
Dwight K. Nelson

Dwight Nelson served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University from 1983 to 2023. During his time at Pioneer he spoke on the “New Perceptions” telecast, taught at the theological seminary and has written books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Saturday, September 05, 2015
As We Begin
Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove • John Dykes
Indescribable • Awesome God • Hosanna
Sabine Vatel
"By the Word of Their Testimony" Baptism
Dianne (POF), Chloey, Haley, and Dominic Cherry with Rodlie Ortiz
Children's Story
Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners • Dale Wood
Worship in Music
I Love to Tell the Story • Robert Reid
“The Pugwash Factor: How to Turn Mingle into Mission” • Dwight K. Nelson
Connect Cards, Tithes & Offerings
Fill My Cup, Lord • 493
As We Depart
Come, God, Creator, Holy Spirit • Johann Sebastian Bach

More In This Series

Learn 7 reasons why the mission in your life is to fulfill His mission of seeking to save the lost.

“The Pugwash Factor: How to Turn Mingle into Mission”


Matthew 9:9-13

“Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’” (Ministry of Healing 143)

  • Following in Jesus’ Five Strategic Steps:
    • #1—You  among people as one who wants the very best for them.
      • To mingle simply means to show up where already are.
      • Becky Pippert: “How can we be the salt of the earth if we never get out of the salt shaker?” (Out of the Salt Shaker 124)
      • Jim Cymbala: “Christians often hesitate to reach out to those who are different. They want God to clean the fish before they catch them. If someone’s gold ring is attached to an unusual body part, if the person doesn’t smell the best, or if the skin color is not the same, Christians tend to hesitate. But think for a moment about God reaching out to us. If ever there was a ‘reach,’ that was it: the holy, pure Deity extending himself to us who are soiled, evil-hearted, unholy. God could have said, ‘You’re so different from me, so distasteful, I would really rather not get too close to you.’ But he didn’t say that. It was our very differentness that drew his hand of love. Jesus didn’t just speak the healing word to lepers from a distance of thirty yards. He touched them.” (Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire  8)
      • Practice what the top Fortune 500 CEOs do—M By W  A.
      • Philip Samaan: “Taking the initiative to mingle with others naturally comes easier to some than to others. I always find it more comfortable to mingle with individuals I encounter in normal daily events. The people we rub shoulders with as we work, shop, bank, [study] and carry out other daily activities. . . . Because we have built bridges with such individuals, they (and we too) are much less likely to be apprehensive or fearful of each other.” (Christ’s Method Alone 53)
      • Sports events, school concerts, weddings, parties, service clubs, community volunteering, after-school tutoring, PTA meetings, neighborhood projects, et al
    • #2—You show your for them.
    • #3—You identify and minister to their .
    • #4—You win their .
      • Gregory Boyle: “There is no force in the world better able to alter anything from its course than love. Ruskin’s comment that you can get someone to remove his coat more surely with a warm, gentle sun than with a cold, blistering wind is particularly apt. Meeting the world with a loving heart will determine what we find there. . . . Sooner or later we all discover that kindness is the only strength there is.” (Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion 124)
    • #5—You then invite them to meet .
      • Francis of Assisi: “Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use .”
      • Desire of Ages: “As disciples of Christ we shall not mingle with the world from a mere love of pleasure, to unite with them in folly. Such associations can result only in harm. We should never give sanction to sin by our words or our deeds, our silence or our presence. Wherever we go, we are to carry Jesus with us, and to reveal to others the preciousness of our Saviour.” (152)
      • Ty Gibson invitation
      • Mary Oliver: “There are things you can’t reach, but you can reach out to them all day long.”

The Good News of the Gospel is Jesus.

(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Lamson Hall Upgrades with Maranatha

From May 11–June 8, 2025, Maranatha Volunteers International will be working at Andrews University to update the Lamson Hall residential rooms and suite bathrooms. Please consider volunteering and letting your family and friends know of this opportunity. All individuals (including local) should sign up at the Maranatha website: https://maranatha.org/volunteer-opportunities/.

Sabbath School Lesson Overview for Second Quarter

Dr Roy Gane will present the major themes and concepts included in the second quarter's Sabbath School lessons:  Allusions, Images, Symbols:  How to Study Bible Prophecy.  This overview, scheduled for March 22, 4:00-5:30pm. will meet in the PMC Commons. All are welcome.  For further information, please contact  Melchizedek Ponniah at melponniah@gmail.com or call 269-876-7476.


Offering for March 8, 2025

Adventist World Radio

In 1 Corinthians 9:22 Paul says, “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some” (NIV). As one of those possible means to save some, the Adventist church in North America is using television. There are millions of people who watch Adventist media programs every year.

If the Apostle Paul would have been alive in the 21st century, he would be sharing a Christ-centered message of hope and wholeness through technology and media. Jesus told the Apostle Peter, “Feed my sheep.” Peter would also be using the internet and social media to feed His lambs.

We are living in a time when people are watching more TV than reading books or pamphlets. The average person watches TV for around 2 hours and 51 minutes while reading for no more than 16 minutes and 48 seconds during the average day. Ellen White said this in 1914, “the circulation of the printed page has come to be a mighty factor in the dissemination of the truths of the third angel's message.” (Review & Herald. November 5, 1914). If she was alive today, Mrs. White would point to TV as the mighty factor in preaching the three angels’ message.

Your offering today will help Adventist Television Ministries continue to reach millions of people around the world and help spread the gospel to those who are searching and those who are lost. Help us fulfill the great commission.  

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

RMES Kindergarten Parent Night and Kindergarten Visitor's Day

Parents with students who will be five years old by Sept. 1, 2025, are invited to come meet our Kindergarten teacher, tour the classroom and school, enjoy refreshments, meet other Kindergarten parents, etc. Please call us at 269-471-3225 to let us know you are coming!  March 10 6:00 PM. Kindergarten Visitor's Day is the next morning, March 11!

Master Guide Club

Do you want to complete your Master Guide Program? If so, please consider joining the Master Guide Club that meets weekly on campus to help you complete the requirements.

For more information or to join, please visit cye.org/toolbox