Twin events in the past few days have revealed the catapulted status the social media now enjoy in our society. The Boston Marathon bombings and their aftermath last week and the hacked and tweeted hoax about a White House attack this week are a sobering reminder of the power wielded by a host of cyberspace social networks. “Monday’s bombings, the first major terrorist attack on American soil in the age of smartphones, Twitter and Facebook, provided an opportunity for everyone to get involved. Within seconds of the first explosion, the Internet was alive with the collective ideas and reactions of the masses” (South Bend Tribune 4-21-13). In an instant, pictures and video clips from bystanders in Boston were circulating the Internet. Theories regarding the bombings and potential bombers began to multiply like a rogue virus. Innocent men and women were marked in photographs, in some cases identified by name and found guilty in the court of cyberspace. Some tout the investigative boost and assistance such Internet sleuthing can provide for law enforcement officials, but the fact is cyberspace got it wrong in Boston. “‘This is one of the most alarming social media events of our time,’ said Siva Vaidhyanathan, a media studies professor at the University of Virginia. ‘We’re really good at uploading images and unleashing amateurs, but we’re not good with the social norms that would protect the innocent. . . . Sitting at our computers, it’s easy to forget that there are real people represented by these images and names. . . . And that’s when we see the arrogance of the crowd take over’” (ibid). Then just yesterday the Associated Press Twitter account was hacked, and a hoax message—“Breaking: Two Explosions in the White House and Barack Obama is injured”—shot into cyberspace. In seconds traders on Wall Street got wind of the “explosions” and panicked. The Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted in a free-fall, “erasing nearly $200 billion off the broader market’s value” ( At best we now live in a world jittery with uncertainty. And this hoax has “underscored a great vulnerability in our 24/7 faster-is-better news environment: stories (even fake ones) travel at light speed and can in an instant upend an increasingly anxious public’s faith in business, government and the news media” (ibid). Why should these two social media events matter to us? Because they are a stunning reminder that a faceless public can quickly jettison judicial “due process” by trying, interrogating and condemning the innocent in the court of public opinion. In a matter of hours, even minutes. And they can do so on the basis of evidence that is actually false or unsubstantiated. How rapidly, how wrongly the faceless ones can render judgment! No wonder Revelation 13 predicts that on the heels of some catastrophic event this nation and the world (and the tolerating public within them) will try, interrogate, condemn and even execute the innocent in the dragon’s furious endgame. Will the faceless public of social media be his pawn? Given the last few days, wouldn’t you be surprised if they weren’t?
Pastors' Blog
By Pioneer Pastors

We were in the middle of our staff meeting Monday afternoon, when my phone beeped a text message. It was from Karen: “Bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.” Everyone around the table grabbed their phone, as with the rest of the nation we watched the first pictures from the marathon finish line. The orange explosion—twice, just a block apart. The surreal pause. Then mayhem. And now the casualty count this morning—3 dead, 183 injured, 13 amputations. Our hearts and prayers reach out to Boston and the grieving families. But haven’t we dreamed this nightmare before? “Déjà vu all over again.” And yet, have you noticed, our shock levels seem a tad depressed? Granted, 9-11 was a tragedy of epic proportions. But the steady drum beat of subsequent global terrorist acts—London, Madrid, Bombay, Kabul, Baghdad, Jerusalem—has beaten down our once painful sensitivity. Add to the international carnage this past year’s twin tragedies in our own homeland—the mass killings in Aurora, Colorado, and Newtown Connecticut—and it may explain a collective freezing or at least diminishing of our emotional acuity. The repetition of evil numbs our perception of it and depresses our response to it. After all, how many times in a row can the human heart be triggered by inconsolable grief? “‘This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!” (Mark 9:7) What would Christ say to Boston, to our nation, to the world? What word from Him could assuage our pain, our fears? Would it be a healing word for our beaten emotions? Or is there any healing left for us? If as is evident our civilization is retrograding—if this steady drum beat is but a harbinger of that which is to come—then does it not follow that those who hear Christ most clearly (His followers, His disciples, His friends) will be His Kingdom’s most natural frontline to advance a word of hope and promise in the midst of this emotional carnage? Wouldn’t it follow that beyond educating our young, our most significant resources should be invested in communicating the healing word of Jesus to as many alive today as possible? In every nation on earth? What if we raised up a generation of young, within this generation of earth, to be trained, equipped and mobilized to personally take that message of healing into this world? Today. The GYC and AYC movements, and other such similar spin-offs, may yet prove to be the godsend the church has been languishing for. Otherwise, if the institutional church simply keeps processing its young through its universities, with degrees but minus the passion and equipping of radical young disciples, what have we done to advance the Kingdom agenda in a society now desperate with fear and hopeless confusion? At some point, somebody is going to say, Enough is enough. God help it to be you.
According to a recent Huffington Post/YouGov poll of Americans, 32% of us expressed our desire for Christianity to become the “official” religion of the United States. Forty-two percent of respondents opposed that notion, with 32% of them “strongly opposed.” I share their strong opposition. That’s why it really isn’t so inconsequential that a group of eleven Republican state representatives in North Carolina this past week pushed for a state resolution declaring that while the U. S. Constitution forbids the establishment of religion, that prohibition only applies to the federal government and not to the states. Thus, according to these legislators, each state has the right to establish a religion in that state according to the dictates of the electorate. Their resolution did not pass. While many considered their legislative maneuver doomed from the start, their effort nevertheless has elevated the issue to a much wider discussion. Turns out the quest for the “Christianization” of America is not new. In the latter half of the nineteenth century a group of ministers banded together to form the National Reform Association. According to a blog on the website First Things, they proposed the following amendment to the preamble of the Constitution: “WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, [recognizing the being and attributes of Almighty God, the Divine Authority of the Holy Scriptures, the law of God as the paramount rule, and Jesus, the Messiah, the Saviour and Lord of all] in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” ( John Fea, author of this First Things blog and the book Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?, notes that these National Reform ministers “were very careful to affirm that they were not opposing religious liberty and were not interested in creating a theocracy. But they did want to give Christianity a privileged place in America. This meant the promotion of Bible reading in schools, the preservation of the Christian sabbath, and the public recognition of the teaching of Christianity as the nation’s moral guide.” The preservation of the “Christian sabbath”? Is that where the “Christianization” of America would lead us? This week we learned one out of three Americans would like to see Christianity established as the official religion of this nation. Let the moral (or immoral) conditions of our society continue to deteriorate, and it isn’t rocket science to assume such numbers will only increase. Let a series of natural, national calamities strike us, and I imagine a majority hue and cry for a state-sponsored religion (“return this country to God” would no doubt be the moniker for such a move). The point? You can get there from here. Which means that from here on out vigilance on behalf of religious liberty is critical. And diligence on behalf of our apocalyptic mission is essential. Somewhere I read that what we neglect to do in a time of prosperity, we shall yet have to do in a time of great duress. Thus for us the sentiment of the young Christ is all the more applicable: “Don’t you know that we must be about our Father’s business?” (see Luke 2:49). Would to God the church were awake!
It’s true. She was born in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea. Only it wasn’t North Korea back then—it was simply Korea. My grandparents, Ralph and Mildred Watts, were young missionaries in Korea when Mom was born, and they ended up serving seventeen years in that country. So having grown up as a missionaries’ kid myself in Japan (where I was born) and having consumed Korean bibimbap (a delectable rice dish) and kimchee (marinated cabbage and chili) throughout my life, you can understand my personal interest in the unfolding saga between North and South Korea these last few weeks. I never cease to be amazed at how quickly the geopolitical landscape of our small planet can shift. Two years ago it was the “Arab spring”—Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iran—then it was back to Libya, Iran and Syria. And in between it all has been Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and then back to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. And now the Korean peninsula is once again embroiled in the noisy nuclear saber rattling that has characterized the unsettled coexistence of these two nations since the armistice of 1953. Somewhere I remember reading—was it the words of Jesus?—about “nation against nation” and “wars and rumors of war” being a chronic and perpetual harbinger of earth’s eventual collapse. Welcome to our third millennial world. But on this International Student Sabbath here at Andrews University we are a campus of Christian Adventist optimists—optimistic in the midst of our world’s chronic dysfunction, simply because we have learned that upheaval and change are allies with God’s strategic mission to reach this generation. Sociologists and psychologists tell us that when a human being is experiencing sudden or radical change—be it the death of a loved one, personal illness, the loss of a job, et al—that person is significantly more open to spiritual change than usual. God is not the author of chaos and confusion—His archenemy is. But divine omnipotence being what it is (all-powerful and all-creative), Heaven seizes the dark upheaval on earth and transforms it into a glorious opportunity to transmit the everlasting good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. Which being interpreted means that right now in earth’s history is a profound opportunity to engage in Christ’s mission to reach this planet with the good news of His soon return. Right now is a significant opening door for you and me to personally join with the Spirit of Jesus in reaching this generation for Him. In fact, right now is splendid opportunity to enlist as a full-time or part-time missionary for the Kingdom. “‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature’” (Mark 16:15). Jesus’ parting command to His followers clearly includes both South and North Korea. Which means it is possible that someone reading these words right now is being tapped by the Holy Spirit to prepare to enter North Korean the moment that wall comes down and the door opens. It could very well be that you are being called and, unbeknown to you, are already being prepped by the God of the universe to become a strategic player in His endgame to reach “every creature” north of the 38th parallel. (Go to to explore God’s opportunities.) This much I know on this International Student Sabbath—Calvary’s crimson mission has been international from the beginning. Which explains this terse line a century ago: “God’s people have always been aggressive missionaries, consecrating their resources to the honor of His name, and wisely using their talents in His service” (Maranatha 123). Let’s go!

I’ve been amazed—on two counts—over the public reaction to the recent election of a new pontiff for the Roman Catholic Church. The global press has been awash in accolades for Pope Francis. No doubt the dramatic contrast between the personalities of this new pope and his predecessor, Benedict XVI, has fueled the news media’s complimentary, sometimes glowing, coverage of this new reign. And Pope Francis’ publicly warm and modest persona have only heightened the fascination of the secular press. The reports are nearly daily chronicling the self-deprecating, people-friendly style of Rome’s new leader—from his rejection of the armored Pope-mobile and wading out into the crowds to his decision this week to renounce the palatial papal quarters in the Vatican for a much more modest room in the nearby Santa Martha hotel-style residence that he will share with other priests. The International Business Times reported: “In what seemed to be a further confirmation to his simple, humble and laidback lifestyle, one-week-old newly installed Pope Francis has shunned the Vatican Palace and instead has chosen to remain living in the Vatican guesthouse where he has actually been staying since coming to Rome to participate in the papal conclave that chose him to become its supreme spiritual pontiff” ( The news media have dutifully pointed out that the new domicile for the resigned pope will be more opulent than that for Pope Francis! But just as amazing as the press coverage has been the scramble among the faithful to show that Pope Francis indeed fulfills the predictions of the canonized Irish archbishop Malachy (1094-1148). Purportedly Malachy predicted the cryptic identity of every pope (112 of them) between his day and the endtime judgment of the world. According to the faithful, Pope Francis is that 112th pope, and now expositors are showing that in fact his family name, along with his chosen name of Francis, are a literal match with Malachy’s identification of the final pope, when “Rome, the seat of the Vatican, will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people." How eager the human mind to latch onto a date for the terminus of history! But the genuine end of human history was writ large on that early Sunday morning when the incarnate God of the universe rose up from the dead, shattering not only His borrowed sepulcher, but also the very barred gates of Death and the Grave itself! “I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades” (Revelation 1:18 NIV). There were no media to adulate over the risen Jesus—just a smitten band of Roman guards and a handful of women. And yet history was rent in twain by His triumphant resurrection, its ending forever secured for His friends—“Because I live, you will also live” (John 14:19). So never mind the popes, who come and go—for they, like we all, can only hope in the grace and power of the risen and soon-coming Christ!
Remember that childhood rhyme? “Every party needs a pooper, that’s why we invited you—party pooper, party pooper!” I certainly don’t want to rain on Wall Street’s parade and become the party pooper nobody wants. But in the midst of the hoopla over the Dow Jones industrial average’s new all-time high on Tuesday (14,253.77), could it be a bit premature to be singing, “Happy days are here again!”? George Friedman, founder and chairman of Stratfor (an intelligence service for those who can afford its fees) and editor of the eLetter “Geopolitical Weekly” ( for free subscription), made this observation in his eLetter also this Tuesday: “The global financial crisis of 2008 has slowly yielded to a global unemployment crisis. This unemployment crisis will, fairly quickly, give way to a political crisis. The crisis involves all three of the major pillars of the global system—Europe, China and the United States. The level of intensity differs, the political response differs and the relationship to the financial crisis differs. But there is a common element, which is that unemployment is increasingly replacing finance as the central problem of the financial system” ( Friedman’s piece is a sobering reminder that when it comes to economic realities on this planet, it seems that no sooner do we extricate ourselves from one crisis then we find ourselves collapsing into another. Take the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announcement also on Tuesday this week. According to Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the CDC, health care scientists and officials are now tracking a new lethal “superbug” called CRE (Frieden calls it a “nightmare bacteria”) that is resistant to nearly all antibiotics and “kills up to half the patients who become infected” (South Bend Tribune 3-6-13). Frieden announced, “It’s not often that our scientists come to me to say that we have a very serious problem and we need to sound an alarm. But that’s exactly what we’re doing today.” Particularly vulnerable are patients in long-term care units in hospitals and nursing homes. Party pooper? No. Just the chronicle of the reality of life on this planet. Of course we still celebrate our joys—sunshine and blue sky above a snow-clad landscape, the love of family and friends, the joy of study and work, the laughter of play—we have abundant reasons to thank God for life and health today. But neither are we ostriches—and hiding our heads in the sand won’t make it go away. And so, as Jesus admonished His followers living the near edge of time, “Watch and pray” (Luke 21:36). Which the faithful are doing at the Vatican as they await the selection of their new spiritual leader. “Watch and pray.” Which the faithful in North Korea and Syria and Pakistan are doing as they try to correlate the threat of daily life with expectant hope. “Watch and pray.” Because 1 Thessalonians 5 isn’t about party poopers, but rather a vigilant faith community (“children of light” amidst the “darkness”) that recognizes that overnight the tables can turn: “For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord [the return of Christ] so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, ‘Peace and safety!’ [“Happy days are here again!”], then sudden destruction comes upon them . . . and they shall not escape” (v 2, 3). Party poopers? Not unless, of course, the party needs to poop out in exchange for a new realism that is vibrant with hope and the deepening conviction it is high time to live out the Christ life while such living can make a difference in this world. If that’s the case, then party poopers let us be!

I keep wondering: Does the intransigence of the politicians and legislators of this nation somehow portend a dark chapter ahead for this government? That’s hardly an uncommon thought, given the headlines these days out of Washington. But could it be that the political and ideological gridlock we are witnessing plays into a much deeper and darker narrative than the public or its leaders realize? And if so, how? One of these days the game of political chicken will backfire. In the current financial showdown, each side has been banking on their opponents’ unwillingness to be labeled the cause of this nation’s fiscal crisis. Thus each party has bet the last dregs of their already historically low approval ratings on the hope that their opponents will blink just before the deadline and sue for a compromise. But what has surprised observers this time around is that neither side is blinking. It is growingly apparent that both political camps are willing to risk a head-on collision rather than back down. Period. So what lies ahead? Only God knows, since it is more than clear our leaders don’t. While it isn’t the purpose of this Fourth Watch blog to handicap all the possible outcomes of rapidly unfolding current events on this planet or in this nation—be they political, social, economic, ecological, or religious—this blog does seek to keep a careful, watchful eye on the those events for one simple reason—Jesus commanded His followers to do so: “‘But the exact day and hour [of His return]? No one knows that, not even heaven’s angels, not even the Son. Only the Father. So keep a sharp lookout, for you don’t know the timetable. It’s like a man who takes a trip, leaving home and putting his servants in charge, each assigned a task, and commanding the gatekeeper to stand watch. So, stay at your post, watching. You have no idea when the homeowner is returning, whether evening, midnight, cockcrow, or morning. You don’t want him showing up unannounced, with you asleep on the job. I say it to you, and I’m saying it to all: Stay at your post. Keep watch’” (Mark 13:32-37 The Message). Did you catch that? “Keep a sharp lookout.” “Stay at your post.” “Keep watch.” Thus the mission of this Fourth Watch blog. Two asteroids, one papal resignation and a government in gridlock, all within the last few days—anybody want to handicap the odds of all three turning out to be apocalyptic indeed? As any social scientist will remind us, all it takes for a society or a government or a nation to undergo a rapid paradigm shift is the injection of a single catastrophic event. Knock out the last vestiges of personal and collective security, and all bets are off. History has played out that scenario too many times to be wrong. So Jesus is right. “Keep a sharp lookout.” “Stay at your post.” “Keep watch.” And if you’re a follower of His, that is an order.

Remember the story about Chicken Little, meandering down the road when an acorn fell from the oak tree, striking her on the head? Panicked, she ran down the road squawking to all who would listen: “The sky is falling, the sky is falling, and we must tell the king!” Chicken Little’s cry in Henry Penny’s children’s tale has become a familiar idiom for hysteria over disaster that really isn’t imminent. Last Friday our terrestrial home in the solar system experienced (within less than twelve hours) the direct strike of a meteor in Russia and the near miss of a second asteroid, 2012 DA14. Since the trajectories of the two orbiting pieces of giant space rock were vastly different, scientists have been quick to dismiss any connection between the two outer space visitors. The school-bus sized meteor that exploded 18-32 miles above the Ural mountains near Chelyabinsk is now the star of so many YouTube videos that it feels like we know each other. Streaking into our atmosphere at a speed of 19 miles a second (bullets travel at four miles per second), this meteor (meteors are asteroids that enter earth’s atmosphere; meteorites are meteors that actually strike the earth as this one eventually did) disintegrated with energy 30 times the force of Hiroshima’s nuclear bomb! Thus the sonic boom and the 1200 injured from the shockwave-induced flying glass. 2012 DA14 achieved its own distinction a few hours later by becoming the “closest-ever predicted approach to Earth for an object this large,” according to NASA. It’s more leisurely speed of 5 miles per second brought this half-a-football-field sized asteroid to within 17,200 miles of our home. Just fifteen minutes difference in the conjunction of earth’s orbit with this asteroid, and we would have suffered a direct hit, estimated by some scientists as capable of devastating an area larger than the city of London. Chicken Little was certainly right about this: anytime the sky falls, we’re in trouble! Yes, but aren’t the various space agencies tracking these foreign objects that speed by us? In fact they are now monitoring 10,000 NEOs (near earth objects) in our solar system. And astronomers are confident they have a handle on every asteroid 19 miles in size and larger (those with the potential to cause global catastrophe and even mass extinction). They are also confident they are tracking between 90-95% of asteroids a half mile in size. But here’s the kicker—reduce the asteroid to the size of 2012 DA14 (50 yards) or less, and they are sure of only 2% of these! I.e., “there could be hundreds of thousands of these smaller asteroids waiting to be discovered” ( . .), hopefully in time. “The sky is falling, the sky is falling!” Well, not quite. But the strange coincidence of two outer space visitors on the same day is a rather sobering reminder to Earth that life as we know it could be forever altered in a split second by a streak of blinding light across our skies. Not to be forgotten is the somber prediction of Jesus that before His return to earth “the powers of the heavens will be shaken” (Luke 21:26). The obvious point for all of us who live in the “fourth watch” of earth’s history is to find in the person of Jesus our reason for living today and our “blessed hope” for tomorrow. After all, He is the Star of every apocalyptic prediction, the Promise behind every transpiring sign. No wonder His very next words are so buoyant with courage: “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (v 28).
The world was stunned this past Monday morning when in his weekly meeting with Vatican cardinals, Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation: “ . . . well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is.” As the news bulletin circled the planet, church historians scrambled to find a precedent in Roman Catholic history. The most recent papal resignation, they have told us, was the abdication of Gregory XII in 1415 “to end a dispute with a rival claimant to the papacy” ( Six centuries later the Church of Rome now faces the reality of electing a new pope while his predecessor is still very much alive. What role will Benedict have in the election of his successor? None, the Vatican responds, adding that Benedict’s papal symbols including his ring will be destroyed as would have been the case had he died in office. Instead he will live out the rest of his days in a monastery on the edge of the Vatican gardens. His successor? Already the ubiquitous handicapping of papal candidates is preoccupying the news media and cyberspace. The wait will not be long, since the Vatican indicates that the new pope will be crowned by Easter, March 31. And for students of Bible prophecy what does this nearly unprecedented papal resignation portend? I imagine that over the next few weeks renewed examination of Revelation’s cryptic prophecy in chapter seventeen will focus on “he must continue a short time” (v 10), leading some no doubt to identify Benedict with that phrase and thus conclude there is but one ruler left before the return of Christ. Already some in the press are drawing attention to the purported prophecies of the Catholic mystic Malachy (1139 AD), who apparently predicted with (some say) uncanny detail 112 popes from his day to the end of the world. With Benedict being the 111th Pontiff in Malachy’s prophecy, supporters believe the 112th pope, predicted to be named Petrus Romanus, will be the final one ( What shall we believe? First of all, the Reformation principle of Sola scriptura (the Bible and the Bible alone) must be the foundation of any prophetic interpretation. The Bible remains its own best interpreter—go deep within it. Secondly, be cautious about transforming immediate headlines into Bible predictions. In this age of instant cyberspace news and commentary, be slow to link sensational events to apocalyptic fulfillment. Third, avoid the “lone ranger” interpretations. While every prophetic interpretation begins with someone’s earnest study, faithful interpretation and genuine fulfillment will bear collective scrutiny. Fourth, always remember that God’s mission includes more than you and me. I.e., fulfilling Bible prophecy is not about getting the insiders saved, but rather the earnest reminder that all seven billion of earth’s inhabitants are the passionate object of Heaven’s rescue mission. While you pray “Even so, come, Lord Jesus,” work as never before to lead lost people to their Savior. And finally, let every headline be a reminder that the return of our Lord is near. New Testament Christianity has always lived with the expectancy of Jesus’ Second Coming—“Behold, I am coming quickly” (Revelation 22:12). It is called the “blessed hope” for a reason! So let your heart exult in His hope.
What a fitting text our Black History Committee has chosen for the theme of this Black History Sabbath and month—the words of our Lord Himself: “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). One hundred-fifty years ago Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring: “And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons. . . . And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God” ( A century later, in a speech now immortalized by history, Martin Luther King, Jr., cried out to the masses gathered at the marbled foot of the Lincoln Memorial: “Free at last, free at last—thank God Almighty we are free at last!” But the sad reality remains that fifty years later we are still not “free at last.” Not as Black Americans, not as white Americans, not as Latino Americans, not as Asian Americans, not as Native Americans, not as Adventist Americans. Shackled by social and cultural norms that still separate us, we gather today in worship. Shackled by ecclesiastical and judicatory norms that still divide the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the United States, we gather today in worship. Shackled by the bondage of our addictions, our dysfunctions, our sins, we gather today in worship. We gather today in worship because our only hope resides in the promise of Christ: “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” What other hope can break the chains of our cultural and societal bondage? What other hope can break the chains to the tired arguments of the past that keep the Adventist Church in “separate but equal” division? What other hope can break the chains upon our souls? On this Black History Sabbath that is surely more than about a history black and white, how fitting that the promise of Jesus is the prayer we are called to pray. “O Christ—have mercy on the church—have mercy on this people—and please, dear God, set us free, set us free at last.” Amen.
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