Pastors' Blog

By Pioneer Pastors

October 17, 2018
By Dwight K. Nelson

A friend of mine bought a new Tesla and took me for a spin this week. "Spin," did you say? Actually the more appropriate, accurate word is "G-force." I wasn't prepared for this new electric car's phenomenal acceleration. He (the owner) waited to get a clear straight stretch of road—and then without warning slammed the "pedal to the metal." In that split second my stomach was pinned to my spine! No kidding. We're talking—accelerate! One G is the force of earth's gravity. "At 5 Gs, a driver experiences a force equal to five times his weight. For instance, during a 5-G turn, there are 60 to 70 pounds of force pulling his head to the side" ( We must have been at 100 Gs. Just kidding.

But when he pulled off the road so I could drive, I decided "pedal to the metal" is the motto of the day! His nervous laugh a few seconds later indicated I had found the sweet spot as we flew back onto the highway. I've never ridden in a car with so rapid an acceleration. What a feeling! No sound to the engine—nothing but the quiet whir of an electric motor with no gears to shift through—just continuous, pure acceleration.

Kind of like the rather stunning acceleration we've been witnesses to these last few weeks. Acceleration of headlines, of trends, of reversals, of sudden swerves to the right, to the left, to the who knows where. Somebody clearly has his "pedal to the metal."

"'But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short'" (Revelation 12:12).

How many spiritual G-forces are wrapped up in that terse declaration? Dark, evil acceleration.

"While people are saying, 'Peace and safety,' destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape" (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

Just a friendly reminder that life as we know it long ago fled the scene. What we're left with is what we're living right now. Which means you and I do well to live with an attitude of continual expectation. Our friend Noah couldn't offer the scoffers a calendar of endgame moves. All he had was the word of God echoing in his soul. And an accelerating sense in his gut that life as they knew it was nearing its end. With little warning. Catastrophically.

"But don't be afraid" is the quiet assurance of the Christ who walks ahead of His followers, who leads the accelerating way of His friends. "'When all this starts to happen, up on your feet. Stand tall with your heads high. Help is on the way!'" (Luke 21:28 Message)

Help—not just for the endgame—but help for the G-forces of life that pin us to uncertainty. Given the acceleration of late, every day is a good day to pull off to the side of the road with Him: "When every other voice is hushed, and in quietness we wait before Him, the silence of the soul makes more distinct the voice of God. He bids us, 'Be still, and know that I am God.' Psalm 46:10" (Desire of Ages 363).

Not sure how to connect? Find your  simple how-to at And let Jesus be the One to "put the pedal to the metal" for you.

October 10, 2018
By Dwight K. Nelson

In a few hours, the leaders of our faith community will gather in historic Battle Creek, Michigan, for the Annual Council of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. For months both the official and unofficial church websites have been hotly debating the matter of unity and administrative control within this faith community. Far-reaching decisions will be made at Battle Creek.

But could it be that Heaven itself awaits an even more critical decision—the decision of spiritual leaders to demonstrate to an on-looking church and world the nature of Christ-like leadership at every level of the church?

On January 5, 1903, around noon in St Helena, California, Ellen White, one of the founders of this church and a divinely appointed and inspired messenger of God, sat down at her desk to write. Below in its entirety is a letter she wrote to the leadership in Battle Creek. Could it be what she was shown was in fact what might even yet transpire in Battle Creek right now?

To the Battle Creek Church
One day at noon I was writing of the work that might have been done at the last General Conference if the men in positions of trust had followed the will and way of God. Those who have had great light have not walked in the light. The meeting was closed, and the break was not made. Men did not humble themselves before the Lord as they should have done, and the Holy Spirit was not imparted.

I had written thus far when I lost consciousness, and I seemed to be witnessing a scene in Battle Creek.

We were assembled in the auditorium of the Tabernacle. Prayer was offered, a hymn was sung, and prayer was again offered. Most earnest supplication was made to God. The meeting was marked by the presence of the Holy Spirit. The work went deep, and some present were weeping aloud.

One arose from his bowed position and said that in the past he had not been in union with certain ones and had felt no love for them, but that now he saw himself as he was. With great solemnity he repeated the message to the Laodicean church: “‘Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing.’ In my self-sufficiency this is just the way I felt,” he said. “‘And knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.’ I now see that this is my condition. My eyes are opened. My spirit has been hard and unjust. I thought myself righteous, but my heart is broken, and I see my need of the precious counsel of the One who has searched me through and through. Oh, how gracious and compassionate and loving are the words, ‘I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.’” Revelation 3:17, 18.

The speaker turned to those who had been praying, and said: “We have something to do. We must confess our sins, and humble our hearts before God.” He made heartbroken confessions and then stepped up to several of the brethren, one after another, and extended his hand, asking forgiveness. Those to whom he spoke sprang to their feet, making confession and asking forgiveness, and they fell upon one another’s necks, weeping. The spirit of confession spread through the entire congregation. It was a Pentecostal season. God’s praises were sung, and far into the night, until nearly morning, the work was carried on.

The following words were often repeated, with clear distinctness: “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.” Verses 19, 20.

No one seemed to be too proud to make heartfelt confession, and those who led in this work were the ones who had influence, but had not before had courage to confess their sins.

There was rejoicing such as never before had been heard in the Tabernacle.

Then I aroused from my unconsciousness, and for a while could not think where I was. My pen was still in my hand. The words were spoken to me: “This might have been. All this the Lord was waiting to do for His people. All heaven was waiting to be gracious.” I thought of where we might have been had thorough work been done at the last General Conference, and agony of disappointment came over me as I realized that what I had witnessed was not a reality. (Testimonies to the Church 8:104-106)

Could it be what she was shown was in fact what might even yet transpire in Battle Creek right now? Could it be that what “might have been” might even yet become what is now?

Then let us join with brothers and sisters across the face of this earth to earnestly petition God to turn this “might have been” into the very spiritual transformation every leader and member longs for. For without such revival, how can this remnant community ever fulfill her apocalyptic mission?

September 26, 2018
By Dwight K. Nelson

I'm no sociologist, but I was intrigued by newly released numbers this week describing the state of marriage with Millennials, GenXers, and Boomers. And everybody's been weighing in on them!

USA Today proclaimed: "Red Lobster, bras, top sheets, sleeping with clothes and now ... divorce. Millennials get blamed for 'killing' many trends, and the latest example might mean everyone's favorite generation to hate is in it for the long haul after tying the knot, according to a new study" ( Bloomberg News trumpeted: "Americans under the age of 45 have found a novel way to rebel against their elders: They're staying married" (

What triggered these media responses? A new study by Philip Cohen, University of Maryland sociology professor, released this week for presentation at the 2019 Population Association of America meeting (read the paper

So what are the numbers? The statistic that caught my eye is the 18% drop in the US divorce rate between 2008 and 2016. The question is Why? "One theory is that divorce rates are falling largely because of other demographic changes—especially an aging population. Older people are less likely to get divorced, so maybe mellowing boomers were enough to explain the trend. Cohen's analysis of U.S. Census Bureau survey data, however, suggests something more fundamental is at work. Even when he controls for factors such as age, the divorce rate over the same period still dropped 8 percent" (Bloomberg).

While the news for Millennials is encouraging, not so for Boomers: "Young people get the credit for fewer divorces because boomers have continued to divorce at unusually high rates, all the way into their 60s and 70s. From 1990 to 2015, according to Bowling Green's National Center for Family and Marriage Research, the divorce rate doubled for people aged 55 to 64, and even tripled for Americans 65 and older. Cohen's results suggest this trend, called 'grey divorce,' may have leveled out in the past decade, but boomers are still divorcing at much higher rates than previous generations did at similar ages" (ibid, emphasis supplied).

And the Millennials? "Today's young couples don't seem to be following the same path. 'One of the reasons for the decline is that the married population is getting older and more highly educated,' Cohen said. Fewer people are getting married, and those who do are the sort of people who are least likely to get divorced, he said. 'Marriage is more and more an achievement of status, rather than something that people do regardless of how they're doing.' Many poorer and less educated Americans are opting not to get married at all. They're living together, and often raising kids together, but deciding not to tie the knot. And studies have shown these cohabiting relationships are less stable than they used to be" (ibid).

Talking about a mixed marital bag! The US divorce rate is down (but up among Boomers). Millennials are sticking together longer (but getting married later in upper socio-economic groups). As Philip Cohen observed: "Marriage is become more selective, and more stable, even as attitudes toward divorce are becoming more permissive, and cohabitation has grown less stable" (Cohen paper). Mixed bag indeed.

All of which simply means the church, the faith community, has much work to do to portray and protect for both young and old the attractive and enduring beauty God intended marriage to reflect. "May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth . . . may you ever be intoxicated with her love" (Proverbs 5:18-19).

Marital love, the gift of our Creator, was once intended to be forever. The poet Christian Wiman suggests perhaps it still is: "Human love has an end, which is God, who makes it endless" (My Bright Abyss 29).

September 19, 2018
By Dwight K. Nelson

The Google dictionary defines “synchronicity” as, “the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.” Someone taught me the word twelve months ago, and it has opened my eyes to a dimension of life I never really gave much thought to before.

With my new friend Vincent Dehm preaching his heart out each morning this week for our university Week of Prayer—his theme, “Residence: The Holy Spirit Inside”—it seems the right moment to invite you to brood with me over this notion of synchronicity.

Here’s how Douglas Cooper describes it: “Synchronicity is experienced. Once you have placed yourself in oneness with God and He is living in you by His Spirit, you are connected everywhere you go and everywhere you are (think broadband, Wi-Fi, DSL, 4G cellular network!) with the same great creative super-intelligent [Being] that created and sustains the world and continues to expand the very dimensions of the unfathomably immense universe. ‘Meaningful coincidences’ begin to happen. (A coincidence is God’s way of working a miracle anonymously!).” (Gentle Dove: The Holy Spirit, God’s Greatest Gift 17). What’s that have to do with the Holy Spirit? Much—let me explain.

A year ago God used Helmut Haubeil’s little book, Steps to Personal Revival: Being Filled with the Holy Spirit, to change my life—simply because it introduced me to a Bible teaching I had never heard or been taught before. The daily baptism of the Holy Spirit. Oh yes, I knew all about the “early rain” and the “latter rain” of the Holy Spirit, even preached a series of sermons on it years ago. But nobody ever told me that the Bible in fact repeatedly teaches the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Himself taught it: “‘If you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who [Greek—continually, daily] ask Him!” (Luke 11:13). Paul himself taught the same: “Be filled [Greek—continually, daily] with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). And “Walk [Greek—continually, daily] in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:18). But did they practice what they preached? “Morning by morning [Jesus] communicated with His Father in heaven, receiving from Him daily a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit” (Signs of the Times 11-21-1895).

So a year ago I decided to take these verses seriously and pray each morning for a fresh baptism of the mighty Third Person of the Godhead. And as I just said, my life has not been the same since.

Synchronicity? It began happening everywhere. Little and not so little “coincidences” (God’s anonymous miracles, as Cooper put it) that not only caught me by surprise, but were direct responses it seemed to the very prayers I was praying. Synchronicity—what God Himself promises: “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24). Amazing—God is so engaged in the very details of your life (and mine) that He anticipates our prayers and before we even breathe them (sometimes even days before), He initiates a chain of events/circumstances that synchronize themselves to the very moment we petition His throne . . . or the very moment we pick up the phone . . . or the very moment we get an email . . . or the very moment we bump into a stranger . . . or the very moment we look in our wallets . . . or the very moment we are broadsided by a crisis! Synchronicity, “the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.” Only you and I now know better—for by faith we can perceive the “discernable causal connection” of the Holy Spirit!

So every morning I invite you to join me with the humble prayer: “Lord Jesus, please abide with me today, and let me abide with you.” Which, of course, is a prayer for the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit, since the Bible is clear: “And this is how we know that He [Jesus] abides in us: We know it by the Spirit He gave us” (1 John 3:24).

September 12, 2018
By Dwight K. Nelson

All this talk about vineyards and grapes hopefully is stirring up a hunger for the fruit of the vine! Turns out it's a beneficial hunger—especially since an article from my friend Robin Paquette heralds "42 amazing benefits" that accrue from eating the popular small round succulent fruit. The article pronounces: "Grapes are a storehouse of health. . . . They are rich in vitamins A, C, B6, phosphorus, magnesium folate, potassium, calcium, iron, and selenium" (enough to make you a walking chemistry lab, it appears). Conclusion? "Grapes have high nutrient content that ensures a healthy and active life" (  And what 's not to like about that?

So what are these 42 benefits? Here's the list—(1) migraine, (2) Alzheimer's disease, (3) indigestion, (4) breast cancer, (5) for vision, (6) blood cholesterol, (7) kidney disorders, (8) asthma, (9) antibacterial activity, (10) constipation, (11) protection against sunburns, (12) anti-ageing benefits, (13) skin softener, (14) rejuvenates the skin, (15) cures uneven skin tone, (16) lightens scars, (17) youthful appearance, (18) encourages hair growth, (19) treatment of dandruff, (20) treatment of hair loss, (21) aromatherapy, (22) power up your weight loss, (23) protect your heart, (24) mop up brain damaging plaques, (25) cancer radiation, (26) improve brain power, (27) longevity gene, (28) fight diabetes, (29) turn down inflammation, (30) supports muscle recovery, (31) bone health, (32) LDL cholesterol, (33) digestive aid, (34) fatigue, (35-38 omitted in this article list), (39) macular degeneration, (40) immune system, and (42) the benefits of raisins. Check out the article for specific explanations included with each of these listed benefits (see link above).

"The tiny grape packs in a bundle of health benefits! So, the next time you feel like snacking on something tasty, try grapes. Not only are they tasty, but they give your body all the goodness of nature" (ibid).

Oh, and don't forget that this nutritious fruit comes in an assortment of colors (white, green, red, blue/black) and varieties (among which are Thompson seedless, Sugarone, Calmeria, Niagara, Cardinal, Emperor, Flame, Concord and Zinfandel). As they say, Have a grape day!

No wonder the ancient Scripture makes such a big deal about vineyards and grapes—strewing them along the pathway from Genesis to Revelation. Why God Himself must love grapes! Why else would He choose the vineyard to be His favorite metaphor for His people Israel (see Isaiah 5:1-7)? Why else would the Creator incarnate select the vine and the branches to become a living visualization of His personal relationship with His friends (John 15:1-16)? And why else would the same Jesus declare, not only the juice of the grape to be a lasting symbol of His shed blood for the human family, but that He Himself would "fast" from enjoying the fruit of the vine until His disciples are home one day with Him "in My Father's kingdom" (Matthew 26:28,29)?

Forty-two benefits of the grape? Turns out there are 43! And the last one is the greatest one: a place and cup at the table in Heaven when Jesus raises His goblet and for the first time since Calvary drinks the sweetest and freshest grape juice in the universe—with His friends come Home—"this is to My Father's glory" (John 15:8). And I am sure that as we raise our cups with Him, there will be a very loud Amen!

September 5, 2018
By Dwight K. Nelson

By the way, that's not "babble"—it's "Babel," as in the Tower of Babel. Because the accumulating headlines of late, while they may sound like so much babble and background noise, mirror the fatal confusion of that ill-fated attempt long ago to outmaneuver God.

"Now the whole earth had one language and a common speech" (Genesis 11:1). So what's new—the lingua franca of this generation is English, and the modus operandi of communication is social media—one language, one common speech.

But the brewing trouble exploded into the open when that ancient band of humanity united to "'build ourselves a
city . .  . so that we may make a name for ourselves'" (Genesis 11:3-4).

It's that "making a name for ourselves" business that has ever been the Achilles heel of sophisticated thinking. Rome and its prelates and pontiffs, America and its politicians and presidents—the engine driving the machinations of both powers is still the luciferian temptation to "make a name for ourselves." Gullible, fallible humans that we are, we trip and fall constantly for that deadly baited hook, do we not?

No wonder we are witnesses to unprecedented levels of hubris and one-upmanship played out in the arena of "one language and a common speech." When has this generation ever witnessed a papal nuncio publicly (on the screens of a billion smartphones) call for the resignation of the supreme pontiff! And when have we been such gawkers to an unfolding saga of bitter, chaotic, partisan acrimony 24/7 in our news feeds!

Babel. Meaning "confusion." As in "[And God said,] 'Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other'" (Genesis 11:7). Does anybody understand anybody anymore?

"As messages [at the Tower of Babel] were thus passing from one to another the language was confounded, so that material was called for which was not needed, and the directions delivered were often the reverse of those that had been given. Confusion and dismay followed. All work came to a standstill. There could be no further harmony or co-operation. The builders were wholly unable to account for the strange misunderstandings among them, and in their rage and disappointment, they reproached one another [sound familiar?]. Their confederacy ended in strife and bloodshed" (Patriarchs and Prophets 119).

Confusion. Babel. Babble. "For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there" James 3:16).

That's what concerns me about the unraveling headlines from Rome and this nation—that behind the confusion and chaos "every evil thing" hides. Simply put—behind all of this babble is in fact Babel (or Babylon) coiled and ready to strike.

"Then I heard another voice from heaven say: 'Come out of her [Babylon], My people, so that you will not share in her sins . . .'" (Revelation 18:4, cf 2). If we're not careful, the one-language common-speech technology we heed can subtly draw our very souls into the cacophony of Babylonian confusion, all in the name of needing to keep abreast of the news as well-informed citizens. But at what price do we feed at the trough of such confusing slop? Lucifer's original sin of pride and self-worship is fatally contagious.

"'Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth'" (Psalm 46:10). Daily. Quiet. Alone. With Christ.

"When every other voice is hushed, and in quietness we wait before Him, the silence of the soul makes more distinct the voice of God. . . . Amid the hurrying throng, and the strain of life's intense activities, the soul that is thus refreshed will be surrounded with an atmosphere of light and peace. The life will breathe out fragrance, and will reveal a divine power that will reach [people's] hearts" (Desire of Ages 363).

August 30, 2018
By Dwight K. Nelson

What's not to like about Labor Day? The school year is only a few hours old, and they declare a holiday! Does it get any better than that? Actually, it does—but that's a matter for another blog.

Wikipedia offers this bit of Labor Day history: ". . . the idea of Labor Day was the brainchild of Peter J. McGuire, a vice president of the American Federation of Labor, who put forward the initial proposal in the spring of 1882. According to McGuire, on May 8, 1882, he made a proposition to the fledgling Central Labor Union in New York City that a day is set aside for a 'general holiday for the laboring classes'. According to McGuire he further recommended that the event should begin with a street parade as a public demonstration of organized labor's solidarity and strength, with the march followed by a picnic, to which participating local unions could sell tickets as a fundraiser. According to McGuire, he suggested the first Monday in September as an ideal date for such a public celebration, owing to optimum weather and the date's place on the calendar, sitting midway between the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving public holidays" (

It may have been a holiday crafted by labor unions once upon a time, but most Americans give little thought to that history as they lather up the sunscreen for summer's last fling.

And it's a bit embarrassing to acknowledge that most Earth inhabitants give even less thought to the non-labor-day celebration of the ancient holiday/holy-day bestowed once upon a time to the entire human race.

"And on the seventh day God ended His work [labor] which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work [labor] which He had done" (Genesis 2:2). The Creator's non-labor-day Gift of time (the seventh day) to humanity "in the beginning"—but who remembers it anymore?

Sigve Tonstad suggests a fresh depth to this divine Gift: "The Sabbath has the power to overturn distorted priorities. In the biblical perspective, the Sabbath interrupts the routine of clock time and the obligation of work by calling all creation to a day of rest according to the great clock of nature. As daylight fades every Friday night, 'from evening to evening' (Lev. 23:32), the Sabbath breaks the cycle of business and the struggle for subsistence. At the setting of the sun, clock time yields to Creation time in order to respond to a higher summons, mediated by the clock of Creation. Human priorities, set by the clock and the necessity of working, come face to face with God's generous provision" (The Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day 382).

Rest. Cessation of labor. Quiet, rhythmic breathing again. Why? Because Someone else has already undertaken the labor, has done the heavy lifting, has breathed His own breath into the human being and then has summoned us—you and me—to catch that breath, our breath, and to rest in Him. "Tell your heart to beat again"—the words of Danny Gokey's hit song—is the whispered appeal of the non-labor-day Sabbath.

And remember: ". . . every time the Sabbath came round, while it would of necessity bring before the minds of [humanity] the glory of God's wisdom, power, and goodness, as manifested in His works of creation, it would bring still more prominently before [our] minds, and present in special splendour and attractiveness, the crowning glory of His love, manifested in His coming so very near to [us] in friendship . . . as man's glorious Friend" (John Kellman in Sakae Kubo's God Meets Man 15-16).

Rest. In our "glorious Friend." Who came "so very near to [us] in friendship." Who remains "so very near to [us] in friendship."

Rest. Because to labor over what He has already declared "very good" (Genesis 1:31) and "finished" (John 19:30) belabors the point of His Gift beyond the point of credulity.

So this seventh-day Sabbath just rest. Rest in the One whose labor is finished but whose love is everlasting.


August 22, 2018
By Dwight K. Nelson

Recent national headlines remind us of a well-known horticultural law. And you don't even have to be an "Ag" major to know it—all you need is a fruit tree out back. Because everyone knows you can tell the health of a tree by its fruit. Sick trees produce sickly fruit. Healthy trees bear healthy fruit. And guess what—what's true of a tree is true of a human. You can tell the truth about a person by the kind of fruit that person grows. Horticulture 101. Psychology 101. Spirituality 101.

In the words of Jesus: "Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. . . . Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them" (Matthew 7:17, 20).

The #MeToo movement has become a powerful social expression and tool in the hands of those seeking to expose (and even eradicate) sexual harassment and abuse—in the marketplace, in the entertainment industry, in politics, in sports, in the church, in every walk of society and life. And as men of power and of influence have been toppled by the groundswell of painful anger from their victims, the public has drawn courage from the women who have bravely stepped forward to recount their suffering. "How the mighty have fallen!" (2 Samuel 1:19)—the list of names is a veritable Who's Who in American life. "By their fruits you will know them."

Even the political corridors of Washington now echo the click-click of angry high heels stepping forward to expose the abuse they have suffered. A celebrity lawyer pleads guilty to being the conduit of payoff money to women claiming to have had an affair at one time with the lawyer's client. #MeToo is apparently no respecter of persons. "By their fruits you will know them."

And while it could be argued that there is no #MeToo connection with this heartbreaking story, the truth is the grand jury report released last week in Pennsylvania, listing 1000 child victims of 300 priests in that diocese over the past seventy years, is very much the tragic tale of #MeToo suffering at last being exposed for the awful truth it reveals. "By their fruits you will know them." Seventy years of silent suffering at the hands of spiritual leaders can only be measured and requited before Heaven's tribunal. And while some wonder the nature of a religious system that would cover-up the documented suffering of innocent children for so many years—by so many spiritual leaders—the headline at least deserves an attachment to our Lord's somber warning: "By their fruits you will know them."

Furthermore, in a stunning reverse #MeToo moment this week, one of the initial Hollywood female champions of the #MeToo movement has been accused by a young male actor of sexual harassment and coercion against his will in a hotel room years ago. Equal opportunity exposure of an equal opportunity sin. "By their fruits you will know them."

The heart of Christ still weeps, we can be sure—for untold sufferings in untold places exposing an untoward reality—sickly trees bear sick fruit.

But there is yet hope for both victims and their victimizers. The same Lord who pronounced to the accusers, "He who is without sin—let him cast the first stone," is the same Savior who promises the accused, "Neither do I condemn you—go now and leave your life of sin" (John 8:7, 11). Keep reading: "As you see the enormity of sin, as you see yourself as you really are, do not give up to despair. It was sinners that Christ came to save. We have not to reconcile God to us, but—O wondrous love!—God in Christ is 'reconciling the world unto Himself.' 2 Corinthians 5:19" (Steps to Christ 35).

Turns out the gospel truth of Jesus is the only good news left for sinners such as you and I. For only He can heal our heart of its sickness. And only He can recreate our life to flower with fresh fruit, new fruit, good fruit. And so to His offer to do just that I say we both say, "Me, too."

August 16, 2018
By Dwight K. Nelson

Forbes magazine reported this week the 25 highest-paying jobs in this nation this year. In a few hours this campus will be abuzz again with students—all of them eventual young job-seekers. How many of them will end up in one of these jobs? Who knows?

But here they are for your perusal. Forbes sets up the list with this preamble: ", one of the leading job and recruiting websites in the world, recently published a report on the highest-paying jobs of 2018. The research analyzed 2018 salary reports submitted by employees, median annual base salary, the number of job openings available, and active job listings as of 7/19/2018. For consideration, a job title had to receive at least 100 salary reports from U.S.-based employees within the past year. C-suite level jobs were not included in this report" ( (C-suite jobs are those with a title beginning with the word "chief"—as in CEO, CFO, COO—i.e., this list does not include executive positions.)

Here are this year's 25 highest-paying jobs in this country (be advised—you will not know what some of these jobs do!):

25. Data Scientist—median salary $96,116/job openings 4,986
24. Tax Manager—$96,175/3,690
23. Cloud Engineer—$96,449/1,077
22. Attorney—$96,678/903
21. Consulting Manager—$97,154/1536
20. Scrum Master—$98,239/1,876
19. Systems Architect—$100,984/1,146
18. Strategy Manager—$101,754/2,641
17. Data Architect—$101,900/1,472
16. Financial Planning and Analysis Manager—$102,155/108
15. Solutions Architect—$102,160/5,899
14. IT Program Manager—$102,969/218
13. Plant Manager—$103,892/1,182
12. Applications Development Manager—$104,048/360
11. Engineering Manager—$105,260/4,738
10. Software Architect—$105,329/1,130
9. Nurse Practitioner—$106,962/14,931
8. Software Engineering Manager—$107,479/1,105
7. Physician Assistant—$108,761/8,616
6. Software Development Manager—108,879/1,064
5. Corporate Counsel—$115,580/693
4. Enterprise Architect—$115,944/1,097
3. Pharmacist—$127,120/2,534
2. Pharmacy Manager—$146,412/2,009
1. Physician—$195,842/3,038

There they are. Can't find yourself on there? Me neither. But remember—this is not a listing of the highest job satisfaction positions in the country. These are the highest paying jobs (though while higher pay and greater job satisfaction do not necessarily correlate, I am certain there are individuals throughout these 25 job categories that experience much personal satisfaction).

But back to our new and returning students here at Andrews University. The simple fact is that they all come in search of a professional/career niche in society. Every one of them, no doubt, is hoping their choice will mean both financially security and personal satisfaction. Isn't that true of us all?

But the mission of this Seventh-day Adventist university is bigger than the student may be expecting. Because beyond financial security and job satisfaction is the "God has called me" component of career search and job placement. And while the young adult may not be integrating divine calling into his or her job search, we as faculty and staff who will surround this student for at least four years are tasked with the "God has called you" mission. Luke was a practicing physician, when he met Paul who introduced him to Christ Jesus. And it isn't much of a stretch to imagine that Paul proactively engaged this new convert in "God has called you" conversations. By the time it's over, Luke is physician, Christian, evangelist, historian and writer, all of it devoted to his Lord and Savior.

You and I work for the same Lord and Savior and share with Paul the same mentoring opportunities. You can work the cafeteria line and mentor a student. You can vacuum the hallways and influence a young life. A teacher or professor engaged in afterhours conversation for Jesus can make a lasting impact on a young life greater than any of these 25 hottest jobs can achieve. Because it isn't what we're paid to do—it’s what we're called to do that matters in the end.

So what has God called you to do this new year?

Years after mentoring Luke, Paul on the eve of his death wrote: "Only Luke is with me" (2 Timothy 4:11). And how could you put a price tag on that?

June 27, 2018
By Dwight K. Nelson

Ever heard of Vuja de? I hadn't either. Until I began reading Adam Grant's new book, Originals: How Non-conformists Move the World. Grant, the 36 year old American psychologist and author who teaches organizational psychology at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, has spent the last ten years researching the how's and why's, the in's and out's, of originality.

Déjà vu we all know. "Déjà vu occurs when we encounter something new, but it feels as if we've seen it before." But what's this vuja de? Vuja de is simply déjà vu backwards! "Vuja de is the reverse—we face something familiar, but we see it with a fresh perspective that enables us to gain new insights into old problems." (p 7)

Take for example economist Michael Housman's effort to discover "why some customer service agents stayed on their jobs longer than others." Housman combed through data from over 30,000 customer service agents (for banks, airlines, cell phone companies, et al), and noticed that his team had included in the data regarding these employees the particular internet browsers the customer service agents were using. "On a whim" Housman ran the numbers to see if browser choice was related to job longevity or quitting. Stunned with the results, he then added the sales performance data of these customer service agents. His discovery? "After 90 days on the job, the Firefox and Chrome users had customer satisfaction levels that Internet Explorer and Safari users only reached after 120 days"(p 4).

Why would which internet browser you use say something about you? Simply because Internet Explorer and Safari are browsers that come as part of the package with Windows and Apple computers. If you use the Google Chrome or Firefox browser, "you have to demonstrate some resourcefulness and download a different browser. Instead of accepting the default [browser], you have to take a bit of initiative to seek out an option that might be better. And that act of initiative, however tiny, is a window into what you do at work" (p 5).

"The employees [in Housman's study] who took the initiative to change their browsers . . . approached their jobs differently. They looked for novel ways of selling to customers and addressing their concerns. When they encountered a situation they didn't like, they fixed it"(ibid).

Adam Grant's point? "The hallmark of originality is rejecting the default and exploring whether a better option exists. Hence his déjà vu vs vuja de expression.

Maybe that's what we need when we come to "the old rugged cross." Vuja de—when "we face something familiar [the cross], but we see it with a fresh perspective that enables us to gain new insights into old problems."

How many times have you and I come to Calvary—reading the Gospels through again or partaking of the Lord's Supper again—and we have neither seen nor experienced anything personally fresh or particularly insightful about that encounter. (After all, we've read the story before [yawn]—we've been to the Table before [boring].)

What if the next time we approached the cross (in the Gospels or at the Lord's Supper) we asked the Spirit of Christ to lead us past our usual default setting and give us new eyes to see, a new perspective to comprehend. "Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified" (Galatians 3:1). It's that fresh clear portrayal that we need most.

Perhaps it's as simple as breathing a prayer as we approach His cross:

Open my eyes, that I may see
Glimpses of truth You have for me
Place in my hands the wonderful key
That shall unclasp and set me free.
Open my eyes, illumine me,
Spirit divine.

        —Clara Scott

Perhaps in the realm of the Spirit, too, the most successful are the ones who in their browsing move beyond the usual default and discover God's "hallmark of originality."