Hoof in Mouth Disease
Have you ever said something that later you kicked yourself all over about saying? The interesting thing about words is once they’re out, they’re out; we can’t get them back. Of course, we can always apologize, but how much better if we thought things through before we let them out, right? You could almost say we’ve got a problem with what cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, deer (& probably all ruminants) get: hoof and mouth disease. For people it used to be called “putting your foot IN your mouth.”
Several months ago I ran across a very interesting comment that is perfect for those of us who do have a challenge of watching what comes out of our mouths. It’s from the book Christ’s Object Lessons. The discussion in that part of the chapter has to do with influence, particularly of our words. That paragraph points out that there’s not much of anything we can do to influence others for good. If we realize how helpless we are, and how much we need God’s assistance and His divine power we’ll end up far from depending on ourselves—and probably blowing it if we do.
One of the points the paragraph makes is that we would be far better off by beginning the day by committing our ways to our heavenly Father. It then says, “His angels are appointed to watch over us, and if we put ourselves under their guardianship, then in every time of danger they will be at our right hand. When unconsciously we are in danger of exerting a wrong influence the angels will be by our side prompting us to a better course, choosing our words for us, and influencing our actions.” Now, I’m not smart enough to know just what I ought to be saying, but I think my angel knows—yours does, too. The paragraph concludes with, “Thus our influence may be a silent, unconscious, but mighty power in drawing others to Christ and the heavenly world.”
If an angel is the one worrying about what I’m about to say—and picking my words for me, then all I really need to think about is whether or not I’m submitted to the guardianship of my angel, and to make sure I am.
So, from COL pg. 341, here we go: a fail-safe way of avoiding “hoof in mouth disease”. Just make sure that mañana starts the right way: asking for an angel guardian. During the rest of the day be blessed!
But just before I let you go, a quick story. Some years back a church I had served and had moved from was getting smaller by the week. Several of the older ladies in the church decided they would begin praying for God to build their church. They did—and He did. Today the church doesn’t have much room for anyone else: it’s packed. Out in central Wyoming is the Riverton SDA Church. Three members, one of whom is blind, and all of whom are advanced in age. They only see their pastor once a month. I felt impressed to begin praying for God to bring people to the Riverton Church as He did the Pipestone Church. So, I’m praying, and I’m inviting you to pray with me. I don’t want to see that church become a memory.
Thank you.