for Cuba

A group of students from Andrews University are preparing to embark on a life-changing mission in March of 2025. They will engage in evangelism, health care, and community outreach in Cuba. This mission trip has been going on for 11 years, and the impact has been tremendous, thanks to your help. Would you support this mission once again by donating right here in your church or give at www.careforcuba.org/donate? Thank you for your prayers as they prepare to send off students to serve and share Jesus!

Healthy, Happy Holiday Meals

Healthy, Happy Holiday Meals plus International Dishes for Special Gatherings presented by leading nutritionist Evelyn Kissinger on Sunday, November 3 from 4:00 to 6:30 PM here at PMC. Discover some healthy, delicious ideas, all plant-based, for Special
Gatherings.  Those who register will receive food samples. Please register by texting VEGAN to 269-821-2345. And invite a friend to register and come with you.

ASM October 13th Meeting

Adventist Seniors, 55 years old and up, are invited to come for fellowship and inspiration at the October meeting featuring Dr. Ann Hamel.  Dr. Hamel’s talk about her supporting work with missionaries is entitled “Caring for the Body of Christ.” Bring a dish, a friend and join the potluck at 1 pm October 13 in the Village Church Fellowship Hall. For further information call Cheryl Doss 269-277-0767.

Andrews Academy Alumni Weekend October 18 & 19

Andrews Academy invites you to ALUMNI WEEKEND, October 18 & 19, 2024. Come and reunite with your AA family. Remember the defining moments of your past and reconnect with old friends. We look forward to seeing all of you once again at our Alumni Reunion! (All are invited, this year’s honored classes end in 4 and 9). Friday 7 PM, Vespers - s’mores to follow; Saturday 10:00 am, Sabbath School & Roll Call;11:30 AM Alumni Worship Convocation followed by honor class photographs & haystack lunch provided. Shydepoke 8 PM at AU Andreasen Center (basketball).

House of Prayer

Revelation 13 - How to pray for America NOW - Lead by Pastor Dwight Nelson

Please join us for House of Prayer this Wednesday evening at 7pm in the Earliteen Loft as Pastor Dwight continues his study of Revelation 13. We meet every Wednesday evenings, however, Pastor Dwight will lead only on the following dates:  10/2, 10/16, 10/30, 11/13, and 11/20.

Honduras Mission Team

The PMC Youth Missions trip to Honduras will take place January 2-13. The team will conduct a Friendship Camp with the children of the Hogar de Niños (children's home) and the surrounding community. Additionally we will lead worship services, community projects and lots of activities for the children and youth. Space for a few more volunteers is available. For more information please email Glenn Russell at glenn@andrews.edu

Offering for October 5, 2024

Pioneer Operating Budget

I have prayed and walked for miles and miles in my tennis shoes. One semester, I walked around the campus of our university with students and prayed over the people in our campus community. We walked around the entire property, making sure to both share words, and some quiet time of personal prayer, as we lifted up our campus. We wanted to see the Holy Spirit move in a mighty way and transform lives, and we had the audacity to believe that He would do it. We held close to our hearts verses like, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer” (Matthew 21:22, NIV). As I watched, I saw God transform my life and the lives of my students through prayer that year, and ever since then.

The beautiful thing about prayer is that we can do it at anytime, anywhere, and it’s something that we are able to share with one another. Today’s offering is for our local church budget. Our church serves as a place we can come together and share in our joys and woes. We can listen and learn from one another, and grow together in Christ. We hope to keep this light on in the church for many years to come, and that is made possible by your generous gifts.

By Heather Thompson Day

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

Horn Lectureship Series - "Is Noah's Ark on Mt. Judi?"

As part of the Horn Lecture series a team of researchers from Andrews University will share their findings from a 2024 expedition to eastern Turkey. Two of the most likely sites for the where Noah's Ark landed are Agri Dagh (called Mt. Ararat by many) Mt. Judi further to the southwest. Mt. Judi is favored by many Muslims and Christians today. The team was able to get to the ark landing site on Mt Judi and will share their fascinating discoveries.

All are welcome at this free event. Andrews Undergraduate Co-Curricular credit will be offered.

Annual Hayride

The Family Life Committee invites our Pioneer family to join us for the annual hayride at Five Pines Ministries on Sunday, October 13 at 6-8pm. Hayrides through the autumn woods, yummy refreshments, a toasty campfire, and warm fellowship are all included in this fun tradition. We hope to see you there!

Oasis Public School Ministry

Oasis Public School Ministry provides a safe community for real talk, good food, fun activities, and building relationships between students, leaders, and God. This ministry is open to public school students in grades 7-12 and meets Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 PM
in the 5th grade classroom downstairs. For more information, contact Diane at simplestirrings@yahoo.com.
