Vivir con Esperanza: Episodio 4 - El girasol

Vivir con Esperanza: Episodio 4 - El girasol

Vivir con Esperanza: Episodio 3 - Las manos en oración

Vivir con Esperanza: Episodio 3 - Las manos en oración

Vivir con Esperanza: Episodio 2 - La urna de votación

Vivir con Esperanza: Episodio 2 - La urna de votación

Vivir con Esperanza: Episodio 1 - La canción de amor

Vivir con Esperanza: Episodio 1 - La canción de amor

“The Truth Is Out There—Way Out"

That’s the headline of the October 17 TIME magazine piece on the fate of “truth” in this presidential election season. And anybody who watched Sunday evening’s debate knows that both candidates played fast and loose with the truth. But it is not the intent of this blog to play fact checker. We leave that to the pundits.

Instead let’s reflect for a moment on the cavalier treatment of “truth” in today’s social-media-driven culture—and wonder aloud how all of this will impact an apocalyptic mission to communicate divine truth to this civilization.

Hope Trending: Episode 10 - The Change

Hope Trending: Episode 10 - The Change

Hope Trending: Episode 9 - The Coming

Hope Trending: Episode 9 - The Coming

Hope Trending: Episode 8 - The Prostitute

Hope Trending: Episode 8 - The Prostitute
