
Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Part 1 of a 3 Part Series
Saturday, January 12, 2013

More In This Series

Part 2 of a 3 Part Series
Part 3 of a 3 Part Series

“2 B Friends:
Ready or Not—Here We GROW!”


  • □  The Research
    •   The British National Child Development Study (a longitudinal study tracking individuals born in the same week in 1958) reported in 2012 that of the men and roughly a of the women said they now have more than friends and relatives they get together with once a month or more.
    •   Regarding psychological health, these people ranked themselves significantly than the others with less friends.
    •   The researchers concluded: “Having fewer than friends at age 45 predicted significantly poorer psychological well-being at age 50.”
    •   The education men had, the more likely they were to have a larger social network—but the opposite was true for women.
    •   Being was associated with a smaller circle of friends.
  • □  The Reason
    •   John 15:12-17
      •   “[Jesus is] our best and most sympathizing friend.” (5T 201)
      •   vv 13, 14 The Voice: “‘[13] There is no greater way to love than to give your life for your friends. [14] You

        celebrate friendship if you obey this command.”

      •   I.e., when you read v 13 and v 14 together, Jesus isn’t so much describing His death the day

        as He is commanding our willingness to die for our friends day.

      •   Craig Keener: John 15:12 “is emphatic that believers must love one another in the same way that Jesus loved

        them (cf. 13:34), which means dying for their , as Jesus would die for them (15:13-14).”

        (The Gospel of John 1004)

    •   John 15:5

 Friends and fruit—what do they have in common? You must them both.

 Because friends and fruit are all about .

  Acts 2:38-47

  3000 brand new radical followers/disciples of Jesus Christ

  And how do they GROW? (Acts 2:42)

o They share .

o They share .

o They share .

o They share .

  Just as Jesus taught in John 15—first, you with Me and then you with each other, and thus you .

  The simple mission of the church in Acts: CONNECT.GROW.SERVE.GO.

□ The Result

  •   Five VIP points about GROW Groups:

 #1—They are about friendship, not .
 #2—They are about short-term, not .
 #3—They are about “interesting,” not “.”
 #4—They are about growing spiritually and .  #5—They are about growing together, not .

  •   Desire of Ages: “Love to man is the earthward manifestation of the love of God. It was to impart this love, to make us children of one family, that the King of glory became one with us. And when His parting words are fulfilled, ‘Love one another, as I have loved you’ (John 15:12); when we love the world as He has loved it, then for us His mission is accomplished. We are fitted for heaven; for we have heaven in our hearts.” (641)

    Friends and fruit are all about GROW 

(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Something in Common Sabbath School

Healing The Mind by Timothy R. Jennings, MD Have you ever been hurt, lonely, depressed, frightened and hopeless? Or maybe you have found yourself feeling helpless, that gut wrenching helplessness when someone you care about is hurting, distressed and on the verge of giving up and you don’t know how to help them. Did you wish you had something to give them, something that would help? Healing the Mind is six of Dr. Jennings' most important lectures, recorded live during a 2-day seminar. The material is based on his book, "Could It Be This Simple”. The Six lecture topics are: 

  • June 22- The Mind: God's Design. What Went Wrong? 
  • June 29- God's Principle: The Law of Love and Liberty 
  • July 6- The Fix for Failing Families 
  • July 13- Demolishing Satan's Strongholds 
  • July 20- Depression: The Brain-Body Connection 
  • July 27- Forgiveness: Seven Common Myths (+ Q&A) 

Everyone is Welcome Sabbath mornings from 10:30-11:30 in PMC room 141.
