

Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


The Three Angels' Messages' God's final warning to civilization. No second chance here! Just the passionate pleas of a God who longs to accomplish something vitally important to Him before Jesus returns.
Saturday, February 24, 2001

More In This Series

Are you ready to give a reason for the hope that is in you and to answer the questions your colleagues and neighbors may ask regarding the second coming and the rapture? It starts with an understanding of what Left Behind got right!
Explore the truth, or lack thereof, behind the "rapture theory" that has swept the nation. Discover how Left Behind has left behind the most urgent truth of all.
In an astounding twist, the greatest time prophecy in all the Bible has been sadly disassembled and reformed into a strange amalgamation that has swept through the Christian world. Revisit another shining truth that Left Behind left behind.
Dispensationalism promotes a belief in a literal fulfillment of literal Israel in end time prophecy. Discovering the conditional nature of God's prophecies protects us from this deception. How are the prophecies about Israel to be understood in the New Testament era?
Is the Anti-Christ some tyrant/dictator as the Left Behind series portrays? Or is it a religious-political institution that is alive and well right now and gaining in its power to rule the world? Examine the evidence.
A recap of the very good news of Jesus' soon return. In light of this great truth, how then shall we live?
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