Pastors' Blog

By Pioneer Pastors

April 11, 2012
By Dwight K. Nelson

That was the theme of the Youth in Mission (YIM) Congress that I had the privilege of preaching and teaching at in Mannheim, Germany, this past Thursday through Sunday. Over 1,200 young adults from across Germany and Europe gathered to meet and sleep and eat in a large public school (closed for the Easter holiday) to celebrate their common bond in Christ and His mission for this third millennial world. While everything was in German—and I mean everything—I was delighted with how bilingual (tri- and quad-lingual as well) the German young are. And I  was personally blessed with a top-flight young German pastor-evangelist translator, Kris Lenart, who is church-planting in Austria. We did the arithmetic together and calculated that we preached (five sermons) and taught (four workshops) for a total of 13 hours side by side! It was a non-stop and packed weekend from stem to stern. But I came home joyfully exhausted—and here’s why. As I tweeted from the Congress (@DwightKNelson): “These German young adults are energetic plus & committed to the hilt. They speak 2-4 languages, love Christ and want to win the world 2 him.” As I have found the world over, there are thousands of young adults in the Seventh-day Adventist church who are eager to build a base within their culture to reach their generation for Jesus. My driver, Daniel Riek, a young mid-management team leader in Volkswagen-Audi, radiated a thought-through enthusiasm for the mission of our community of faith there in Germany. Kingdom optimism-plus is what the young at YIM exuded. The YIM leaders, Marc and Wendy Englemann (both Andrews grad’s—I had Marc in a preaching class a few years ago), raised up this youth movement six years ago and have never looked back. And the growth and reach of YIM is evidence enough that the Holy Spirit is the wind in their sails. But what really set my own soul to singing was the response of the young adults to the appeals. We preached the “Primetime” series of teachings from the book of Acts (archived at  The leadership asked for a series of altar calls—and I am praising God with the statistics they shared with me Sunday night. Over 140 of those young made the decision to follow Christ in baptism.  And two hundred and some (the exact number—which they passed along just before I went up for our final sermon—escapes me) decided to give a year of their lives in volunteer service/mission for God. What an answer to so many prayers! But one story in particular touched me. We gave three altar calls—Sabbath morning, Saturday night and again on Sunday night. Watching us on live-streaming was a young adult who was unable to attend the Congress this year. After the Saturday night appeal (through a decision card, followed up with an altar call), this viewer (who, for obvious reasons, I am choosing to keep anonymous) wrote an email to the YIM website. The email is in German, but at the bottom of my copy is the English translation: “I want to greet all YIM attendees, preachers and the YIM team. My name is _________. [It] means yearning . . . like the yearning I feel for God. I want to let you know that I was deeply touched by tonight’s presentation. Until now I have not decided to become baptized, but tonight I was one of the many people that came forward [in this case via live-streaming]. The sentence ‘no matter what your parents think of your decision’ really spoke to my heart. This was the reason why I hesitated to take this important step in my life. But tonight Jesus called me.” Who is the young writer? “I’m a Moslem and my parents will not accept this decision of mine. Please remember me in your prayers.” Praise God—a young Moslem in Germany in front of a computer screen heard the call of Christ and made the decision to follow Him in baptism. Such is the work of the Holy Spirit! The Congress theme, “Know the Time,” is simply a reminder to me that in this pivotal hour of history there is a generation of young eager to stand up and be counted for Jesus. High-techy, culturally savvy, and spiritually passionate—they are eager to mobilize for the Kingdom. For that reason Andrews University, Pioneer Memorial Church and the Adventist church the world over must be the user-friendly launching pad for this generation that empowered by the Spirit can do what we have never been able to do before.

April 5, 2012
By Dwight K. Nelson

I watched a resurrection, a resurrection on video. One of our viewers is a Pentecostal pastor with whom I’ve had the privilege of studying the Bible. It was my turn to visit his church, and no sooner had we sat down in his small sanctuary than he picked up a video and played it, “You need to see this.”

It was an amazing “documentary-like” report from Africa about a pastor who didn’t survive a car accident. In a series of interviews with the pastor’s wife, the attending physician, and the mortician the story emerges of a wife who refused to quit praying, claiming the scriptural line, “Women received their dead raised to life again” (Hebrews 11:35). In fact three to four days after his death (with the embalming process already begun), this woman drove to the mortuary, convinced the mortician to release her husband’s body to her, coffin and all, so that she might take it to a visiting well-known European evangelist for prayer (truth in advertising—the video was produced by the evangelist). There at the large Christian center, crowded for the noon services, the widow approached two church workers with her plea.

On camera these two men describe what took place that afternoon, as the corpse of the deceased pastor was placed inside one of the church class rooms. The wife was praying, the men were wondering what to do next, when suddenly the dead pastor began to breathe. At this point in the video, clips from either a video or cell phone camera are inserted, and you actually witness the deceased “returning” to life, as it were. Soon word spills out and a crowd gathers around the doors of the class room. With photographs spliced into the continuing interviews, the story climaxes with the full resuscitation of the deceased, who at the end of the video gives his testimony.

Skeptical western biases aside, I’ll confess it a fascinating testimonial. Because irrespective of the veracity of this resurrection, we all readily admit that to witness a human return from the dead (after three or four days and embalming) would be the most spectacular experience we can imagine, television lights or not!

Imagine then the utter shock of the eleven disciples of Christ when the Deceased suddenly appeared in their midst! The four gospel accounts ignore human incredulity with the simple narrative of Jesus’ resurrection, as a matter of fact and history. And over two billion Christians this Easter weekend joyfully assent to those four testimonials, “He is risen!”

And because he is, we cling to the resilient hope and promise of a resurrection yet future. With our lists growing of those we love who sleep in death, may the Christ of the empty tomb revive our faith, ignite our hope, compel our love, and infill our lives. “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Amen.

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March 29, 2012
By Dwight K. Nelson

Can you believe this statistic? The April 2 issue of TIME magazine ran a column that reported on prisoner-to-population ratios in some of the developed countries of the world. Japan, for example, has 63 incarcerated individuals for every 100,000 citizens. In Germany there are 90 prisoners for every 100,000. France has 96, South Korea 97 and Britain has 153 prisoners per 100,000 of their population. And what about the United States? In this nation for every 100,000 citizens we have 760 prisoners! Am I the only one that finds that number astounding? In this hemisphere Mexico has 208 per 100,000 and Brazil 242—but we have 760? Someone has calculated that while American has 5% of the world’s population, we make up 25% of the world’s incarcerated. To the place that in 2011 California spent $5.7 billion on its University of California system and its state colleges , but $9.6 billion on its prisons. In fact since 1980 California has built a single college campus but 21 prisons—with a per college student cost of $8,667 per year and a per prisoner cost of $45,006 a year. (TIME, 4-2-12, p 18) Social scientists suggest numerous explanations for the high U.S. incarceration statistics. Some say it is America’s “Wild West culture” and tough legal system. Others note that in reality in 1980 we had only 150 prisoners per 100,000 citizens—so what could be driving the numbers so high? These analysts conclude it must the ramped up “war on drugs” with its get-tough clean-the-streets policies. Who knows for certain? What is sure is that in the realm of the spiritual our incarceration rate is 100%. The ancient prophet Isaiah described “the prison house” of sin in which every inhabitant has been “jailed.” But quick on the heels of that abysmal statistic comes his stunning promise of the Messiah whose mission will be “to bring out prisoners from the prison, those who sit in darkness from the prison house” (Isaiah 42:7). We gather on this glorious spring Sabbath to commemorate (to celebrate) the jail break that Jesus on the cross achieved. No matter the ball and chain of that particular sin that binds you and me (and each of us knows it all too well)—whatever the habit, the guilt, the past that enchains our lives, our minds—the One who died for us at Calvary still declares, “If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). Which is why today we can approach His cross in holy communion with joyful penitence—“penitence” because our hearts grieve and repent of the sins that cost Christ His life and death on our behalf, and “joyful” because there is no greater joy than walking out of the prison house that has held you. The incarceration rate is 100% for us sinners. But the liberation rate is 100% for those who walk through the open prison door to the Savior. And good news—the cell door is open today!

March 8, 2012
By Dwight K. Nelson

The tornados that swept through, to the south of us a few days ago, leaving vast swaths of devastation and death, also left behind a collection of stories for the ages. Like the one about Latonya Stevens who heard the thunder and lightning in the distance, ran for her four children, but mysteriously passed out—and when she came to, the roof was gone, and so were three of her children—who were found up to a hundred feet away, with only cuts and bruises and a story to tell for the rest of their lives! Not so fortunate another young mother, Stephanie Decker, who was at home with her two children when the deadly twister struck their three-story brick house in Marysville, Indiana. Her husband, a high school math teacher, had been texting her to get the children into the basement. She texted back that the whole house was shaking. And then no further messages. Turns out Stephanie had spotted the tornado moving across their acreage toward the house, had tied both children to her and each other with a blanket and then instinctively threw herself on top of the children as the tornado exploded into their home. When the mayhem passed, the house was collapsed. The young mother was pinned, her legs crushed by the fallen debris. Neighbors called for help, a deputy sheriff applied tourniquets, she was rushed to a local hospital, then airlifted to the University of Louisville hospital, where it was determined she had lost both legs, one above the knee and the other above the ankle. And the children? Unscathed. Saved by their mother’s sacrificial action. Said her husband, “‘I told her, “They’re here because of you.’” (South Bend Tribune 3-6-12) Which, as it turns out, is true of all of us, isn’t it? We’re here because of the sacrificial action of One who threw His body over us, “who loved [us] and gave Himself for [us]” (Galatians 2:20). We’re here because of Calvary, where Christ Jesus lost more than His legs in saving this world. But the tornado? The ancient narrative of Job describes how the adversary of the human race (ha satan) harnesses the fury of the wind to destroy human possessions, human life—“and suddenly a great wind came”  (Job 1:18, 19). The great winds of a tornado offer precious little time for preparation—sometimes only split seconds. Moments earlier life was copasetic—and then suddenly the world is upside down. The point, like a tornado, is inescapable. Those who survive the fury of the wind are the ones who monitor the signs, who in a time of storm maintain heightened alert, who have in place emergency preparations for the eventuality. Through ancient Ezekiel God issues this fourth watch alert: “Thus says the Lord GOD: ‘A disaster, a singular disaster; behold, it has come! An end has come, the end has come; it has dawned for you; behold, it has come!’” (Ezekiel 7:5, 6). Like a tornado! Which, of course, is the other point. Because “like a tornado” means you never really know. If you live in Tornado Alley (as all of earth’s inhabitants now do), you must live in prepared expectancy. To live unprepared is to spurn the gift of the One who lost more than His legs to save us from the impending storm.

February 29, 2012
By Dwight K. Nelson

That’s what they bill the super-duper burger at Las Vegas’s Heart Attack Grill. No lie. The sandwich is a “massive, one-and-a-half pound burger with three beef patties, cheese, special sauce and up to 15 strips of bacon.” Total calories—6000. The menu touts it as having “a taste worth dying for.” A few days ago a diner walked into the restaurant, ordered the “triple-bypass burger,” and proceeded to wolf it down. During his consumption, the diner suffered a real live heart attack. Guests began photographing the incident, thinking it was a publicity stunt, even as the diner was being wheeled out by emergency rescue personnel. Restaurant owner Jon Basso said he felt terrible: “‘Even with our own morbid sense of humor we would never pull a stunt like that’” (THE WEEK, March 2, 2012). How human of us all! With warning signs lining the way to what we know is potentially life-threatening (physically or morally), we are driven on by an insatiable hunger inside of us that refuses to be reasoned with. “I must have it—and I’ll have it now, thank you.” And so we do. And a marriage crumbles or a body folds or a career collapses or a friendship is lost or a conscience is deadened. The anatomy of a “heart” or a “life” attack—it is too often initiated by our brazen walking past all the warning signs. Not unlike life on the planet these days. Warning signs of economic unraveling (in spite of heady Dow Jones numbers), social/moral/ecological meltdown, political confusion (read turmoil)  ratcheted up at home and abroad, military oppression, nuclear threatenings—the list of cautionary signals goes on and on. And how many of our political leaders, our spiritual leaders—how many of us hurry on by with  hardly a notice any more? “Triple-bypass burger, anyone?” “While they are saying, ‘Peace and safety!’ then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape” (I Thessalonians 5:3 NASB). Notice that the collapse comes “while they are saying.” I.e., the indicators could be dire and foreboding, but the naïve optimism of some compels them to announce “all’s well” on the home-front. “Triple by-pass burger” time! And suddenly—heart attack. And it’s over. That’s why Christ was so insistent that when the warning signs are configured, lined up the way they now are on this earth it is high time to “‘keep a constant watch. And pray that, if possible, you may escape these horrors and stand before the Son of Man'” (Luke 21:36 NLT). Jesus’ invitation to “watch and pray”—is it undue alarmism? Hardly. Because when you’ve been handed a “triple-bypass burger” menu like the one we’re now holding, it doesn’t take rocket or culinary science to read the signs: Heart Attack Grill.

February 22, 2012
By Dwight K. Nelson

Poor God—He isn’t faring very well in American politics these days. The President recently mandated contraceptive insurance coverage, and the Roman Catholic Church rose up in arms, vociferously complaining that such an insurance policy would infringe on Catholic belief that contraception is contrary to divine will (never mind that a majority of American Catholics practice birth control). President Obama then offered a compromise for contraceptive coverage, but (as with most compromises) few are happy. So did God win or lose this skirmish? Last weekend Republican presidential candidate, Rick Santorum, decried the President’s “phony theology” of environmental policy as being contrary to Holy Scripture. This after Santorum (himself a Roman Catholic) had inveighed against the administration’s earlier contraceptive insurance proposal. So whose side is God’s theology on? Then this week Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham, was pointedly asked whether he considered Obama a Christian or not. Graham skirted the question—“I have no idea what he really believes.” And what about Mormon presidential contender Mitt Romney? Graham was less equivocal in stating, “Most Christians would not recognize Mormons as part of the Christian faith,” though Graham assured his interviewers that he believed Romney would be a “good president.” So in God’s estimation what is a “good president?” Who knows for sure? But then, who’s surprised at the level of “God injection” into politics and the presidential campaign this year? Roman Catholics (68 million) and evangelical Christians (90-100 million) are a major voting block that politicians must court. This last week’s news cycle simply reveals candidates doing what they do best, openly playing to the constituencies they are wooing. But if the heart of God is courting all His earth children—evangelicals, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists (you know the menagerie that the world has become these days)—then how important is it that the press and the government (at least in this nation) not be swayed by the most religiously well-heeled or the most spiritually out-spoken? After all, history reveals that in a national crisis how quickly the lines between a free press and a dominant religion can be blurred—how quickly government can be harnessed by majoritarian faith to order its citizens to accept their decretals. And who wants to relive that history! So let us watch with deepening interest the unfolding presidential campaign. Keep a score card of how often God is invoked for political or party purposes. Avoid a cart blanche acceptance of any leader’s pronouncement (religious or political). And exercise the carefully reasoned thinking that God has given you. In the end Jesus’ counsel is unassailable, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:21). That way you’ll never mistake the voice of Caesar for God.

February 21, 2012
By Dwight K. Nelson

The tragic headline this week out of Honduras triggered a collective gasp from the world community. Authorities are not sure if the prison fire in Comayagua was sparked by an electrical short-circuit or whether inmate rioting might have been the cause. The grim reality is that fire broke out, and before prisoners could be unlocked from their cells at least 300 of them perished in the inferno. The nation of Honduras mourns. And we grieve their loss. The Scripture repeatedly likens our fallen civilization to a prison house. Thus Jesus himself described His own messianic mission, “To proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound” (Isaiah 61:1; cf Luke 4:18). Then surely it is the mission of Christ’s church—that community of liberated prisoners who have been set free in Him—to expend our greatest energies and our most valuable resources to join our Master in seeking to rescue every entrapped life we can for Him. Our “iPerceive: A Future You Can Count On” public lecture series in St. Joseph these past nine nights (concluding tonight) has had as its mission Jesus’ call to “proclaim liberty”—the freedom of the everlasting gospel—to men, women and young adults seeking that life-changing release. But nine nights are hardly the parameters for this university congregation’s “opening of the prison” mission for the Savior. Join me in earnestly praying that the Spirit of Jesus will open our eyes, collectively as well as individually, to those in our immediate worlds who still long for His release from the entrapment of guilt, from enchaining practices, from weary and lifeless, repetitive traditions. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor . . . to heal the brokenhearted” (Luke 4:18). May that same Spirit anoint us, too, for that same mission—before the prison house of this civilization goes up in flames and it is too late.

February 9, 2012
By Dwight K. Nelson

Would you like to know who in America receives the most Valentine’s Day cards every single year? Sweethearts, lovers? Mothers, fathers? Children, classmates? Pastors? (Oops—pardon that Freudian slip.) Who gets more Valentine’s cards than anybody else? Give up? Answer: teachers. It’s true—our beloved school teachers receive more cards than any other category of recipients. So all of you elementary education majors—look what you have to look forward to! Actually retailers look forward to Valentine’s Day, too. According to the National Retail Federation, total spending for this “holiday” (celebrated not only in this country, but also in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Denmark, and Australia) will reach a whopping $15.7 billion (with men spending nearly twice the amount as women)! Let’s face it—love is never cheap. One billion cards will be sent worldwide, making Valentine’s Day second only to Christmas. $1.7 billion will be spent on flowers (200 million roses were produced for Valentine’s Day last year). $1.5 billion on candy ($1 billion of which is for chocolate alone). Anybody surprised? But here’s another love statistic to brood over: one. That’s right—one. Because that’s the number of people in the upper room that fateful night who had love on His mind—not love for a sweetheart or even for His closest friends, but a solitary love for this race of broken-down and broken-hearted. No flowers, no chocolates, no Cupid’s arrow through the heart for Him—just the form of a slave, stripped naked to the waist, stooped over twelve pairs of dusty feet with a basin of water and a towel. “Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end” (John 13:1). “He loved them to the end.” Because that’s the truth about the heart of God—stopped—not with Cupid’s arrow—but with a Roman lance. Stopped—not by a lance—but by love. To the very end. So that the end wouldn’t have to be the end for the likes of you and me. So why wouldn’t we love Him back? With all our hearts. To the end. Or until they stopped. For the One.

January 25, 2012
By Dwight K. Nelson

The headline on page 1 of the sports section caught my eye. A piece written by Jim Litke, Associated Press columnist, tells the behind-the-scenes story of the firing of legendary Penn State Nittany Lions football coach Joe Paterno last November. With Paterno’s death from lung cancer this Sunday, the wounds the university has suffered since the child molestation charges against Jerry Sandusky, one of Paterno’s assistant coaches, and the subsequent Paterno firing have broken open all over again. According to Litke, on the night of Paterno’s firing an assistant athletic director knocked on the door of the Paterno home and “wordlessly” handed him a note with the name and phone number of John Surma, vice chairman for Penn State Board of Trustees. Paterno dialed the number, asked for Surma and in that ‘mercilessly brief call, [he] was told that after nearly a half-century as head coach of the Nittany Lions, he was being fired ‘effective immediately’” (South Bend Tribune 1-23-12). When Paterno hung up from the short phone call, his wife Sue picked up that slip of paper, dialed the same number, and told the voice on the other end, “‘After 61 years he deserved better,’” and hung up. And who would disagree? No matter the magnitude of the legal charges against his assistant, no matter how complicit Joe Paterno was or wasn’t in responding to the reported incident years earlier, wouldn’t he still deserve, at the least, a personal visit from somebody “higher up” with word of the Trustees’ decision? How swift their decision—but how sad that “they couldn’t muster enough courage or decency to fire Paterno in person” (ibid). “After 61 years he deserved better.” But while I brooded over this story, I began to wonder about my own modus operandi. Have there been times when I’ve chosen to summarily dismiss someone (in my mind, if not in person) as being “guilty as charged,” without ever extending the common decency of allowing that person to explain his or her stance or behavior or choice? Do I find it easier to avoid Jesus’ Matthew 18 interpersonal relations admonition: “‘If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you’” (Matthew 18:15 NIV)? Do I avoid personal confrontation by hiding behind a board or committee action? In short, I wonder, does the Golden Rule (“Do to others what you would have them do to you”) get shelved, when I don’t have (take, really) the time to put myself in that other person’s place? “After 61  years he deserved better.” Sue Paterno was right. And so is Jesus: “‘By this all will know that you are My disciples [people], if you have love for one another’” (John 13:35). Because never mind Penn State. What counts for the Kingdom are the friends of the King. And it is that headline that lasts long past page one.

January 19, 2012
By Dwight K. Nelson

Anybody for a cruise in the Mediterranean? The capsizing of the massive luxury liner, the Costa Concordia (twice the size of the ill-fated Titanic), has galvanized the attention of the gaping world. According to some reports a mere 300 feet from shore, this luxurious $450 million floating city of 4200 passengers and crew struck a rocky outcropping in the reef off the island of Giglio, gashed a fatal hole in its hull, rolled to one side and began to sink. Only the snagged reef kept the vessel from sinking to the seabed 160 feet below. As a missionary child in Japan I sailed with my family around the world twice in ocean liners. And Karen and I have enjoyed a couple cruises along the way. But I can only imagine the panic of that sea-faring vessel tipping to its side at night, the power out, all its occupants and furniture slammed into heaps against leaning walls precariously becoming floors! It’s the stuff of nightmares, I’m sure. And to listen to the survivors’ harrowing accounts of those dreadful hours trying to get to life-boats or at least to one of the decks in order to leap into the black waters—all the while the captain of the sinking vessel had already abandoned ship with some of his officers—you can hardly blame those who have pledged not to “cruise” again . . . or at least not for a long time! But for the rest of us land-lubbers, what’s the point in this morality tale? It is Titanic redux. The Costa Concordia boasted state-of-the-art technology and opulent comforts second to none. What on earth could possibly harm this gaily-lit, sea-faring, horn-blasting ocean vessel of revelers, partiers and vacationers? It is the tale of our own civilization in the “fourth watch” of earth’s night, isn’t it? Not unlike the besotted revelry that possessed Belshazzar’s palace that last night on earth—where in the night watches the vessel of that ill-fated empire suddenly lurched, gashed open by the bloodless hand writing on the wall: “MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN—you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting” (Daniel 4:25-28). Time’s up, the party’s over, here comes the Judge. What will save our own civilization in this fourth watch of the night? Not the hubris of the captains and titans of industry, government and finances, that is certain. Earth’s only hope lies in the One who walks upon our stormy night waters. “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid” (Matthew 14:27).  Christ still cries out into the night His offer of salvation, and we who know Him best must tell the rest. To not share our Savior with those on this sinking ship would be tantamount to scrambling into the life boat ourselves, but ignoring the countless others who, unless we reach out to pull them on board, will likely perish in the night.