Sabbath School Volunteers Needed

The young children's Sabbath School divisions are looking for volunteers. There are many ways to serve, whether in the background, up front, teaching the lesson, or playing piano. If interested or for more information, contact Claudia ( or call/text (269) 208-7081).

Classical Seminary

You are invited to a free concert featuring the students and staff, faculty and friends of the SDA Theological Seminary. A light reception will follow.

April 9, 7:00 PM
Location: Seminary Chapel

Pathfinder Food Collection

The Evergreen Pathfinders are collecting Loma Linda Big Franks for the International Food Fair. Proceeds from the Food Fair will go towards our Mission Trip. Drop off your cans of Big Franks at PMC, marked Pathfinders. If you would like to make a monetary donation, mark your tithe envelope, "Pathfinders." Thank you for your prayers and support.

"Is Truth Dead?"

Thanks to a faculty member of an engineering school in Italy (who with his wife has been watching our worship service), I read a fascinating piece this week by Tom Harford, “The Problem with Facts.” Couple it with this week’s TIME magazine cover story, “Is Truth Dead?”—and it is clear growing suspicions are becoming public conversation. Are we witnesses (even participants) to a dramatic shift in public ethos regarding truth telling and fact checking? 

RMES Golf Scramble

Attention Golfers! Please join us for a Golf Outing Fundraiser for RMES! We will be golfing in teams of 4 with a shotgun start at 9:00 AM. To register, visit and click on Golf Outing. The registration deadline is April 24. Contact Nicole Price for more information or to sponsor the event (

April 30
Location: Brookwood Golf Course
                (1339 Rynearson St., Buchanan)

Mentor for Teens

Are you interested in being a long-term mentor for teens at the Berrien County Juvenile Center? Every Sabbath evening from 6 to 7 PM we visit the teens and they give us such a blessing. For more information, please call Rodlie Ortiz (269) 471-6154 or Rhoda Wills (269) 471-7466.

International Sabbath

We would like to invite you to attend a special worship service prepared for you by the International Students. Our guest speaker this year will be Elder Leslie Louis, President, Carolina Conference of SDA. For this special Sabbath celebration, please come dressed in your traditional attire. As many of you would remember, last year we made an appeal on behalf of our international students for a special offering for “international students emergency fund” and many of you gave extremely generously.

Tim Zimmerman and The King's Brass

Tim Zimmerman and The King’s Brass present hymn classics with a contemporary flair. The King’s Brass features three trumpets, three trombones, a tuba, percussion and keyboards. These instruments blend together to create a time of innovative worship that will be enjoyed by all generations. Check out their website at or listen to their music on Youtube. Call the HPAC Box Office at 471-3560 for tickets.

April 2, 7:00 PM
Location: Howard Performing Arts Center

Garden Plot Sign-Up

The Department of Agriculture Community & Student Garden Sign-Ups will be April 9 from 10 AM to 12 PM in Smith Hall Room 111. A single or double plot can be purchased, per family. Faculty & Staff Garden Sign-Ups are March 21 through April 12 in Smith Hall Room 109 (Tuesdays—12 to 1 PM; Wednesdays—9 to 1 1 AM). These plots have been relocated to the area by the AU track and Burman Hall (W. Campus Circle Drive). For questions call (269) 471-6006 or email

Solar Run 5K

Join us this year at the   "SOLAR"  5K Fun Run hosted by  Andrew's University Engineers Without Borders Chapter! This will be held on campus on Sunday, April 2, 2017 at 9:00 AM  to help fund raise towards  a project in Madagascar. The project that is being organized is to help provide lighting for a school and clinic in Ambatolampy, Madagascar. With an assessment trip soon approaching  in 2018,  all the proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to continue this project. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. Hope to see you out on the track!
