Spirit, People, Ideas, Place
The Church is many things: Spirit, People, Ideas, Place. Each is interconnected with the others to create worship and fellowship. Over the last year or so, Pioneer Memorial Church experienced significant changes in People and Place. While other blogs may elaborate on the changes in People, this blog focuses on Place; This Place—Pioneer. Specifically, Renovate 2.0.
Renovate 2.0 focuses on the expansion of a full-size elevator for access to the Sanctuary by movement-challenged worshipers. Along with that major change, the Youth Chapel, the Media Team offices, and the entrance to the Church from the main parking lot were all enhanced.
The Youth Chapel created more storage space by enclosing some open alcoves and adding beautiful cabinets. The additional storage space, especially lockable space, is a wonderful expansion for Youth Ministries. The entrance to the Youth Chapel received new carpet and paint. A preparatory sink with hot and cold water is in the entrance cabinets as well. Fresh carpet, a new entrance from the Sanctuary, and a new background for the platform in the Chapel all help create a great worship space for our youth.
The Media Center offices, located above and behind the Youth Chapel, received expanded workspace with two new offices and a rearranged workspace with counter space and storage space.
The entrance from the main parking lot was updated with new carpet and paint. The most striking change in the entrance was the addition of a set of double doors set within what some have called a glass wall. It is both attractive and very practical. Lots of cold air will be kept out of the Church with that wall. The entrance continues to a set of new stairs. The stairs have been lengthened so that the steps are not so steep. Everyone is enjoying that improvement!
Faithful giving to support this project is inspiring! The amount left to finish the goal is $216,003 as of 9/30/2023. We are so close! As you have read, these improvements have made a difference already. Please consider this project completion as you prayerfully plan your charitable giving now and to the end of the year. Thank you!