Finding Hope: In the Wake of the Election
I do not know how you slept last night, but I did not get enough sleep. And this was more than likely a phenomenon that impacted much of this country. Many stayed up late as the election results came in spits and spurts. I did not last until everything was decided, and shortly after I woke up this morning, the victor was announced.
About half of the country woke up dumbfounded this morning to see who the next president would be, while the other half woke up hopeful for the future. There were hopes and dreams on both sides. Honestly, it does not matter who won; half of the nation would have been disheartened, and half would be excited.
It's natural to look at the world’s problems and yearn for change. However, as Seventh-day Adventists, we have chosen to anchor our hope in Jesus and His imminent return. Attempting to address spiritual dilemmas through political avenues will inevitably lead to disappointment.
As a children and family pastor, I am deeply committed to nurturing the next generation. They are growing up in a nation that is increasingly divided. We must instill in them a firm faith and trust in Jesus. It may sound like a cliché, but the sin problem was so severe that the only solution was to send the Son of God.
If we want to raise a generation that places their hope in Jesus and His imminent return, then that must be modeled for them. We, as adults, have a responsibility to show them the way, to lead by example. We cannot continue promoting political parties from our churches and expect our children not to follow the lead.
This does not mean we do not engage in politics; we can participate while placing our ultimate hope in the only one who can save us. We must stick to the Gospel and proclaim it. We must make disciples of Jesus instead of political parties. We must focus on the task we have been called to; it is not merely getting people to live what we believe but knowing Who we believe. It might sound cliché, but Jesus is the answer, the source of our hope and comfort in these uncertain times!