How to Survive the Coming Economic Crisis

He Is Risen–Breaking the Chains of Financial Bondage


Dwight K. Nelson

Dwight Nelson served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University from 1983 to 2023. During his time at Pioneer he spoke on the “New Perceptions” telecast, taught at the theological seminary and has written books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


Saturday, April 20, 2019
Christ Is Risen • Because He Lives • Worthy Is the Lamb/Agnus Dei
Rodlie Ortiz
Children’s Story
On an American Spiritual [WereYou There?] • David Holsinger
Worship in Music
Wondrous Love • Donald Grantham
Processional of Hope
Dwight & Karen Nelson
Hymn of Hope
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today • 166
"He Is Risen: Breaking the Chains of Financial Bondage"
Dwight K. Nelson
Commitment Card, Tithes & Offerings
He Lives • 251

More In This Series

"How to Survive the Coming Economic Crisis:
He Is Risen—Breaking the Chains of Financial Bondage"

» The Story

• Luke 24:1-8

» The Stats

• At the end of last year million Americans had a credit card(s).

• The average credit-card debt per borrower is $—up about 7.5 percent from 2015.

• If you paid only the minimum payments on a $5000 credit card debt, you would be in debt for more than years and end up paying $ in interest based on national averages.

• According to a NerdWallet study, the average American household has more than $ in credit card debt.

• Millennials (18-34) carry around $ in debt (student loans, credit cards, mortgages).

• Total student debt now exceeds $ .

• Thus % of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck.

• More than have less than $1000 reserved for emergency purposes.

• According to USA Today some million Americans—or 16% of the adults—think they will miss at least one credit card due date in 2019. ( (

» The Scripture

• "'The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of , be crucified and on the third day be raised again.'" (Luke 24:8)

• Isaiah 53:6—"And the LORD has laid on Him the of us all."

• 2 Corinthians 5:21—"God made Him who had no sin to be for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God."

• He died a Debtor, so that we might live free.

• 2 Corinthians 8:9—"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was , yet for your sake He became , so that you through His poverty might become ."

» The Steps

• Jesus: "Seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33)

• #1—Perform what Dave Ramsey calls a " ." offers this practical counsel: (1) Do not use debt (credit cards) to buy short-term consumer goods, such as clothing, entertainment or electronics; (2) avoid debt over items with a short life span and little resale value; and (3) avoid debt which comes with a very high interest rate.

• Dave Ramsey: "There is NO positive side to credit card use. You will spend more if you use credit cards instead of cash. If you 'have to' use plastic, I suggest a debit card. I use them for travel and the occasional convenience of ordering something over the Internet or phone. Other than that, I use ." (

• #2—Always pay more than the .

• #3—Pay off your credit cards beginning with the lowest in order to experience success as soon as possible.

• #4—Reduce the rate.

• #5—Beware of debt settlement companies.

• #6— to somebody.

• James Scurlock: "Maybe it’s because of what Dave Ramsey calls the intense that everybody feels about debt—the false certainty that everyone else has got it together. Or maybe it's what Bob, the Debtors Anonymous member I interviewed, told me: debt is simply not a socially acceptable topic; one can talk about one's sex life or even one's drug addiction as though it were fashionable, but owning up to one's financial troubles means being ostracized from the world of polite conversation." (Maxed Out 123)

• National Foundation for Credit Counseling (800-388-2227)

• #7—When you make God . . . He will make it .

• Malachi 3:10-12

Make God First

(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
Spelunker Quest: Unearthing the Lost Sanctuary
Pioneer Youth Chapel

Calling all youth! Join us for Spelunker Quest—an escape room adventure! Uncover missing artifacts from the Biblical sanctuary by solving puzzles in a cave system. Experience the Escape Room at one of the time slots every hour starting at 2 pm. Each time slot can accommodate up to 16 participants.

Youth: Please register for a start time by texting "ESCAPE" to 269.281.2345 .

Want to help with decorating on Jan. 25 at 6:30 pm? Contact Pastor Lindsey at or just join us in the youth chapel.

New Children's Sabbath School Curriculum

Pioneer families with 0 to 3-year-olds are the first to enjoy the new Seventh-day Adventist Church Sabbath School Alive in Jesus Bible lessons. This curriculum will roll out in phases:

2025: Baby Steps (0-18 months) and Beginners (1, 2 & 3 year olds)
2026: Kindergarten (4-6 year old) and Primary (Grades 1-3)
2027: Junior (Grades 4-6) and Earliteen (Grades 7-8)
2028: Youth (Grades 9-12) and Young Adult

Here’s what’s new this year.
Baby Steps Lessons: Our Nursery division begins the first-ever Baby Steps lessons. Our program will continue a half-hour interactive Bible learning for infants and a half-hour of parent training and community building. Download free parent and teacher guides at


Beginners Bible Lessons: Both Beginner rooms and the Kindergarten 3-Year division have begun the new Beginner lessons for 1, 2, and 3-year-olds. This new Adventist curriculum features beautifully illustrated lessons, inspiring stories, practical tips, craft ideas, and activities to support family worship and Bible learning at home. Parent spiritual nurture and community-building activities will also be incorporated.

A new year brings new opportunities! It’s a chance to renew our commitment to spending time with God and helping our children grow in their relationship with Him. Reading and discussing Sabbath School lessons in family worship at home will deepen everyone’s faith.    
Children’s Sabbath School family guides are available at the Welcome Center in Pioneer’s lower entry hall during the first month of each quarter. They are also freely available online for families and teachers, along with engaging songs (Nursery and Beginners Alive in Jesus), videos (for Kinder and Primary GraceLink), and podcasts (for Junior PowerPoints). From a device, you can enjoy lessons anywhere and anytime.

We pray that 2025 will bring a closer walk with God for each member of our church family. May Sabbath School lesson study be a blessing to your home, strengthen faith and family bonds, and welcome friends to join you on this adventure!

Children's Sabbath School Superintendent Team

Howard Center Presents: The King's Singers

England’s premier choral ensemble has long had an unsurpassed tradition of vocal music with roots in both religious and secular singing.  Setting the gold standard in acapella singing on the world’s greatest stages for over fifty years, the King’s Singers are renowned for their unrivalled technique, musicianship and versatility, which stem from both the group’s rich heritage and its drive to bring an extraordinary range of new and unique works, collaborations and recordings to life. They consistently delight audiences around the world with their incomparable musicianship, wit, and charm. Join us for the King's Singers concert at the Howard Performing Arts Center on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM.  Tickets are available at our website:, or by calling our box office at 269-471-3560.

Something in Common Sabbath School

Love Like You Mean It begins January 18 through February 22.

  • February 1 - "Love is Generous and Love is Easygoing"
  • February 8 - "Love is Virtuous and Love is Honest"
  • February 15 - "Love is Tenacious and Love Never Fails"

Everyone is Welcome each Sabbath morning to join us in Pioneer Room 141 at 10:30 am,

Care for Cuba

A group of students from Andrews University are preparing to embark on a life-changing mission in March of 2025. They will engage in evangelism, health care, and community outreach in Cuba. This mission trip has been going on for 11 years, and the impact has been tremendous, thanks to your help. Would you support this mission once again by donating right here in your church or give at Thank you for your prayers as they prepare to send off students to serve and share Jesus!

