
Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Part 4 of a 4 Part Series
Saturday, April 27, 2013

More In This Series

“The Secret of the Seed:
Unleashing the Divine Potential in You”—Conclusion


  • □  2 Corinthians 9:6-11
    •   The 4th Secret: Plant , and you will reap —plant , and you will reap .
    •   Give what your tells you to give, because God loves a giver.

       Exodus 36:3-7

    •   Out of His full and abundant resources God is able to bless you in things, at times, with that you need, to fill you with that is good.
      •   Philippians 4:19—“And my God will meet your needs according to the

        riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.”

      •   Malalchi 3:10—“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in

        My house. Test me in this,’ says the LORD Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.’”

      •   Ephesians 3:20—“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”
      •   Jesus: “With man this is impossible, but with God things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).
      •   Elijah and the widow of Zarepheth
      •   Jesus and the 5000
      •   Give what you have, and God will make sure it never runs out!
  • □  The Life Cycle of Success

  Phase #1—R the G.

 He’s the of it all, because He’s the of it all.  Haggai 2:8—“The silver and the gold are Mine, says the LORD.”
 Psalm 24:1—“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it.”

  •   Phase #2—R the G.
    •   Jesus: “Freely you have ; freely .” (Matthew 10:8)
    •   The parable of the rich fool
    •   Jesus: “Be toward God.” (Luke 12:21)
    •   Ed Gungor: “Giving touches a nerve in us that nothing else does. We look a lot like God when we do it [John 3:16]. When you give, you defy the fear that you won’t have enough. You insult greed, the impulse to acquire or possess more than one needs or deserves. If you really believe that God owns it all and that he is your source and provider, giving will be a simple matter. . . . The arena of giving is the only place where exactly what’s going on in your heart is revealed. According to Jesus, giving keeps your heart in motion toward God and away from material things. . . . Your heart will follow the direction of your giving.” (Religiously Transmitted Diseases)
  •   Phase #3—R the G.
    •   Desire of Ages: “All who consecrate soul, body, and spirit to God will be constantly receiving a new endowment of physical and mental power. The inexhaustible supplies of are at their command.” (827)
    •   You can never out-give God!

  “Everything that God could do was done to save a perishing world. ‘God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ God has made it impossible for it to be said that He could have done more than He has done for the fallen race. When He gave His Son, He gave Himself. In one great gift He poured out the whole treasure of heaven. He has revealed a love that defies all computation, a love that should fill our hearts and lives with gratitude.” (Review and Herald January 14, 1902)

  “God is a lovely cheerful giver.”

□ 2 Corinthians 9:15

“Thanks be to God
for His indescribable gift!” 

Something in Common Sabbath School

Healing The Mind by Timothy R. Jennings, MD Have you ever been hurt, lonely, depressed, frightened and hopeless? Or maybe you have found yourself feeling helpless, that gut wrenching helplessness when someone you care about is hurting, distressed and on the verge of giving up and you don’t know how to help them. Did you wish you had something to give them, something that would help? Healing the Mind is six of Dr. Jennings' most important lectures, recorded live during a 2-day seminar. The material is based on his book, "Could It Be This Simple”. The Six lecture topics are: 

  • June 22- The Mind: God's Design. What Went Wrong? 
  • June 29- God's Principle: The Law of Love and Liberty 
  • July 6- The Fix for Failing Families 
  • July 13- Demolishing Satan's Strongholds 
  • July 20- Depression: The Brain-Body Connection 
  • July 27- Forgiveness: Seven Common Myths (+ Q&A) 

Everyone is Welcome Sabbath mornings from 10:30-11:30 in PMC room 141.
