Church Offices Closed  —  

Monday January 20 for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.


What is there about a rumor that gives it a life of its own?

What is there about a rumor that gives it a life of its own? In this hyper season of politics and elections the talking heads of television thrive on rumors, innuendos and unsubstantiated stories. Why? Because rumors are the staple of our very human curiosity, the stuff of our fascination. And we often cling to them as hopeful corroboration for our personal convictions or strongly held opinions. “That’s what I believe—don’t confuse me with the facts!” The world loves a rumor.

And so does the church. The internet has been humming with a circulated email report of a clandestine meeting a few months ago in the nation’s capital. This by-invitation-only gathering behind closed doors purportedly was convened to consider, among other agenda, the need for a “national day of rest.” Representatives from three grassroots organizations, along with a highly placed religious leader and a national political leader were said to be present. The discussions behind those closed doors were characterized and described by this rumor, along with plans for a reconvening of the group in the spring, when an even more prominent religious leader would be present.

Rumor or reality? That’s been the buzz. But what are the facts? Religious liberty attorneys, who have been hired by the church to champion the constitutional rights and freedoms of all Americans, were naturally very curious about this rumor and quickly began their own investigation into the authenticity of the circulating report. And after tracing the available leads, after seeking to meet with the source of the rumor (who has refused such a meeting), the attorneys have concluded that their research “has turned up no evidence that would tend to corroborate the rumor. Rather, the closer we have looked at the situation surrounding the rumor, the more it appears to be false.”

Moral of the story? If what you believe is true—whether politically, biblically or personally—it remains true with or without the support of any rumor, does it not? Which is why Jesus could be so direct: “‘If they say to you, “Look, He is in the desert!” do not go out; or “Look, He is in the inner rooms!” do not believe it’” (Matthew 24:26). Rumors about the secret return of Christ will abound, the Savior warns. “Don’t believe them.” Then shall we reject the reality the rumors are purported to support—in this case the second coming of Jesus? Hardly! Rather reject the attached rumors, no matter how well-intentioned they may be. Truth doesn’t need the support of rumors to corroborate it.

Which is just as true about these most recent rumors. The truth they are attempting to substantiate is true. And one day there will be events on either side of closed doors that will verify long-held understanding of Bible prophecy. It’s just that truth doesn’t need the “faint praise” of unsubstantiated rumor. Because the One who is the truth will always have the last word anyway. And that is not a rumor!