Decisions, Decisions: Richie Halversen & Climate Change
We live in a world where debate over collective decisions, ostensibly connected to science, has become our daily news fare. Two of this nation’s largest cities (New York and Chicago) are hotly debating municipal mandates to require Covid vaccinations of city employees. And both the Yay-sayers and the Nay-sayers are loudly trumpeting their opinions, both conflicting conclusions appealing to science for support. Decisions, decisions.
It really isn’t any different with climate change. Nearly everyone who prognosticates about what this planet is facing has staked out a position on greenhouse gasses and rising global temperatures—from dire warnings on the one hand to dismissive “this has happened throughout Earth history without catastrophic consequences” reasoning on the other hand. And once again, both conflicting conclusions appeal to science for support. Decisions, decisions.
I suppose we ought to be used to it by now, this world of ours so radically divided—over science, politics, economics, morality, race, health care, or even caring at all. It is probably fair to say we really haven’t seen anything yet, given where all this division appears to be headed.
But there is one science over which many of us are agreed—the science the great apostle Paul described: “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:10). The American writer Ellen White called it the “science of salvation”: “The foundation of all true science is contained in the Bible. Every branch of knowledge may be found by searching the word of God. And above all else, it contains the science of all sciences, the science of salvation. The Bible is the mine of the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Christ’s Object Lessons 107, emphasis supplied).
“The science of salvation”—it is what we were blessed to witness evening after evening as Richie Halversen preached his heart out in our recent revival series—“The Darkness Will Not Overcome”—appealing to every listener to make a decision for Jesus and His salvation. (The edited series will soon be posted on our website.)
And as a result, we are rejoicing over the many decisions made for Christ, decisions made not just privately in our hearts, but openly through texted responses. Pastor Rodlie reports 35 of those in attendance texted in their decision and desire to begin a relationship with Jesus. Thirty-two individuals texted in their wish to study the Bible with someone. Seven people made the decision to follow Jesus in baptism. And 43 individuals indicated their wish to talk with someone about a matter on their hearts. God be praised! (We are now following up on these texted requests.)
Decisions, decisions—it is the stuff of gospel preaching and the reality of “the science of salvation” manifested through the work of the Holy Spirit on listening hearts.
Let’s face it. This civilization may never agree on the most vital scientific decisions humanity faces. But it is surely clear to us all that the most critical decision of all—to come to the Savior of the world while there is still time to freely choose Him—is the one invitation, the one decision we must be most passionate about and proactive in extending to all. Because ultimately “Love on the Move” at Pioneer is simply the friends and disciples of Jesus loving lost men, women, and children to the Savior. On that, we can all be agreed.