The Pugwash Factor:

How to Respond to the Supreme Court's Same-Sex Marriage Decision


Dwight K. Nelson

Dwight Nelson served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University from 1983 to 2023. During his time at Pioneer he spoke on the “New Perceptions” telecast, taught at the theological seminary and has written books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Saturday, October 03, 2015
As We Begin
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence • French Traditional
Rodlie Ortiz
"By the Word of Their Testimony"
John Gonzalez
Children's Story
Alone to God in the Height Be Glory • Johann C. Bach
Worship in Music
There Is a Redeemer • Melody Green / Holck
“The Pugwash Factor: How to Respond to the Supreme Court's Same-Sex Marriage Decision” • Dwight K. Nelson
Connect Cards, Tithes & Offerings
Draw Me Nearer • 306
As We Depart
Bless the Lord, O My Soul • Charles Wood

More In This Series

Learn 7 reasons why the mission in your life is to fulfill His mission of seeking to save the lost.

“The Pugwash Factor: How to Respond to the Supreme Court’s Same Sex Marriage Decision”

  • The Supreme Court
    • “No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. . . . It would misunderstand these [same sex] men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.” (
  • The Creator
    • Matthew 19:3-12
    • Seventh-day Adventist Church: “Marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Jesus Christ to be both monogamous and heterosexual, a lifelong union of loving companionship between a man and a woman. In the culmination of His creative activity, God fashioned humankind as male and female in His own image; and He instituted marriage, a covenant-based union of the two genders physically, emotionally, and spiritually, spoken of in Scripture as ‘one flesh.’” (
    • S.D.A. Theological Seminary: “. . . a marriage between a man and a woman is the Edenic model for all time. This unique heterosexual marital form involving the sexual union of a man and a woman constitutes the divine paradigm, the ‘Creation order,’ for humanity from the beginning. This paradigm means that marriage cannot consist of the sexual union between a man and another man or a woman and another woman. This Creation pattern of marriage between a man and a woman remains the norm throughout Scripture.” (“Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care,” draft 6 p 2)
    • North American Division of S.D.A.: “The Seventh-day Adventist Church acknowledges the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Friday June 26, legalizing same-sex marriage across the United States. Even with the Supreme Court's decision, the Adventist Church maintains its fundamental belief that marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Jesus to be a lifelong union between a man and a woman. While the church respects the opinions of those who may differ, it will continue to teach and promote its biblically based belief of marriage between a man and a woman. The Seventh-day Adventist Church believes that all people, regardless of race, gender, and sexual orientation, are God’s children and should be treated with civility, compassion, and Christ-like love.” (
  • The Church
    • Russell Moore: “We must embody a gospel marriage culture. We have done a poor job of that in the past. Too many of our marriages have been ravaged by divorce. Too often we’ve neglected church discipline in the cases of those who have unrepentantly destroyed their marriages. . . . We must hold our views and love those who hate us for them. We must not only speak Christian truths; we must speak with a Christian accent. We must say what Jesus has revealed, and we must say those things the way Jesus does—with mercy and with an invitation to live.” (
    • Justin Lee: “I’ve talked to many single Christians who find the church a challenging place to be at times. But for single gay Christians, there are even bigger hurdles. . . . Single gay Christians face the difficulties of singleness alongside potential condemnation for their orientation. And while all single people face challenges in our culture, the challenges faced by people who are single by choice or because they haven’t yet found the right person are different from the challenges faced by those who eagerly desire companionship but believe God requires celibacy even if they should fall in love in the future.” (Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs-Christians Debate 239-240)
    • Seminary: “While being faithful to biblical teaching about homosexuality, we must also seek earnestly to understand and empathize with the struggles and challenges that face those who struggle with sexual immorality. . . . All persons, including practicing homosexuals, should be made to feel welcome to attend our churches while non-practicing gay persons should be welcomed into membership and church office. All should receive spiritual care from the church (Gal 6:1). We stand against any antipathy toward homosexuals as well as any cultural biases that fuel a lack of Christ-like love for them. . . . We strongly affirm that homosexual persons have a place in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.” (Ibid 16, 17)
    • Henri Nouwen: “God, help me to see others not as my enemies or as ungodly but rather as thirsty people. And give me the courage and compassion to offer your Living Water, which alone quenches deep thirst.”
(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Offering for February 1, 2025

Pioneer Operating Budget

Proverbs 3 says, “Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the first fruits of all your increase; so, your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine” (Proverbs 3:9-10, NKJV).

Author Melvin Santos Speaking: Shortly after our wedding, we flew to Berrien Springs, Michigan to start my seminary classes. We moved into our barely furnished apartment. We just had our clothes and whatever else we could pack in our suitcases. This prompted a shopping excursion.

What struck me was a powerful wave of emotion when we purchased our very first microwave and a set of pots and pans. It was not the objects themselves, but the realization that they were ours, collectively. We owned these items as a married couple, together.

When we accept Christ as our Savior, we enter into a partnership with God spiritually and with our material possessions. Everything we own is God's; we are merely stewards managing these things on His behalf. How we view our possessions, and how we handle them, becomes a litmus test of our faith.

It is through this stewardship plan of giving that we truly “honor the Lord.” When we focus on honoring the Lord, His promise is that we will be abundantly filled to overflowing.

Today, let’s be filled to overflowing by giving back to God and sharing our blessings. North American Division Stewardship Ministries 

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

House of Prayer Mini-series

We are pleased to announce a new House of Prayer Winter Mini-series led by pastor Dwight Nelson entitled "They, Too, Walked with Him". This series begins February 5th and cover the following: 

  • February 5    The Antediluvians (in Terrible Times): Enoch and Noah
  • February 12    The Patriarchs (in Stumbling Times): Abraham and Jacob (and Moses) 
  • February 19    The Prophets and Kings (in Meltdown Times): David and Hezekiah, Micah and Isaiah 
  • February 26    The Disciples (in Crossroad Times): Peter, James, John, and Paul 
  • March 5    The Redeemed (in Eternity-Now Times): Jesus and You and Me 

We meet together for House of Prayer every Wednesday evening from 7 PM - 8 PM in the earliteen loft. Please join us as we enjoy a spiritual shot in the arm in the middle of each week as we worship together through signing, study of God's word, testimonies, and prayer. Hope to see you there!

Passing of Dennis Gibbs

Dr. Gibbs passed away unexpectedly. For the past 20+ years has been the primary Radiologist covering Lakeland Hospital Niles. He was a Clinical Assistant Professor at Michigan State University and helped train the next generation of doctors. Dr. Gibbs was known to be a kind and soft spoken man. A private ceremony was held in Colorado.

Full obituary

Andrews University Week of Prayer - "We Believe"

Join us for an inspiring Week of Prayer as we explore what We Believe and celebrate how God is actively working in our lives and our community. Each session will feature powerful testimonies and messages from university faculty and students, sharing how their experiences with God have shaped their faith and beliefs.

Come and be reminded of the amazing ways God reveals Himself to us—and how He continues to move in our lives today.

Join us at the Pioneer Sanctuary at 11:30 AM to hear from Andrews University faculty as they reflect on their journeys of faith:

Monday Vanessa Corredera
Tuesday Anthony Bosman
Wednesday Lucille Sabas
Thursday Shawna McNeily
Friday Doug Taylor


You can also join us at Lamson Hall Chapel for evening sessions at 7:30 PM to hear students share their testimonies of faith and the moments God has shown up in their lives.

Monday Evan Keyes
Tuesday Leo Aguilara
Wednesday Nick Gunn
Thursday Jea Erazo


Friday night vespers will be in the Pioneer Sanctuary with Professor Rodney Palmer at 7:30 PM.

Master Guide Club

Do you want to complete your Master Guide Program? If so, please consider joining the Master Guide Club that meets weekly on campus to help you complete the requirements.

For more information or to join, please visit

Oasis Public School Ministry

Oasis Public School Ministry provides a safe community for real talk, good food, fun activities, and building relationships between students, leaders, and God. This ministry is open to any public school student in grades 7-12 and meets Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 PM in the Commons, beginning January 21. For more information, contact Diane at

AU Wind Symphony & SMC Brass Band Winter Concert-Of Legend andLore: Traditions & Cinematic Stories

Time honored traditions and cinematic stories are the theme of this exciting “Of Legends and Lore” musical evening with the Southwestern Michigan College (SMC) Brass Band and the Andrews University (AU) Wind Symphony. Under the direction of Mark Hollandsworth, the SMC Brass Band will present music that represents Scottish and Welsh traditions and legends and lore. The traditional Brass Band sounds and unique instruments are sure to please. In the second half, the AU Wind Symphony, under the direction of Denisse Santos, will present a series of cinematic stories including An American Symphony from Mr. Holland’s Opus, Gabriel’s Oboe from The Mission, and themes from How to Train Your Dragon. Join us for this dramatic evening of traditions and cinematic stories on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 8:00 PM. Tickets available at

Master Guide Tool Box

The Center for Youth Evangelism will be running a special training weekend where Adventurer Basic Staff, Master Guide Leadership Skills, and Staff Leadership courses will be offered on Febuary 7 and 8.

For more information or to register, please visit

Spelunker Quest: Unearthing the Lost Sanctuary
Pioneer Youth Chapel

Calling all youth! Join us for Spelunker Quest—an escape room adventure! Uncover missing artifacts from the Biblical sanctuary by solving puzzles in a cave system. Experience the Escape Room at one of the time slots every hour starting at 2 pm. Each time slot can accommodate up to 16 participants.

Youth: Please register for a start time by texting "ESCAPE" to 269.281.2345 .

Want to help with decorating on Jan. 25 at 6:30 pm? Contact Pastor Lindsey at or just join us in the youth chapel.

New Children's Sabbath School Curriculum

Pioneer families with 0 to 3-year-olds are the first to enjoy the new Seventh-day Adventist Church Sabbath School Alive in Jesus Bible lessons. This curriculum will roll out in phases:

2025: Baby Steps (0-18 months) and Beginners (1, 2 & 3 year olds)
2026: Kindergarten (4-6 year old) and Primary (Grades 1-3)
2027: Junior (Grades 4-6) and Earliteen (Grades 7-8)
2028: Youth (Grades 9-12) and Young Adult

Here’s what’s new this year.
Baby Steps Lessons: Our Nursery division begins the first-ever Baby Steps lessons. Our program will continue a half-hour interactive Bible learning for infants and a half-hour of parent training and community building. Download free parent and teacher guides at


Beginners Bible Lessons: Both Beginner rooms and the Kindergarten 3-Year division have begun the new Beginner lessons for 1, 2, and 3-year-olds. This new Adventist curriculum features beautifully illustrated lessons, inspiring stories, practical tips, craft ideas, and activities to support family worship and Bible learning at home. Parent spiritual nurture and community-building activities will also be incorporated.

A new year brings new opportunities! It’s a chance to renew our commitment to spending time with God and helping our children grow in their relationship with Him. Reading and discussing Sabbath School lessons in family worship at home will deepen everyone’s faith.    
Children’s Sabbath School family guides are available at the Welcome Center in Pioneer’s lower entry hall during the first month of each quarter. They are also freely available online for families and teachers, along with engaging songs (Nursery and Beginners Alive in Jesus), videos (for Kinder and Primary GraceLink), and podcasts (for Junior PowerPoints). From a device, you can enjoy lessons anywhere and anytime.

We pray that 2025 will bring a closer walk with God for each member of our church family. May Sabbath School lesson study be a blessing to your home, strengthen faith and family bonds, and welcome friends to join you on this adventure!

Children's Sabbath School Superintendent Team
