The Chosen

How to Eat, Drink and Be Merry Without Getting Stoned


Dwight K. Nelson

Dwight Nelson served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University from 1983 to 2023. During his time at Pioneer he spoke on the “New Perceptions” telecast, taught at the theological seminary and has written books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Think that addiction is only about alcoholism and drug use? Or that Christians are immune? Consider the bad news about addiction and the good news for the addicted.
Saturday, October 27, 2007

More In This Series

Was your conception unplanned, your birth an "accident"? Are you handicapped? Too young to contribute, or too old to make a difference any more? Ah, but if you only knew what it took for you to get here, and what it means that you've been chosen! That discovery marks the first step toward determining your destiny - your special place and role on earth.
Sometimes God chooses in ways that seem so politically incorrect. But choose He did, back then; and choose He does, today! "It is a fearful thing to be chosen," especially so if all we want is to be accepted.
Chosen? Maybe. But on what basis? And for what purpose? The answers make a huge difference in what it means to be chosen.
What happens when one generation of the chosen visits the site where a previous generation gave their all for Christ? Pastor Dwight interviews some of the students he accompanied on the tour and were impacted.
Forgetting can be lethal. Remembering keeps a chosen movement, or person, alive and advancing. And for the divinely chosen, there is much to remember.
Within the wider community of God's chosen, a select few were always chosen as His mouthpiece to the many. As it happened in the Biblical era, so it happened in our own. The chosen community of old most often ignored God's chosen one among them. What's our response to His chosen one among us? And why does it matter?
Is a little cleavage a spiritual issue? What about a little ornamental jewelry? Is it time to revise some old standards, or to reaffirm them? If the Bible is our guide and "the chosen" our identity?
This is not your grandmother's traditional sermon on sex. The three realms of fake intimacy discussed could be the greatest threat facing our nation, our church and personal faith. A non-simplistic and workable four-fold "Life and Sex Strategy" provides a map to wholesome exercise of God's gift within His prescribed restraints.
The God you gratefully remember is the God you will faithfully obey. Discover the secret to sustained gratitude.
Strange symbols represent the medical profession--two snakes entwined around a pole. Strange unless you understand the Biblical story of the snake on the pole and the ultimate antigen it created for divine healing. This message provides an essential corrective to the inherent risk run in The Chosen sermon series.
The story of a leader who never crossed over, and how mercy still had the last word. Vital lessons for leaders in nations, work places, social groups, families, etcetera.
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