
Dwight K. Nelson

Dwight Nelson served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University from 1983 to 2023. During his time at Pioneer he spoke on the “New Perceptions” telecast, taught at the theological seminary and has written books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Saturday, January 26, 2019
We Begin
Precious Lord • Roy Ringwald
Jesus Saves • Indescribable • Total Praise • Amazed
Ben Martin
Children's Story
Poor Wayfaring Stranger / Humility • Kenneth Logan
Worship in Music
My Lord, What a Morning • Spiritual / Harry Burleigh
"The Last Letter: Wretched (Last Letter for America)"
Dwight K. Nelson
Connect Card, Tithes & Offerings
I'd Rather Have Jesus • 327

"The Last Letter: Wretched (Last Letter for America)"

» Laodicea and America (Revelation 3:14-19)

• Parallel #1—

• Ranko Stefanovic: “Because of its favorable location on the system of Roman roads, the city became one of the greatest commercial and financial centers of the ancient world.” (Revelation of Jesus Christ 144)

• Parallel #2—

• Parallel #3—

• Parallel #4—

• Roy Allen Anderson: “Valuable wool was produced in the valley, soft in texture, glossy black in color, but tinged as it were with violet. Black garments were worn almost exclusively by the Laodiceans as evidence of their wealth.” (Unfolding the Revelation 42)

• Parallel #5—

• Parallel #6—

• Jacques Doukhan: “Their mentality is but the symptom of a civilization that prides itself in its secularism and humanism while excluding God. . . . The human has usurped the divine on all levels.” (Secrets of Revelation 46)

• Parallel #7—

• Greek—”a people judged”

» America

•Ellen White: “The Lord has done more for the United States than for any other country upon which the sun shines. . . . Here Christianity has progressed in its purity. . . . But the enemy of all righteousness has designs upon God’s purpose for this country. He will bring in enterprises that will lead men to forget that there is a God. Worldliness and covetousness, which is idolatry, will prevail through the working of the archdeceiver, till the law of God, in all its bearings, shall be made void.” (Maranatha 193)

• James Warren: “[Roger] Williams disavowed the Puritan’s cherished belief that their Holy Commonwealths were in a special covenant with God. There was no ‘chosen nation’ in the seventeenth century, nor had there been once since Moses’ Israel. Williams believed . . . that ‘since the coming of Christ the only way God had contracted with men . . . was through the churches of Christ. . . . Nobody of men who now employed force in defense of religion, whether at home or abroad, could claim the name Christian.’” (God, War and Providence 70-71)

• America is   a Christian nation.

• Martin Luther King, Jr: “The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the of the state.”

• Jonathan Walton: “‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’ are promised by America and God. But they are not the same in origin, practice, or motive. The goals and intentions of the Declaration of Independence sit in opposition to the gospel of Christ. The totality of Scripture does not endorse the marriage of God and country or the establishment, development, or practices of any country in the name of Jesus.” (Twelve Lies That Hold America Captive: And the Truth That Sets Us Free 18)

»So what hope is there for this nation?

•Revelation 14:6-7—”And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people; and he said with a loud voice, ‘Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters.’”

• Facebook now offers gender options: “Last year we were proud to add a custom gender option to help people better express their identities on Facebook. We collaborated with our Network of Support, a group of leading LGBT advocacy organizations, to offer an extensive list of gender identities that many people use to describe themselves. After a year of offering this feature, we have expanded it to include a free-form field. Now, if you do not identify with the pre-populated list of gender identities, you are able to add your own.” (www.facebook.com/facebookdiversity/posts/last-year-we-were-proud-to-add-a-custom-gender-option-to-help-people-better-expr/774221582674346/)

• Jesus is America’s last great hope.

• Acts 4:12—”’Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved [than the name of Jesus].”

• John 4:42—”They said to the woman, ‘We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this Man really is the Savior of the world.’”

• Jon Meacham: “‘A bold President who knew himself to be supported by a majority in the country, might be tempted to override the law, and deprive the minority of the protection which the law affords it,’ [James] Bryce wrote. ‘He might be a tyrant, not against the masses, but with the masses.’” (The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels 271)

• America’s thought leaders need Liberty.

God save America—and let me help You!


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Offering for March 15, 2025

Pioneer Operating Budget

When Joseph Leek died, he left nearly $1.8 million to an organization that provided guide dogs for the blind.

Nothing unusual there. Except that nobody, not even his own family, had any idea that he had that kind of money. The 90-year-old lived like a pauper, according to his daughters. He watched television at a neighbor's house to save on electricity, put off home repairs, and bought secondhand clothes.

Joseph’s problem was not the lack of money; he was driven to save money to help others.

Likewise, the lack of funds isn't the real issue in the church, but a lack of understanding in the purpose of giving and why God installed this as part of the redemptive restoration process. When we don’t participate in giving, it weakens our spirituality and the spirit of generosity. By giving regularly, we nurture a generous spirit which aligns more with Christ's character.

Giving offerings shouldn’t be motivated by earthly rewards, but by sharing in Christ's eternal glory. Now this is priceless! The right understanding of giving should propel us to give more for His glory. That’s why our donations to the church should not be driven by emotional appeals and feelings, but by our love and deep commitment to Christ and the people He gave His life for.

Today, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us give so we can reflect Christ’s unselfishness. 

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

Lamson Hall Upgrades with Maranatha

From May 11–June 8, 2025, Maranatha Volunteers International will be working at Andrews University to update the Lamson Hall residential rooms and suite bathrooms. Please consider volunteering and letting your family and friends know of this opportunity. All individuals (including local) should sign up at the Maranatha website: https://maranatha.org/volunteer-opportunities/.

Sabbath School Lesson Overview for Second Quarter

Dr Roy Gane will present the major themes and concepts included in the second quarter's Sabbath School lessons:  Allusions, Images, Symbols:  How to Study Bible Prophecy.  This overview, scheduled for March 22, 4:00-5:30pm. will meet in the PMC Commons. All are welcome.  For further information, please contact  Melchizedek Ponniah at melponniah@gmail.com or call 269-876-7476.


Master Guide Club

Do you want to complete your Master Guide Program? If so, please consider joining the Master Guide Club that meets weekly on campus to help you complete the requirements.

For more information or to join, please visit cye.org/toolbox