Renovate Project - Pioneer Memorial Church

RENOVATE: Heart & House

Balance Remaining: $0

Thank you for those who have completed their pledge!

Some of the most joyous moments of Scripture were when the people of God rallied to build or rebuild – "renovate" – the House of God. "... they knelt on the pavement with their faces to the ground, and they worshiped and gave thanks to the LORD, saying, ‘He is good; His love endures forever'" (2 Chron 7:3). We in the Pioneer Memorial Church—as we approach our 60th birthday (February 14, 2019)—now share the same ancient joy of God’s people in renovating His House. So by the grace of Christ "let's rise up and build" (Neh 2:18)—renovating our lives into His likeness and renovating His House for His glory. Pioneer has never met a challenge God could not fulfill. So won’t you please join Karen and me in a pledge to give whatever it takes to renovate His "House of Prayer for All People"? What a 60th birthday present to our King!

-Dwight K. Nelson, Lead Pastor

Renovate: Under the Roof Sermon Series

Part 1Part 2

The Roof

Currently there is nowhere for air to flow through the roof to cool it. Space will be created for airflow, resulting in longer life for the shingles. Several elements will be improved from residential grade to commercial grade quality. This includes gutters and insulation techniques. The project includes total replacement of 36,700 ft. of roof.

The Carpet

The carpet inside our sanctuary was last replaced in 1998. There are several areas that show we are well beyond the life expectancy of the carpet. The tile is nearing its 60th year anniversary. It's clear from the wear, tear, and look that it is time to replace them.

The Pews

The original pews have stood the test of time for almost 60 years. It was found to be more cost effective to replace the pews rather than to modify them. When new pews are installed the outside aisles will be widened. Space will be added between pews to allow for more leg room.

The Lighting

The lighting currently in our sanctuary is original. It has antiquated control and is aging. Bulbs are harder to come by and are less energy efficient. New lighting will provide both modernized control, and save on utility expenses which reduces our environmental footprint.

The Budget

Today's dollar estimates place this project at 2 million dollars. Our mission is God's heart––the people. When we get together we do our best to show care for God's heart. It helps to be able to hear and see well when we are sharing about God with people. And the only rain we want to feel inside is the Holy Spirit! Furthermore, we agree we should make the environment safe, user friendly, and beautiful but not at the expense of doing other things that allow us to share God's heart. This budget represents your desire to do all those things well.

Giving Options

Under this roof people from birth to 104, through every season of life, gather in this space to connect with God and each other. We have so many beautiful and hope filled moments right here each week. Under this roof we partner in growing the Kingdom in our hearts, serving this campus community, and going to the world with the Good News. Let's keep it going!



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