Pioneer Offices Closed  —  

for Christmas December 24-26.


Stories in the Rearview Mirror

Why I Believe We’re Running Out of Time


Dwight K. Nelson

Dwight Nelson served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University from 1983 to 2023. During his time at Pioneer he spoke on the “New Perceptions” telecast, taught at the theological seminary and has written books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


As we enter into a new year, we see a world still fraught with the troubles and turmoil of the year just ended. Yet if we dig even further into history, we find a small band of devoted Christ followers living in the United States who were willing to sacrifice all for His kingdom. What lessons can we glean from them as we begin a new chapter of our own?
Saturday, January 10, 2015
As We Begin
Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying
Wayne Wold
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
How He Loves
Oh Lord You’re Beautiful
José Bourget
Children’s Story
Rich Aguilera
Worship in Music
O, When Shall I See Jesus? • from The Sacred Harp, 1844
“Stories in the Rearview Mirror: Why I Believe We’re Running Out of Time”
Dwight K. Nelson
Connect Card, Tithes, & Offerings
Closing Hymn
You Will See Your Lord A-Coming • 438
As We Depart
We Have This Hope
Wayne Hooper

More In This Series

When a young physician undergoes a conversion through the work of the Holy Spirit, he joins forces with a comrade and proceeds to bring about a revolution to point the focus back to Christ. What kind of transformation can the Third Person's Last Rain bring about in our lives today?
In the 19th century, a young woman was called by God to a ministry that would eventually become a worldwide movement. What does her legacy mean for us today?
"We entered upon this work penniless, with few friends, and broken in health.” - James White. What does a God who sacrificed all for His children ask of those who wish to follow Him today?
Deep in the heart of an unknown Asian country lives one of the most explosive spiritual growth movements on the planet. What is their secret and how can we apply it to our own lives right now?
On Sept. 26, 1874 the first Adventist missionary set foot on the shores of Europe. It was the first step towards building what would become a global movement. What step should we take today?
In 1832, a man named Joseph Bates decided in the sight of God that he must take a stand for those who were oppressed. The world has changed much since then, but one thing remains: The oppressed are still with us. What can we learn today from the stance taken by that old sea captain so many years ago?

“Stories in the Rearview Mirror:

Why I Believe We’re Running Out of Time”


  • A Prediction
    • Soren Kierkegaard: "In a theater, it happened that a fire started offstage. The clown came out to tell the audience. They thought it was a joke and applauded. He told them again and they became more hilarious. This is the way, I suppose, that the world will be destroyed—amid the universal hilarity of wits and wags who think it is ."
  • The Prediction of Jesus
    • Matthew 24:32-35, 30
  • Story in the Rearview Mirror: William Miller
    • September 11, 1814 letter: “Sir: It is over, it is done. The British fleet has struck the American flag. Great slaughter on both sides—they are in plain view here where I am now writing. . . . The sight was majestic, it was noble, it was grand. This morning at 10 o’clock the British opened a destructive fire upon us, both by water and by land. . . . You have no idea of the battle. . . . You must conceive of what we feel, for I cannot describe it. . . . I am satisfied that I can fight. I know I am no coward. . . . Three of my men are wounded by a shell which burst within two feet of me.” (Quoted in Francis D. Nichol, The Midnight Cry 25)
    • “I saw that the Bible did bring to view just such a Savior as I needed; and I was perplexed to find how an uninspired book should develop principles so perfectly adapted to the wants of a fallen world. I was constrained to admit that the Scriptures must be a revelation from God; they became my , and in Jesus I found a .” (Apology and Defence 5)
    • “I then devoted myself to   and the reading of the word. . . . I commenced with Genesis, and read it verse by verse, proceeding no faster than the meaning of the several passages should be so unfolded. . . . Whenever I found anything obscure, my practice was to compare it with all collateral passages; and by the help of Cruden [a concordance] I examined all the texts of Scripture. . . . Then by letting every word have its proper bearing on the subject of the text, if my view of it harmonized with every collateral passage in the Bible, it ceased to be a difficulty.” (Ibid 6)
    • “I was thus brought, in 1818 . . . to the solemn conclusion that in about twenty-five years from that time all the affairs of our present state would be wound up. . . . O how bright and glorious the truth appeared. . . . I became nearly settled in my conclusions, and began to wait, and watch, and pray for my Saviour’s coming.” (Ibid 11-13)
    • The Millerite movement:
      • This Baptist farmer turned preacher preached over 3,200 times.
      • By May, 1844, 5 million copies of the Millerite publications had been distributed.
      • In New York City Millerite convocations filled the Broadway Tabernacle 3,500 at a time—in Philadelphia 5,000 at a time in the Museum Auditorium.
    • The Great Disappointment
    • November 10, 1844, letter to Joshua Himes: “Although I have been twice disappointed, I am not yet cast down or discouraged. God has been with me in spirit, and has comforted me. I have now much more evidence that I do believe in God’s Word; and although surrounded with enemies and scoffers, yet my mind is perfectly calm, and my hope in the coming of Christ is as strong as ever. . . . I have fixed my mind upon another time, and here I mean to stand until God gives me more light.—And that is Today, TODAY, and TODAY, until He comes, and I see HIM for whom my soul yearns.” (Quoted in The Midnight Cry 266, 267)
    • William Miller’s three passions:
      • Passion #1—for the .
      • Passion #2—for the of the Savior.
      • Passion #3—for the of all.
    • How can they become our passions, too?
      • Go to the .
      • Go to your .
      • Go to the .


“Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”


(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Offering for December 21, 2024

Pioneer Operating Budget

This time can be a busy time for many! If you have children in school as I do, it is a blur of Christmas programs, family traditions, and various gatherings of the people I love. It can be a time of great joy or a time of great sorrow, depending on many factors. Once all the busyness of the holiday is done, things actually slow down and reset.

One beautiful thing I have noticed is that where I live, there tends to be a stillness and a quietness in this season.

The days are shorter, the weather is colder, and all of that combined slows me and my family down, and we simply adjust our pace to enjoy the rhythm of winter. I recently ran across the term “wintering,” referring to easing into the softer pace of the winter season.

As we look back on this year, let’s take time to reflect on how God has shown up for us this year. Was there a difficult thing your family went through? Is there a way you can see how prayer helped you navigate that time? Our offering today is for the local church budget. Let us give today from hearts grateful for all that we recognize God has done for us.

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

Backpacks for Berrien Food Collection

Backpacks for Berrien will be collecting single-serve, non-parishable food items for Berrien Springs school children in need throughout the month of December. Please see the collection bins and needs lists in The Commons and inside the entrance to the office. Thank you for your help!

Pioneer 2024 Contribution Statements

Contribution Statements for 2024 will be emailed to you toward the end of January 2025. Please ensure that your email address is current. Should you have any questions regarding your email, please contact the church office. If you require a paper copy of your statement, please notify

Communion Service

 On Sabbath December 28, we will celebrate the Communion service together during the 11:45 AM service. Associate Pastor, John Glass, will present his message, "God Will Provide."

2024 Financial Gifts

Thank you for your charitable giving in 2024! December 28 will be the last worship service to return your tithes and offerings. If you wish to mail your donation, please ensure it is post-marked by December 31 to be included in your 2024 tax-deductible receipts. For an online contribution, go to  You will have until 11:59 PM EST, December 31, 2024.

Note: The Pioneer Memorial Church offices will be closed from Tuesday, December 31, through Thursday, January 2, and will resume normal operating hours on Friday, January 3, 2025.

AdventistGiving Online (AGO) Contributions

 Your faithfulness is very much appreciated. To ensure that your donations are properly credited to your account, when contributing through Adventist Giving, please log in under your name, instead of contributing as a "Guest."

Spanish Sabbath School Class

 Sabbath School is the perfect setting to rediscover the power of Bible study and prayer. In one of the most diverse campuses in the nation, we aspire to allow all our church members, students, and guests to study and learn in their language. To further this, we are establishing the Spanish Sabbath School Class so all our Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters can join us in learning together in our weekly Sabbath School. With that, please grab your Spanish sabbath school lesson and join us starting Sabbath, January 4, 2025.

150th Anniversary Commemorative Blanket Available

Looking for a luxurious and thoughtful Christmas gift? These limited-edition, 100% wool blankets are crafted from the wool of the sheep raised at the AU Agriculture Education Center to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Andrews University. Made at
Mountain Meadow Wool Mill with natural, undyed wool, these high-quality blankets are perfect for family, friends, or anyone who values something special and meaningful. With only 45 still available, they’re truly one-of-a-kind! To learn more, go to the Made at Andrews store ( and search for "Logo blanket."

Prayer and Financial Support - Honduras Mission Trip

Your prayers and financial support are requested for the Pioneer Youth Mission Honduras team. The team will partner with the Hogar de Niños to provide a Friendship Camp. Scott Schalk and Glenn Russell will lead the Friendship Camp for about 75 children from the surrounding community. There will also be a special camping retreat for the Hogar de Niños, something these youth have never experienced before. The Hogar desperately needs a bus. Donations should be made to Pioneer Youth Missions Honduras.

2024 Advent Devotionals

Pioneer Women's Ministries invites you to share in the joy of the season by registering for this year's Advent devotionals, "Why Did Jesus Come? Going beyond John 3:16." Women and men are invited to join us as we dig deeper into God's amazing love, care, and deep desire to spend eternity with us. Devotionals will be sent daily December 1-25, 2024. You can receive a brief synopsis of each day's devotional by text and the full devotional by email by texting the word ADVENT to 269-281-2345. We look forward to sharing this blessed season with you.
