Praying for Our Kings

I want to be both politically neutral and correct in making an assertion. In my lifetime (my dear mother [whom we buried this week] named me after a general soon-to-become president named Eisenhower and a preacher named Moody) I do not recall a more contentious build-up to a new president and his administration than the one we are experiencing. In a few hours Donald John Trump will take the oath for the office of President of the United States, and a new chapter in this nation’s history will begin. And how shall we respond?

Expedition to Biblical Jordan and Egypt

Tour Biblical Jordan and Egypt this May 10 - 24, 2017 with Robert Bates, Ph.D., Archaeologist and Egyptologist and Stefanie Elkins, Archaeologist and Art Historian. This Bible-centered and spiritually focused tour highlights visits to Jerash & Petra, the Jordan River, Dead Sea, as well as a cruise on the Nile. For more information on this all-inclusive tour contact Stefanie at or Robert,

Four-Year-Olds' Sabbath School Report

For the past 6 years, the children of the 4-year-old Sabbath School have held a special "Christmas Gifts for Jesus" project. The children raise money to help other children in need by asking family and friends to help. Since this project began we have raised over $2,700! Just last year alone we raised $543, which allowed us to purchase emergency food for children in Africa. I wish you could have seen the smiles on the faces of the children receiving these special gifts. We also bought 1 goat, 1 lamb, ten ducks, and twenty-four chicks. Not bad for a group of 4-year-olds.

House of Prayer — 2 Sessions

Join us morning (Youth Chapel) or evening (Sanctuary) for group praying— bring your Bible, bring a friend.

Wednesdays, 7:00 AM & 7:00 PM
Location: Youth Chapel (Morning)
                PMC Sanctuary (Evening)

AU Mission Trip to Haiti

On March 17, 27 students will be flying to the city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, during spring break. They will be building an addition onto an orphanage, provide a medical clinic, as well as put on a VBS program for the children. Your financial support would be greatly appreciated as they go to be Jesus’ hands and feet. You can donate by going to and in the instructions box write, “Students Haiti.”

Media Team Volunteers

The PMC Media Team is looking for volunteers for the new year. We are looking for people willing to help in multiple areas including with the PA/audio systems, operating cameras for the telecast, and putting together and operating the sermon graphics. Experience is welcome but not necessary. Take this opportunity to discover what happens behind the scenes of a global media ministry. For more information and on-the-job training, email

Knitting Hearts Together

Experience the Holy Spirit's leading as we minister to those who are seriously ill or bereaved. Fellowship with others and sign up to deliver items.

Tuesday, November 12,  1:00 PM
Location: MacCarty Residence (4541 Timberland Dr.)
Contact: Alice Williams - | (269) 461-6815
               Lyn MacCarty - (269) 471-9060 or (269) 208-3377

Digging Deep Sabbath School

Want to be fascinated by the Word? Are you a young adult/student at Andrews University? Would you like to become so fascinated with the biblical text that reading it becomes, literally, a highlight of your day? Join us every Sabbath morning as we study entire biblical books. Bring your Bible and your curiosity.

Sabbaths, 10:30 TO 11:30 AM
Location: Seminary Building (N310)

All I Really Needed to Know I Learned From My Mother

On Monday morning my beloved mother (Barbara Watts Nelson Rienderhoff) peacefully fell asleep in Jesus while resting at her home in Banning CA. The attending nurse remarked that it was as peaceful a way to die as you could wish. She was 88. I’m so grateful I got to spend three days with her on her birthday just before Thanksgiving. Her condition deteriorated rather rapidly in December. My sister Kari flew down from Sacramento twice the week before Christmas to be with her.

GROW More Hope in 2017

Lead a GROW Group between February 20 and April 30, 2017. It's as simple as 1, 2, 3.
(1) Think of a subject or activity that your are passionate about.
(2) Invite at least 2 others to join you.
(3) Sign up at 
Help us grow more hope, community, and friends for Christ!

Contact: Pastor Sabine - | (269) 471-6153
