Church Offices Closed  —  

Monday January 20 for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.


Guest Blog: Esther Knott

At the time of writing this, I have been two weeks with little to no secular media contact—no TV, no radio, and only sporadic minimal connection to the internet for work purposes. (I've been at Michigan camp meeting.) My only reason for commenting on the lack of media infiltration into my life is to let you know that this will not be a commentary on what has been happening in the world—but more of what is in THE WORD. It seems the secular media is always full of bad news—telling you what the devil has been up to all day long.

In doing some research for our Contagious Adventist seminar publication this fall, I’ve been seeped in a study of “the sanctuary”. The sanctuary shows the badness of sin and the goodness of God. So, as our nation celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence I invite you to consider making a declaration of dependence—on the One who has been turning bad news into good news for 6,000 years. The story of the Good Balloon Man (as told in the children’s story this Sabbath) is a wonderful illustration that there is value in being bound to something that will only lead us in the right direction. What does your life declare to your family, friends, neighbors, the universe? What we declare is a reflection of what we believe the sanctuary declares.