Where Is God?

Have you ever wondered just where God is? Of course, He is seated on His throne up in the third heaven, but if we could see with clearer insight, we’d realize He is very present in our world.  

Ellen White expressed it like this: "Every leaf grows, every flower blooms, every fruit develops, by the power of God.”  One of the things that is so appealing about this part of Michigan is our trees; they’re gorgeous.  Another thing is all the eatables that are grown here. Think about all the items God created specifically for food: apples, pears, cherries, peaches, tomatoes, sweet corn, melons, grapes, et. al.  Every single leaf, every blade of grass, grows as a result of God’s power. We do, too.  

Then there are the seasons. We’re at the point right now of summer turning into autumn: 90 degree days turning into 70 & 80 degree days, then even cooler. One of the things that makes this time of year so beautiful is the colorful autumn leaves. I’ve often thought that God went wild with color with birds, tropical fish, autumn leaves, and flowers.  I still am amazed at how chlorophyll masks the colors: they’re there all the time. Then when shortened daylight occurs the chlorophyll disappears, and the colors emerge.  

This changing of the seasons reminds me of something God told Noah after he got off the ark. “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”  Genesis 8.22. This tells me that as long as the world continues and seasons come and go, then God is still on the throne. He is. He is ruling His universe. As a wise ruler He is very aware of what is going on here.  

Check out Daniel 2.20-23 and the words of Daniel's prayer of gratitude when God showed him the king’s dream. “He changes times and seasons, he deposes kings and raises up others…” If that is true for kings—and it is—then do you suppose it’s also true for Presidents and Governors? I think so. The implications of this are what is behind the scenes of the upcoming election, is surely God is moving to accomplish His purposes. It’s almost like whoever ends up in office is there because God chose them to be there. I don’t know that I can say that point blank, but it seems to ring in.  

What about the lives you and I live?  All those events we’re mystified and troubled by?  Can it be that God knows all about every one of them? If he knows the number of hairs on our head, 

then He’s well aware of what’s going on in our lives. And if, in conclusion, I may make a suggestion, then rather than spending so much energy in attempting to control our world, maybe the thing we need to do is put our energies to work in connecting with the God of heaven, the Father of Jesus. As you and I cooperate with Him we will be amazed at all He does.