Church Offices Closed  —  

The church offices will be closed Monday September 2 for the Labor Day holiday.



Dwight K. Nelson

Since 1983, Dwight Nelson has served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University. He preaches on the “New Perceptions” telecast, teaches at the theological seminary and has written some books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Part 2 of this 7-part series.
Saturday, January 09, 2016
As We Begin
What a Friend We Have in Jesus • Robert Hobby
He Is Exalted • Shout to the Lord • Amazed
Don Dronen
Welcome New Media Ministries Director
Richard Parke
"By the Word of Their Testimony"
Korollos N. Abdelmalak with Rodlie Ortiz
GROW Groups Video
Keith Wakefield
Children's Story
Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners • Dale Wood
Worship in Music
Jesus, Lover of My Soul • Gilbert Martin
“Charmed into Righteousness: The Truest Friend” • Dwight K. Nelson
Connect Card, Tithes & Offerings
Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners • 187
As We Depart
Jesus, My Joy • Theophil Forchhammer

More In This Series

Part 7 of this 7-part series.
Part 6 of this 7-part series.
Part 5 of this 7-part series.
Part 4 of this 7-part series.
Part 3 of this 7-part series.
Part 1 of this 7-part series.

“Charmed into Righteousness: The Truest Friend”


Reinhold Niebuhr: "On the whole, people do not achieve great moral heights out of a sense of duty. You may be able to compel them to maintain certain minimum standards by stressing duty, but the highest moral and spiritual achievements depend not upon a push but upon a pull. People must be charmed into righteousness.” (Leaves from the Notebook of a Tamed Cynic 75)

Ellen White: "You cannot but be charmed with the matchless attractions of the Son of God." (Christian Education 76)

  • Romans 5:6-8, 10
  • The Timeline of the Good News
    • God loved us and Christ died for us:
      • “While we were still .” (v 6)
      • “While we were still .” (v 8)
      • “While we were still ” (v 10)
    • Three timelines, one truth: God us we were lovable.
    • Walt Mueller: “. . . for digital natives living out their lives in the online world, the identity options from which to choose are virtually limitless. Kids [and adults] are able to perform through a growing multitude of social media sites by choosing the words they post (true and false), and by posing and photo-shopping themselves into images that don’t come close to who they really are. As media critic Quentin Schultze has observed, ‘The digital world suffocates virtue by allowing us unbridled freedom to be all things to all people . . . to give ourselves over to the highest bidder or to the most persuasive master’” (YouthWorker Journal Jan/Feb 2015 pp 16-17).
    • Michael Horton: Psychiatrist Keith Ablow warns of “‘the toxic psychological impact of media and technology on children, adolescents and young adults [and not so young adults], particularly as it regards turning them into faux [false] celebrities—the equivalent of lead actors in their own fictionalized life stories. . . . On Facebook, young [and not so young] people can fool themselves into thinking they have hundreds or thousands of “friends.” They can delete unflattering comments. They can block anyone who disagrees with them or pokes holes in their inflated self-esteem. . . . Using Twitter, young [and not so young] people can pretend they are worth “following,” as though they have real-life fans, when all that is really happening is the mutual fanning of false love and false fame’” (or-di-nar-y: Sustainable faith in a radical, restless world 60).
    • The Father loved us and Christ died for us we could spiritually photoshop ourselves into an acceptable, attractive state.
      • Ezekiel 16:4-10, 15, 22
      • Romans 3:10-18
  • The Truth of the Good News
    • Desmond Ford: “With the gospel, it’s the opposite. It must be true because it’s so good! The word ‘God’ is just a contraction of the word ‘good.’ The word ‘devil’ is just an expansion of the word ‘evil.’ God is good, ‘gooder’ than we could ever think, just as we are ‘worser’ than we ever thought. You have to keep the two at equipoise. God is better than we ever considered. We’re worse than we ever suspected.” (Right With God Right Now 83)
    • John Peckham: “Scripture presents God as affectionate and loving, devotedly interested and intimately concerned about humans, affected by the world in feeling joy and delight in goodness, yet sorrow, passion and intense anger at evil, alongside profound compassion and the desire to redeem humans. While none can overpower God, he is affected by worldly events because he has willingly opened himself up to reciprocal love relationship with creatures. . . . God enjoys and is deeply affected by reciprocal (though asymmetrical) relationship with humans” (The Love of God: A Canonical Model 189).
    • Romans 5:10 TEV: “We were God’s enemies, but he made us his through the death of his Son. Now that we are God’s , how much more will we be saved by Christ’s life!”
    • John 15:13, 14—“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s . You are my if you do what I command.
    • Steps to Christ 100: “The relations between God and each soul are as distinct and full as though there were not another soul upon the earth to share His watchcare, not another soul for whom He gave His beloved Son.”
      • p 74—[Jesus is our] “  and Saviour still.”
      • p 78—“. . . what a friend [we have] found in Jesus . . .”
      • p 93—“Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a .”
      • p 103—“He [God the Father] is [our] friend.”
      • p 122—“Jesus is our .”
    • May 24, 1905 letter: “My dear child Mabel—O that we all realized that true happiness is found in taking Christ as our and   friend. . . . He loves you and will be your .” (Letter 147 1905)
    • Adventist Home 204—“[Jesus] knows the burdens of every mother’s heart and is her friend. . . . He is woman’s friend today and is ready to aid her in all the relations of life.”
    • Mind, Character and Personality 2:491 (in a letter to an aged Christian)—“Just rest in [Jesus’] arms and know He is your Savior and your Friend, and He will never leave you or forsake you.”
    • How to grow this friendship through prayer:


“Best Friends Forever and Ever”


(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Fellowship Dinner

There will be a fellowship dinner, following the second worship service in the commons on the lower level.

Offering for August 31, 2024

Pioneer Operating Budget

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need” (Acts 2:42-45, ESV).

In one of my first years as a professor, I had a student who clearly did not like me. Every day she came to class with a negative attitude. One day, as I was leaving, I felt the Holy Spirit impress me to give her money. It seemed like an odd thought, so I brushed it away. Later that week, I felt God saying once again to give her money, but now He had doubled the amount.

As we left the classroom, I asked her to stay, and I mumbled through an explanation about why I was giving her money. I watched as she burst into tearsand explained that she had had no idea how she was going to get diapers for her baby.

That experience is a reminder of our call as Christians, to give. We never know the far-reaching impact of our financial gifts. Today’s offering is for our local church budget. Let’s partner with our church to expand our ability to help those around us in need.

By Heather Thompson Day

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

Pioneer Kids Church Bags

The activity bags have been a big hit with Pioneer kids. Please help us replenish missing items and make more bags by buying items of our Amazon Wish list or by labeling an offering for "Kids Church Bags". Thank you for your support in bringing kids to church!

Change in Neighbor to Neighbor Donation Policies

We would like our community to know that effective Sunday, September 1, 2024, Neighbor To Neighbor will only take donations Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Being found on the premises after hours will not be allowed and will be considered trespassing. Thank you for your understanding.

Something in Common Sabbath School

Something In Common SS presents Don’t Give Up by Kyle Idleman

When you are hanging by a thread, losing faith and short on strength, what you need is real encouragement—a battle cry, a call to action, marching orders to push back the darkness. Stand up straight. Face your fears and enemies. And remember that you are not alone.

Join us weekly from August 24-September 21, Sabbath Mornings at 10:30-11:30, in PMC room 141.

Pioneer Memorial Church Announces New Associate Pastor

Pioneer Memorial Church is delighted to announce the selection of Jacob Gibbs as a new Associate Pastor. Pastor Jacob was introduced to Pioneer on July 27, 2024, although his official start date was July 18, 2024. Pastor Jacob will serve as Associate Pastor at Pioneer Memorial Church and an Associate Chaplain with the Center for Faith Engagement at Andrews University.

Pastor Jacob Gibbs felt a call to ministry when he accepted Jesus as his Savior in 2002. Over the next nine years, he pursued his purpose and training at Mission College of Evangelism and Andrews University—gaining experience as a Bible Worker and Literature Evangelist. Pastor Jacob graduated from Andrews University in 2011 with a Bachelor's in Art and Theology. He later returned for his Master's Degree in Pastoral Ministry.

During his undergraduate years, he met his wife, Emily Knott, and they were married in 2012. Pastor Jacob has served in the Michigan Conference for 13 years, starting with a three-church district in the central part of Michigan's Upper Peninsula and most recently as the Senior Pastor of the Cedar Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church at Great Lakes Adventist Academy. Pastor Jacob's passions in ministry include hobby-based outreach, small groups, applied arts, and personal Bible studies. Pastor Jacob and Emily have two daughters, Eva and Avianne. They look forward to starting this new chapter of their lives by serving the communities of Andrews University and the Pioneer Memorial Church.
