The unveiling of two statues featuring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is the culmination of 15 years of dreaming and four years of planning and fundraising for the revised vision of ‘Two Kings for Two Cities’ by Emanuel and Sharon Brown, founders of Benton Harbor’s African American History and Literature Gallery, in collaboration with partners Krasl Art Center, Lake Michigan College, the cities of Benton Harbor and St. Joseph, and Berrien Community Foundation, who assembled volunteers from around the community into the Unified Civic Monuments Project.
Together, the group has raised over $900,000 to bring these monuments to life, with installation now underway. This project is the only collaborative, multi-city effort in the country honoring Dr. King.
The landscape design firm, Rootbound, which is owned by Andrews University faculty and alumni (Garth and Helani Woodruff) was commissioned with the design of these two monuments.
This event is free and open to the public. Please check their website for more details: