
Dwight K. Nelson

Dwight Nelson served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University from 1983 to 2023. During his time at Pioneer he spoke on the “New Perceptions” telecast, taught at the theological seminary and has written books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Saturday, March 16, 2019
We Begin
The King of Love My Shepherd Is • Charles Stanford
How Lovely, Lord, How Lovely Hal Hopson
Open the Eyes of My Heart • Forever • Yes and Amen • Give Thanks
Tara Thona
Baby Dedication
Abigail Rose Bussey presented by Seth & Caroline Bussey with Ben Martin
Children's Story
Allegro Moderato • Felix Mendelssohn
Worship in Music
King of Glory, King of Peace • Alfred Fedak
"The Last Letter: Game of Thrones, Crown of Thorns—1"
Dwight K. Nelson
Connect Card, Tithes & Offerings
Soldiers of Christ, Arise • 616
As We Depart
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven • John Goss

“The Last Letter: Game of Thrones,
Crown of Thorns—1”


» Revelation 3:21

• The promise: You will sit with Me on My  one day.

• The condition: You must first today.

• Sigve Tonstad: “Awareness of conflict changes the way we construe victory and defeat. While Jesus makes promises ‘to everyone who conquers,’ with no object in the sentence, the tenor of conflict is better preserved if we translate it ‘to everyone who overcomes .’ It is not wrong to say that the believers ‘overcome’ or ‘conquer,’ but it is implied throughout that they are engaged in a .”

• Revelation 12:7-9, 12, 17

• “If the curtain could be rolled back, and each one could discern the constant activities of the heavenly family to preserve the inhabitants of the earth from Satan’s seductive
wiles, . . . [t]hey would see that the armies of heaven are in continual warfare with satanic agencies, to obtain victories in behalf of those who do not sense their danger, and who are passing on in unconscious indifference. Angels are belting the world, refusing Satan his claims to supremacy. . . . We hear not the voices, we see not with the natural sight the work of these angels, but their hands are linked about the world, and with sleepless vigilance they are keeping the armies of Satan at bay.” (In Heavenly Places 98)

• “To the one who overcomes as I  .”

• John 16:33— “‘In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have the world!’”

» Why don’t more Christians live victorious lives?

• Reason #1—We do not fully appreciate the sinfulness of  .

• Vaughn Allen: “We do not realize how utterly detestable sin is; we do not comprehend how contrary sin is to God’s character and how terribly offensive it is to Him. We have lived with sin and its results so long and toyed with it so much that for us it has lost much of its horror and repugnance.” (The War Is Real: And So Is the Victory 71)

Steps to Christ: “We shall not renounce sin unless we see its  .” (23)

• Vaughn Allen: “The absolute horror of sin can be seen only when we look at the  . It would be well for us each day to pray that God would give us a genuine abhorrence of sin and a  for it because of what it did to the Son of God and because of what it does to us.” (71)

• Reason #2—We are not convinced that   sin is possible in this life.

Great Controversy: “If those who hide and excuse their faults could see how Satan exults over them, how he taunts Christ and holy angels with their course, they would make haste to confess their sins and to put them away. Through defects in the character, Satan works to gain control of the whole mind, and he knows that if these defects are cherished, he will succeed. Therefore he is constantly seeking to deceive the followers of Christ with his sophistry that it is impossible for them to overcome.” (489)

Signs of the Times: “Without Christ we cannot subdue a single sin or overcome the smallest temptation.” (August 10, 1891)

• Jesus: “‘Without Me you can do nothing.’” John 15:5

• Philippians 4:13—“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

• Jude 24—“Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.

Selected Messages: “He who has not sufficient faith in Christ to believe that He can keep him from , has not the faith that will give him an entrance into the kingdom of God.” (3:360)

• 1 John 2:1, 13-14; 5:3-4

• Revelation 3:20

• Before Jesus commands Laodicea to “ ” the devil, He invites us to “ ” the door.

Selected Messages: “John pointed the people to the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world. He said, ‘Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.’ There is a great deal in that ‘taketh away.’ The question is, Shall we keep on sinning as though it were an impossibility for us to overcome? How are we to overcome? As Christ overcame, and that is the only way. He prayed to His heavenly Father. We can do the same....When tempted to speak wrong and do wrong resist Satan and say, I will not surrender my will to your control. I will cooperate with divine power and through grace be conqueror.” (3:195)

“Faith is the Victory”


(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Sabbath School Lesson Overview
Pioneer Commons

 Jo Ann Davidson will present an overview of the Sabbath School Lessons for this quarter. She will explain the major themes and concepts included in this quarter's lessons that are helpful to Sabbath School teachers and members. All are welcome. For further information, please contact Melchizedek Ponniah, melponniah@gmail.com.

Offering for January 18, 2025

Pioneer Operating Budget

Author Melvin Santos Speaking: It didn’t make sense. When I was young, I was confused about why there was an offering call every worship service. I really did not understand why a church who worshipped the God who owns the universe and galaxies would let His people beg for funds. I rationalized that perhaps God could not afford to take care of His children, or He wants His children to be poor.

But why doesn’t He just provide for their needs miraculously? He could. Then when I read a passage in Psalms I began to understand why, “If I were hungry, I would not tell you; For the world is Mine, and all its fullness. Offer to God thanksgiving and pay your vows to the Most High. Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” (Psalm 50: 12,14-15, NKJV).

This is where I learned that God wants His children to trust Him for their needs. Through this experience God wants a RELATIONSHIP with His children, not a donation. This giving, however, builds the relational experience where we learn to glorify Him in all things in our lives.

As we give, God blesses so we can bless others and grow His kingdom. Let’s glorify the Lord with our offerings.  

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

Spelunker Quest: Unearthing the Lost Sanctuary
Pioneer Youth Chapel

Calling all youth! Join us for Spelunker Quest—an escape room adventure! Uncover missing artifacts from the Biblical sanctuary by solving puzzles in a cave system. Experience the Escape Room at one of the time slots every hour starting at 2 pm. Each time slot can accommodate up to 16 participants.

Youth: Please register for a start time by texting "ESCAPE" to 269.281.2345 .

Want to help with decorating on Jan. 25 at 6:30 pm? Contact Pastor Lindsey at lindsey.pratt@pmchurch.org or just join us in the youth chapel.

New Children's Sabbath School Curriculum

Pioneer families with 0 to 3-year-olds are the first to enjoy the new Seventh-day Adventist Church Sabbath School Alive in Jesus Bible lessons. This curriculum will roll out in phases:

2025: Baby Steps (0-18 months) and Beginners (1, 2 & 3 year olds)
2026: Kindergarten (4-6 year old) and Primary (Grades 1-3)
2027: Junior (Grades 4-6) and Earliteen (Grades 7-8)
2028: Youth (Grades 9-12) and Young Adult

Here’s what’s new this year.
Baby Steps Lessons: Our Nursery division begins the first-ever Baby Steps lessons. Our program will continue a half-hour interactive Bible learning for infants and a half-hour of parent training and community building. Download free parent and teacher guides at babies.aliveinjesus.info.


Beginners Bible Lessons: Both Beginner rooms and the Kindergarten 3-Year division have begun the new Beginner lessons for 1, 2, and 3-year-olds. This new Adventist curriculum features beautifully illustrated lessons, inspiring stories, practical tips, craft ideas, and activities to support family worship and Bible learning at home. Parent spiritual nurture and community-building activities will also be incorporated.

A new year brings new opportunities! It’s a chance to renew our commitment to spending time with God and helping our children grow in their relationship with Him. Reading and discussing Sabbath School lessons in family worship at home will deepen everyone’s faith.    
Children’s Sabbath School family guides are available at the Welcome Center in Pioneer’s lower entry hall during the first month of each quarter. They are also freely available online for families and teachers, along with engaging songs (Nursery and Beginners Alive in Jesus), videos (for Kinder and Primary GraceLink), and podcasts (for Junior PowerPoints). From a device, you can enjoy lessons anywhere and anytime.

We pray that 2025 will bring a closer walk with God for each member of our church family. May Sabbath School lesson study be a blessing to your home, strengthen faith and family bonds, and welcome friends to join you on this adventure!

Children's Sabbath School Superintendent Team

Howard Center Presents: The King's Singers

England’s premier choral ensemble has long had an unsurpassed tradition of vocal music with roots in both religious and secular singing.  Setting the gold standard in acapella singing on the world’s greatest stages for over fifty years, the King’s Singers are renowned for their unrivalled technique, musicianship and versatility, which stem from both the group’s rich heritage and its drive to bring an extraordinary range of new and unique works, collaborations and recordings to life. They consistently delight audiences around the world with their incomparable musicianship, wit, and charm. Join us for the King's Singers concert at the Howard Performing Arts Center on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM.  Tickets are available at our website: howard.andrews.edu, or by calling our box office at 269-471-3560.

Howard Center Presents: SELAH

 Selah, a contemporary Christian vocal trio, became known for transforming old Christian hymns into songs with a more modern style complete with powerful vocals and beautiful harmonies. Having sold over 4 million records, won 11 Gospel Music Association Dove awards and has over 900 million streams across all digital music platforms, they are now working on their 22nd album in 27 years of performing. Join us on February 2, 2025 at the Howard Performing Arts Center for an inspiring Christian concert. Tickets are available at our website: howard.andrews.edu, or by calling our box office at 269-471-3560.

Spanish Sabbath School Class

 Sabbath School is the perfect setting to rediscover the power of Bible study and prayer. In one of the most diverse campuses in the nation, we aspire to allow all our church members, students, and guests to study and learn in their language. To further this, we are establishing the Spanish Sabbath School Class so all our Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters can join us in learning together in our weekly Sabbath School. With that, please grab your Spanish sabbath school lesson and join in the balcony each Sabbath!

Something in Common Sabbath School

Love Like You Mean It begins January 18 through February 22.

  • January 18 - "Everything Minus Love = Nothing" & "Love is Patient"
  • January 25 - "Love is Kind and Love is Humble"
  • February 1 - "Love is Generous and Love is Easygoing"
  • February 8 - "Love is Virtuous and Love is Honest"
  • February 15 - "Love is Tenacious and Love Never Fails"

Everyone is Welcome each Sabbath morning to join us in Pioneer Room 141 at 10:30 am,

Care for Cuba

A group of students from Andrews University are preparing to embark on a life-changing mission in March of 2025. They will engage in evangelism, health care, and community outreach in Cuba. This mission trip has been going on for 11 years, and the impact has been tremendous, thanks to your help. Would you support this mission once again by donating right here in your church or give at www.careforcuba.org/donate? Thank you for your prayers as they prepare to send off students to serve and share Jesus!