Church Offices Closed  —  

Monday January 20 for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.



Ben Martin

Ben Martin is on the pastoral team of Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University where he is the Pastor for Children and Family Discipleship. He is passionate about engaging youth in ministry. He believes that every member should be a functioning part of the body of Christ. Over the last few years he has been intentionally thinking through what it means to disciple the next generation. He enjoys photography, camping and spending time with his wife, Brianna. Together, they have 2 children.


The story of Zacchaeus is one that is often set aside for children, in this message however we explore the story to find where we as a church stand. The picture of evangelism and the gospel that unfolds in this story offer something for the followers of Jesus today.
Saturday, July 02, 2016
As We Begin
Voluntary No. 9 • John Stanley
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms • 469 Mighty to Save • Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Adrian Marston
Tithes & Offerings
Rejoice, the Lord Is King • arr. Alfred Fedak
Children's Story
Nick Hausted
Worship in Music
The Gift of Love • Brant Adams
“God and Mister Rogers: Won't You Be My Neighbor?"—Part 2 • Ben Martin
Connect Card
Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners! • 187
As We Depart
Allegro assai • Alexandre Guilmant

More In This Series

Not our arguments as much as our influence will finish Christ's work, because nobody was ever won to Jesus by a person he didn't like. "The influence of a holy life is the most convincing sermon that can be given in favor of Christianity. Argument, even when unanswerable, may provoke only opposition; but a godly example has a power that it is impossible wholly to resist” (AA 510.2).
Part 5 of this sermon series focuses on the question: "Who is my neighbor?" Using the familiar story of the Good Samaritan, we will study the parallels between Jesus'; audience in Jericho that day and those of us who today may still be pondering, "Who is my neighbor?" and how will my actions reflect the principle illustrated by the unwanted, rejected Samaritan who showed mercy to his enemy.
Part 3 explores the disciples' experience on the road to Emmaus; a story worth retelling because it reminds us that our Christian journey starts with God.
What do you think about when you hear the words personal evangelism? For most people, those words carry a lot of baggage. It evokes scary memories of going door-to-door or speaking with strangers. But is that what evangelism is actually about? In Part 1 of this series we’ll explore the model that Jesus gives, and here’s the good news—it doesn’t involve speaking with strangers.
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