PMC Office Closed

The PMC office will be closed on Monday, January 2, for the New Year holiday. We will be open at 8:30 AM on Tuesday, January 3, and look forward to serving you.

New Year House of Prayer

Let’s join together to welcome the New Year with a prayer service on Wednesday evening, January 4, 7:00, in the Pioneer sanctuary. Given how 2017 is already shaping up to become, isn’t it high time God’s people band together in collective prayer? “Call upon Me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you; and you will glorify Me” (Psalm 50:13). “We should pray as earnestly for the descent of the Holy Spirit as the disciples prayed on the day of Pentecost. If they needed it at that time, we need it more today” (Prayer 119). So come with your Bible. Let’s pray. 

Christmas Peanuts*

Some time ago Charles Schultz’s syndicated Peanuts cartoon went apocalyptic. Frame 1: Lucy to Charlie Brown, “I don’t worry about the world coming to an end anymore.” Frame 2: She continues, “The way I figure it, the world can’t come to an end today because it is already tomorrow in some other part of the world.” Frame 3: Lucy turns and asks Charlie Brown, “Isn’t that a comforting theory?” Final frame: Lucy smiling but Charlie Brown muttering, “I’ve never felt so comforted in all my life!”

Cleopatra's Nose - Part Two

Her nose is hardly the stuff of Christmas, to be sure. But there may be a Noel connection yet. My last blog noted that the French mathematician philosopher, Blaise Pascal, a devout Christian (1623-1662), wrote in his Pensees that had Cleopatra’s nose “been shorter the whole face of the earth would have been different” (No 413). I.e., such a small but attractive detail (her nose) left Mark Anthony’s heart smitten, plunging him into a war for her, forever changing the Roman Empire which changed the world we live in today. Etc.

RMES Christmas Concerts

Celebrate the Christmas season with RMES! The Christmas Vocal Concert (December 12) will feature Vivaldi’s Gloria performed by the K-5 Singers and Silent Night, The Birth of a Carol by the RMES Singers. The following evening (December 13) is the RMES Christmas Instrumental Concert featuring band, bells, and strings.

December 12 &13, 7:00 PM
Location: Howard Performing Arts Center 

Paper Crafting Together

Bring your papercraft projects along. We supply the chocolate and prizes. You bring your favorite snack.

May 19, 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: PMC Commons
Contact: Sherrie Davis - | (269) 876-8917

Wanted: GROW Groups for Summer 2017

Have an idea for summer activities that you'd like to invite others to join you in anytime between June 11 to August 6? To be included in the Summer 2017 semester catalog, sign up your group at before May 23. Help others GROW new friendships with God and each other. If you have questions please email

Cleopatra's Nose

In his Pensees Blaise Pascal, the French mathematician and Christian philosopher, once wrote of her nose: “Cleopatra’s nose: if it had been shorter the whole face of the earth would have been different” (no. 413). His point? Had not Mark Anthony, the Roman general, been smitten by the Egyptian monarch’s beauty, he would never have fought a war for her, would never have upset the Roman Empire, would never have changed subsequent history, including the very history we live today.

Adventist Seniors of Michiana

We will meet May 19, which is the third Sunday of May since the second Sunday is Mothers' Day. Dr Richard Beckermeyer will talk to us about his missionary dental service. Bring a dish to share and plan to have a great afternoon of food and fellowship.

"Give Us America, or We Die"

“In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord” (Isaiah 6:1). The young prophet Isaiah, wrapped in the fog of political uncertainty—his nation threatened from crises without and fears within, his own soul afraid of what might yet come upon his people—turns his despondency toward the temple in Jerusalem.
