Galaxy Three: Why What Is Happening a Billion Light Years Away Right Now Matters to You

Galaxy Three: Galaxy Three's Third Cleansing


Dwight K. Nelson

Dwight Nelson served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University from 1983 to 2023. During his time at Pioneer he spoke on the “New Perceptions” telecast, taught at the theological seminary and has written books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


The disease the Rebel unleashed on Galaxy Three must be not just contained, but completely cleansed from the Galaxy. However, the Council declares that three separate cleansings must be conducted. The universe wonders: Why?
Saturday, November 08, 2014
As We Begin
The Coming King Is at the Door
Charles Hall
Celebrate & Praise
Lonnie A. Kittleson with Don Dronen, Nathan Michael Edison Drysdale, Noah Raleak Drysdale with Micheal Goetz
Micheal Goetz
Farewell to Micheal, Melanie and Cana Goetz
Children’s Story
Holy, Holy, Holy
David Winkler
Worship in Music
Charity Unfailing
Kenneth Logan
“Galaxy Three: Galaxy 3’s Third Cleansing”
Dwight K. Nelson
Connect Card, Tithes, & Offerings
Closing Hymn
There Is a Fountain • st. 1-3 of 336
As We Depart
Fest-Hymn: Now Thank We All Our God
Carl Piutti

More In This Series

The War approaches it's bloody end. The Rebel unleashes his full fury upon the inhabitants of Galaxy Three. The Loyalists cry out to their King for deliverance. How long must they endure? How long...?
The War rages on as the Rebel releases his latest weapon upon the inhabitants of Galaxy Three: a viral infection of "self" rule. Every man, woman and child is infected. What response can the King in Galaxy One bring to counter such a powerful deception?
The War rages on. The inhabitants of Galaxy Three groan under it's weight. How can such suffering go unchecked? The universe looks to the King for an answer...
The War has changed. No longer a battle for territory, the Rebel and the King both desire only one thing from the inhabitants of Galaxy Three – Allegiance
When the King left Galaxy One to infiltrate Galaxy Three, there were 270 days during which his whereabouts were unknown. Yet this mystery could hold the key to victory in the long war...
The King commands the battle for Earth from His throne in Galaxy One. His followers in Galaxy Three are instantly provided with aid an reinforcements the moment they ask. But can such a proxy war be won?
There is a disease in Galaxy Three that threatens the existence of humanity. It's effects are devastating and it carries a 100% fatality rate. But there exists a rare and costly cure...
An intergalactic civil war threatens the existence of the universe. The King of Galaxies battles the tyrannical Rebel who seeks the throne. Now the fate of all life will be decided at the battle for Galaxy Three.

"Galaxy Three:

Galaxy Three’s Third Cleansing"


  • French philosopher Paul Ricoeur concluded that the most basic of all human confessions, “reducible to no other,” is this: “I am ; I need from God.” (William Johnsson, Hebrews, 167)
  • The Three (katharizo—catharsis) of Hebrews 9:
  • #1—Of our  
    • Hebrews 9:14—“How much more will the blood of Christ cleanse our from acts that lead to death.”
    • Psalm 51:1-4, 7
  • #2—Of our
    • Psalm 51:2—“Wash away all my and cleanse me from my .”
    • Hebrews 9:22—“The law requires that nearly everything be  with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness [of sin].”
    • 1 John 1:7-9
  • #3—Of our
    • Hebrews 9:23—“It was necessary, then, for the copies of the heavenly things to be with these [animal] sacrifices, but the heavenly things themselves [to be cleansed] with better sacrifices than these.”
    • Peter O’Brien: “ . . . with better sacrifices than these suggests that the heavenly sanctuary had also become defiled by the sin of the people. Sin affects all creation and extends even to the heavenly world. There is a solidarity between ultimate reality in heaven and its reflection on earth. The earthly cultus is inseparably connected to the situation in heaven. Sin is ‘an objective impediment to genuine access to God,’ and so a decisive cleansing was necessary, a cleansing that was ‘comprehensive in its scope, reaching even to the heavenly things themselves.’” (The Letter to the Hebrews 337)


  • We as Seventh-day Adventists find in Israel’s somber Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) liturgy in the earthly sanctuary a striking portrayal of God’s strategy to bring the rebellion of sin to an end in this universe.
  • Leviticus 16:29-30/Daniel 8:14
  • Leviticus 16:30—“Then, before the LORD, you will be from all your sins.”
  • Edward Heppenstall: “The living Christ of the heavenly sanctuary presses upon men the need for a spiritual revival to make them ready to stand in the judgment now proceeding. . . . Christ is not saying that His followers are going to have a bad time in this judgment, that the believer’s chances of making it are not good. Christ has no desire to be an accusing judge but a loving, saving friend. . . . He seeks earnestly to arouse in man the urgency to meet God in the judgment. But it will cost something. The Levitical Day of Atonement called upon Israel to make sure of their standing with God.” (Our High Priest 86-87)
  • Great Controversy: “Through the grace of God and [our] own diligent effort [we] must be conquerors in the battle with evil. While the investigative judgment [the Day of Atonement] is going forward in heaven, while the sins of penitent believers are being removed from the sanctuary, there is to be a special work of purification, of of sin, among God’s people upon earth.” (425)
  • The cleansing is to be matched by a cleansing .
    • Great Controversy: “It is in this life that we are to separate sin from us, through faith in the atoning blood of Christ. Our precious Saviour invites us to join ourselves to Him, to unite our weakness to His strength, our ignorance to His wisdom, our unworthiness to His merits. . . . It rests with us to co-operate with the agencies which Heaven employs in the work of conforming our characters to the divine model.” (623)


“I will see that you get through.”

(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Death of Barbara Hamlin

It is with deep sadness that we inform you that Barbara Hamlin passed away on Tuesday, January 28,2025. A family funeral service will be held at a later date. We look forward to seeing her when Jesus comes again.

Fellowship Dinner
Pioneer Commons

 Following the second worship service, there will be a fellowship dinner in the commons on the lower level. Visitors are welcome!

Offering for February 8, 2025

Adventist Television Ministries Evangelism

In 1 Corinthians 9:22 Paul says, “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some” (NIV). As one of those possible means to save some, the Adventist church in North America is using television. There are millions of people who watch Adventist media programs every year. If the Apostle Paul would have been alive in the 21st century, he would be sharing a Christ-centered message of hope and wholeness through technology and media. Jesus told the Apostle Peter, “Feed my sheep.” Peter would also be using the internet and social media to feed His lambs. We are living in a time when people are watching more TV than reading books or pamphlets.

The average person watches TV for around 2 hours and 51 minutes while reading for no more than 16 minutes and 48 seconds during the average day. Ellen White said this in 1914, “the circulation of the printed page has come to be a mighty factor in the dissemination of the truths of the third angel's message.” (Review & Herald. November 5, 1914). If she was alive today, Mrs. White would point to TV as the mighty factor in preaching the three angels’ message. Your offering today will help Adventist Television Ministries continue to reach millions of people around the world and help spread the gospel to those who are searching and those who are lost. Help us fulfill the great commission. 

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

Tim Parton in Concert

 Tim Parton, pianist and singer for 3ABN television, will present a free concert at the Battle Creek Tabernacle on Saturday, February 15, at 7:30 PM. The church is located at 264 West Michigan Avenue in Battle Creek.

Young Artists Concert

The Andrews University Symphony Orchestra is giving a free concert, Saturday February 8, at 8 PM in the Howard Performing Arts Center. Colin Cha, Jonathan Clough, Jonathan Watson and Carlos Lugo—all winners of the Young Artist Competition—will be featured as soloists with the orchestra under the direction of Dr. Marc Élysée. The program will include works by Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Saint-Saëns, and Brahms. Bring your friends and neighbors, admission is free. 

Adventist Seniors of Michiana

Adventist Seniors of Michiana invites all seniors, 55 and up, to a Musical Valentine program with Charles Reid and Friends, Sunday, February 9. Bring a dish for the potluck beginning at 1 PM in the Village Church Fellowship Hall and enjoy food, fellowship, and beautiful music. Call Cheryl Doss at 269-277-0767 with any questions. 

House of Prayer Mini-series

We are pleased to announce a new House of Prayer Winter Mini-series led by pastor Dwight Nelson entitled "They, Too, Walked with Him". This series begins February 5th and cover the following: 

  • February 5    The Antediluvians (in Terrible Times): Enoch and Noah
  • February 12    The Patriarchs (in Stumbling Times): Abraham and Jacob (and Moses) 
  • February 19    The Prophets and Kings (in Meltdown Times): David and Hezekiah, Micah and Isaiah 
  • February 26    The Disciples (in Crossroad Times): Peter, James, John, and Paul

We meet together for House of Prayer every Wednesday evening from 7 PM - 8 PM in the earliteen loft. Please join us as we enjoy a spiritual shot in the arm in the middle of each week as we worship together through signing, study of God's word, testimonies, and prayer. Hope to see you there!

Passing of Dennis Gibbs

Dr. Gibbs passed away unexpectedly. For the past 20+ years has been the primary Radiologist covering Lakeland Hospital Niles. He was a Clinical Assistant Professor at Michigan State University and helped train the next generation of doctors. Dr. Gibbs was known to be a kind and soft spoken man. A private ceremony was held in Colorado.

Full obituary

Master Guide Club

Do you want to complete your Master Guide Program? If so, please consider joining the Master Guide Club that meets weekly on campus to help you complete the requirements.

For more information or to join, please visit

Master Guide Tool Box

The Center for Youth Evangelism will be running a special training weekend where Adventurer Basic Staff, Master Guide Leadership Skills, and Staff Leadership courses will be offered on Febuary 7 and 8.

For more information or to register, please visit
