Pastors' Blog

By Pioneer Pastors

August 22, 2008
By Dwight K. Nelson

All that’s left is the grand finale! And if it’s anything like the spectacular opening extravaganza, the 29th Olympiad will go down in history as the most memorably choreographed sporting event of all time. Certainly the world’s kudos rightly belong to Beijing and the 1.3 billion member family of China. So what shall we take away from this two-week celebration of youth and physical prowess? Over the course of the games I’ve scribbled onto a yellow pad a few life lessons. Here are a handful:

1. Be a good sport. She wasn’t young Michael Phelps with his record eight gold medals. But even the three silver medals of 41-year-old mother and swimmer Dara Torres (the oldest swimmer on record to medal) were outshined by the genuinely gracious way she congratulated the winners with a dripping hug after each race, proving that even in losing, good sports always win. Ephesians 5:32—“Be kind and compassionate to one another.”

2. Don’t brag about yourself. Perhaps the greatest swimming race of all time pitted the U.S. men’s 400 meter free style relay team against the favorites of another nation, who unfortunately boasted beforehand to the press that they were going to “smash” their opponent. As fate would have it, they were a split second behind the young Americans. Proverbs 27:2—“Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth.”

3. Become a team player. Superstars are memorable, but there’s nothing like being on a team! What’s more thrilling than sharing the fete with a team of members who combined their gifts and energies into a group win? Ecclesiastes 4:9, 12—“Two are better than one. . . . Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

4. Life isn’t fair. The most successful gymnastics coach in history, Bela Karolyi, exploded to Bob Costas of NBC over the egregious (to him) judging error that cost one of the coeds he was cheering a gold medal. Who was right? We’ll never know. Not everything in life is fair or deserved. Being able to go on in spite of it is a mark of maturity. Philippians 4:11—“I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances” (Message).

5. Everybody needs a coach. No matter how good you may be at what you do, there is somebody who can help you be even better. Physically, academically, professionally and spiritually—ask someone to share the journey with you. John 14:16—“‘And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.’”

6. What’s most important is never seen. Remember that the handful of minutes Michael Phelps spent racing (and winning) in the pool is dwarfed by the four long grueling years of daily training far away from the spotlight. What counts most in any life isn’t the public glare—it’s the very private and consistent practice that always pays off. Luke 5:16—“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”

7. Let your Father be your trainer. Did you know that three of the top U.S. gymnasts are coached by their parents? Nastia Liukin, winner of the all-round gymnastics gold medal, has her father Valeri to thank, himself a gold medalist in the 1988 Games. For when your Father is already a Winner, how could you possibly go wrong? Ephesians 3:14—“For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family derives its name.” The 29th Olympiad ends in a few hours. But the race of life stretches before us all. And thanks to Jesus Christ, it’s the one race that everybody who enters can win. Let’s go!

August 8, 2008
By Dwight K. Nelson

Today as we continue the summer sermon series, I Surrender All – Tales of Trust, our worship message centers on Sarai who became Sarah -  (Sarai > Sarah).

Have you noticed (especially those of you have been married for a few years) that when someone asks you about your journey in life, you cannot tell it without including your spouse.  There is nothing wrong with that.  In fact, I think it’s a good thing!  Richard and I have been married 46 years and my story is also his story -  and his is mine.  And though Pastor Oliver has been married only a few weeks, have you noticed how his story has changed now that there’s Arlene in his life!

Such is the case with Sarai > Sarah.  There is no telling of her story without including her spouse, Abram > Abraham.

In my study I have been impressed that the Bible does not contain carefully censored versions of the stories of its heroes and heroines.  Instead we see them as they struggle, as do we, with human weaknesses and flaws.  Today’s story is about lack of faith (trust) AND abundant faith (trust) – as it happens in the journey of life.  The good news for those of us who have stumbled along the way is that we find Sarah and Abraham both listed in the Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11).  Today’s message is, indeed, a message of hope.

From Pastor Sharon Terrell

August 1, 2008
By Dwight K. Nelson

On this summer’s graduation weekend, Welcome to where Andrews University gathers year ’round to worship God. The Lord of this House is the Lord of this campus. In celebration of his grace that has brought these 215 graduates to this milestone of academic achievement and personal accomplishment, let us come before our God with rejoicing and thanksgiving. “For the Lord is good, and his mercy is everlasting, and his truth endures to all generations. Come, let us worship Christ the Lord!” We welcome both our graduation visitors and our worship visitors. Two grand moments are blended today—and in the midst of it all stands the living Christ. We welcome you to Pioneer with open hearts and doors. And we pray that on this Sabbath day God will bring a very personal and special gift for your life. If you’re new in the community or looking for a new church family, we’d love to have you become a part of us. There are membership transfer request cards in your pew racks. Please fill out a card, place it in the offering plate, and we will take care of the rest. And to all the celebrating graduates today, We here at Pioneer wish you the very best days of your life ahead with Christ! While we’ll miss you here, knowing you’ve prepared your life for service to humankind and that you’re moving into the future as a radical disciple for Christ blesses us. Wherever the Spirit leads you, please know we’re cheering you on.

July 24, 2008
By Dwight K. Nelson

I’ve been trying to get stronger lately. Every morning, at an ungodly hour, (at least my wife thinks so) I get out of bed and head to the Meier Hall Health Club. This name “Health Club” is really a euphemism for a small, poorly ventilated space, in the basement of the Men’s Dormitory where guys go to torture themselves because we all know that while boy children are still in the womb our brains are washed clean with testosterone. Moving heavy pieces of iron, expending incredible amounts of energy, and accomplishing no practical work would seem crazy, but we can’t help it, we’re men. So I’ve been trying to get stronger. What about you? I think we would all rather have strength than weakness. The truth is that we are all trying to build ourselves up, strengthen our defenses and wall off our vulnerabilities. We all have our health clubs, testosterone or not, only some of us use means far more artificial then pumping iron. No one wants to be weak. Everyone despises weakness; everyone, it seems, except God. God goes out of His way to choose and use the most unlikely men and women. Men and women like you and me. Last week, on July 18, Nelson Mandela turned 90 years old. This man of small physical stature, after 27 years of imprisonment for his activism against apartheid in South Africa, emerges from his prison cell, a giant. Mandela, the first Black president of South Africa, is known more for how he came to power than for the office he held. His journey to power was not through violence and bloodshed but through forgiveness and redemption. That was how Mandela changed a nation. Jesus changed an entire world the same way. He continues to do so by using weak people - people like you and me. July 18 was a special day not only because I admire Nelson Mandela, but also because it was the birthday of another man I admire - my father-in-law. He turned 72, last week. In his lifetime he’s accomplished many great things, most importantly to me however, he fathered a beautiful daughter - Arlene Alisia Edwards. She’s got a new name these days, but she’s just as beautiful as ever. You met her a few weeks ago and we were both overwhelmed by your outpouring of love and well wishes. Thank you. Paul says, “when I am weak, than I am strong.” 2 Cor 12:10 This Sabbath embrace your weakness. God embraces you. This blog post has been guest written by Pastor Oliver Archer.

July 17, 2008
By Dwight K. Nelson

The body cell is the basic block of all human life. It is estimated that the human body is comprised of between 50-100 trillion cells. These cells die and are reborn each night. So in a real sense every day, our bodies are "brand new." If you haven't thought about it, human beings are creatures of "change." We are constantly changing every day. Yet when our cells die and cease to regenerate that process is called "aging." Old age and the inability of our cells to change are the beginning signs of death. We are living today in a time of tremendous transformation. Global warming has ushered in volatile and unpredictable weather patterns. Flood waters have raged in areas of the country that have seldom been hit by such catastrophes. It's all due to climate change. The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, in a study titled "U.S. Religious Landscape Survey," found that more than a quarter of adult Americans have left the faith of their childhood to join another religion or no religion at all. It's called affiliation change. Major colleges and universities are experiencing the retirement of their predominantly liberal faculty and a new generation of more centrist and conservative professors are replacing them. It is another transition that will bring with it a different perspective on the major social, economic, cultural and philosophical issues of our day. It's called ideological change. The Baby Boom generation is retiring and a new workforce of Gen-Xers and Millennials are replacing their parents and grandparents. We call it generational change. In the political arena, Barack Obama, has become the first non-Caucasian to be selected as the presumptive presidential nominee of a major political party. It's called, "Change We Can Believe In." We are surrounded by change and yet in the church we seem slow or in some cases resistant to change. How do we explain this dichotomy as Seventh-day Adventist Christians? Few modern faith communities have been called to accept more change in forming itself than have Seventh-day Adventists. Our forebears weathered the trials and uncertainty of the "Great Disappointment" to form what we now call the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Led by young adults, they struck out in faith and dared to follow the prophetic calling that God gave them through the visions of a young teenage girl. They made tremendous sacrifices, giving of their means and themselves to a cause that seemed illogical and ill conceived, but today we are the beneficiaries of their faithful, selfless service. They embraced "change" and because they did we have been blessed. So today, as you face the inevitability of slowed reflexes, an expanding waistline and graying temples, is the specter of change haunting you? Are you holding on so tightly to yesterday, that you cannot embrace tomorrow? Is your anxiety about the future robbing your peace in the present? Jesus, the greatest change agent of the universe admonishes us in Matthew 6:33-"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34-Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself . . ." So, "How Are You Handling Change?" This blog post has been guest written by Pastor Timothy Nixon.

July 10, 2008
By Dwight K. Nelson

Do Hard Things. That’s the title of a book I read this summer. Written by Alex and Brett Harris (19-year-old twin brothers of Joshua Harris—author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye) the book challenges teens to rebel against rebellion. To rebel against the low expectations people have of teens. The book is an invitation for teens to join the “rebelution.” To do hard things. It includes the challenge to respect the authorities in their lives, ask for direction and help and to collaborate.I’m no longer a teenager . . . yet the book spoke to me. It was a reminder that to be faithful to God and to the mission He has given the Seventh-day Adventist Church my life needs to be lived in constant rebellion against the standards of the world. That often means I have to do hard things.

Queen Esther was an early “rebelutionary.” We all know about Esther’s decision when called upon to risk her life. But it was all the “little” hard things that built her faith and prepared her for that big test.

Esther lived in a land of exile, her parents were gone and she was being raised by a wise older cousin. Esther’s outward beauty was so profound, yet it was surpassed by an inner beauty that allowed her to accomplish THE hard thing for God’s people. God knew He could trust Esther’s faith in Him. She sought and followed Mordecai’s godly counsel. She solicited the prayers of God’s people and her small group of maidens. She planned strategically and rose above the expectations of the enemies of God. The result was the saving of a nation and one more piece of the cosmic puzzle was put in place—preparing the way for Ezra and Nehemiah, the command in 457 B.C., prophetic fulfillment, and the Advent Movement.

Now other pieces need to be put in place before that cosmic picture is complete. God needs you and me to be faithful—to do hard things. To go where He wants us to go and to say what He wants us to say.

This blog post has been guest written by Pastor Esther R. Knott.

July 1, 2008
By Dwight K. Nelson

Imagine the emotion.  Your son graduates from Ruth Murdoch Elementary School with high grades.  Graduates from Andrews Academy on the honor roll and president of his class.   Following his graduations from Andrews University magna cum laude, and the seminary with his M.Div., he is hired as a pastor in the Michigan Conference.  Within just a few years he is the senior pastor of one of the largest churches in the conference, with an Associate Pastor and Bible Worker on his staff.  You couldn’t be more proud.  The promise that if you train a child up in the right way he will not depart from it has certainly come to pass for your family.  You pray for that young man every night and thank God for His many blessings.

Then the phone call comes.  There was seldom a week in his life you hadn’t been in contact.  Even after he moved away, you talked by phone weekly and visited as often as possible.  You never detected anything out of the ordinary.  To say that this call caught you by surprise would be the understatement of the year.  You listen in stunned disbelief as he tells you about a personal encounter he had last week with Buddha, and he’s becoming a Buddhist.

That’s how Paul’s parents must have felt when they first heard that their beloved son, a prominent Pharisee, was becoming a follower of the Jesus whom the Council had condemned and the Romans had crucified.  They must have been devastated.  And yet had the veil between the seen and the unseen been lifted, they would have seen that their prayers for their son were being answered beyond their wildest dreams.  From a persecuting Pharisee bent on imprisoning Christians he became the foremost apostle of faith, setting people free with the good news of Jesus and the kingdom of God.   And his story and message changed western civilization, and are as vital today as when they were first preached.

This blog post has been guest written by Pastor Skip MacCarty.

June 27, 2008
By Dwight K. Nelson

Dwight Nelson will continue his blog at the end of August. Check here next week for posts from guest bloggers.

June 21, 2008
By Dwight K. Nelson

After his sudden death last Friday, he’s become larger than life.  And I for one miss him.  I didn’t know Tim Russert, of course.  But every Sunday morning I have timed my 10K run to end just as his “Meet the Press” was beginning.  And for a few sweaty moments with my Sunday paper and breakfast, I would listen in on the celebrated journalist’s gentlemanly grilling of another public figure or two or three.  “If it’s Sunday, it’s Meet the Press” was my preference, too. And, as it turns out, millions of Americans enjoyed the same weekly ritual.  The accolades for Russert continue to pour in.  What made this man so “familiar” with the public, and so beloved by his friends?  What can those who “knew” him learn from his life?  I sat down last Sunday and scribbled some random reflections. Live the joy of your life to the full each day.  I was amazed at how many of his colleagues and acquaintances testified to the contagious exuberance with which Russert lived.  He loved his work.  He loved his work associates, from the veterans to the rookies in the Washington bureau.  And he exuded it.  What if we all did? Keep in touch with your roots and your family.  Much has been made about his loyalty to the blue-collar neighborhood of Buffalo where he grew up.  His best-selling book about his dad continues to speak volumes about Russert’s love for those dearest to him.  And what’s so obvious is that Tim made certain his affections were obvious, too.  On-air and off-air.  On the phone to his boy two or three times a day.  Everyone loved him for it. Celebrate the lives of your friends and acquaintances.  If he knew you, and you were having a baby or surgery or mourning a loss, Russert was there to share the journey.  Scribbled notes, little gifts, a visit, a phone call—apparently he made sure those he cared about knew he cared.  What’s not to like about that? Do your homework.  Russert was renowned for his early Sunday morning rehearsals alone in the studio.  He read his questions aloud, imagined his guest’s responses, planned his rebuttal queries.  He didn’t tolerate a lack of preparedness in his guest or himself. Mentor the young.  I was intrigued at how many of television’s well-known reporters cut their eye teeth under Russert’s tutelage.  He invested time and attention in the new team members, constantly exhorting them to pursue excellence. Share your devotion to your God and your church.  The whole world knew Tim Russert was a faithful Roman Catholic.  He didn’t keep it a secret.  It was clear he was proud to be a member of his church, and unashamed to display his faith in God.  True, he wasn’t an evangelical missionary.  Yet in the world of hardball politics and journalism, Russert lived his faith.  Would that there were more of him these days, wouldn’t you agree? Was he a saint?  Hardly.  But in a world where so many live such isolated and self-serving lives, here was a man who is being remembered for the very opposite.  And in the eyes of God, isn’t that a value heaven celebrates, too?

June 21, 2008
By Dwight K. Nelson

The word that stumped him was “quaquaversal.”  How these kids survive as long as they do in the Scripps National Spelling Bee is beyond me!  Ten-year-old Tony Incorvati of Ohio made it to the third round a few days ago, until he ran into that amalgamation lurking in the bowels of some dusty dictionary.  And no matter how hard he squinted, it wouldn’t come out right. Quaquaversal—“turning and dipping in every direction.”  And while it won’t become a household word, it certainly is an appropriate one to describe life on this planet of late, isn’t it?  Just when you think one crisis headline is tucked away and taken care of, the very next news cycle dips and turns, introducing yet another breaking story from somewhere else on earth.  And while admittedly the news media hype disasters and major in crises, nevertheless the “talking heads” seem perplexed over the crescendo of these breaking headlines:  tomatoes, oil, gasoline, floods, Wall Street, Greece, the Middle East—the “quaquaversal” collection from just this week, to name a few. Someone asked me the other day if all of this amounted to a harbinger, a collective alert regarding earth’s disintegrating future.  And at the same time, someone else wrote and wondered if there is any point wondering if it did.  Actually doesn’t the Second Law of Thermodynamics itself predict such disintegration?  Known as the principle of entropy, you might remember from high school physics, this law describes the entropy or break-down of energy in the universe, resulting in increasing disorder and eventual disintegration.  Is our earth on some sort of entropic path? Isaiah was an ancient prophet, not a physicist, and yet tucked near the end of his  prophecy is a line that describes such entropy.  “Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look on the earth beneath.  For the heavens will vanish away like smoke, the earth will grow old like a garment” (Isaiah 51:6).  Growing old like a garment, tearing at its ecological seams, ripping at its geological faults and plates.  Is that what the headlines pronounce?  Our planet’s entropy? But to the thinking man or woman of faith, isn’t there more than thermodynamics behind this litany of “quaquaversal” headlines?  After all, didn’t Christ himself predict global entropy?  Didn’t he link the promise of his return in Matthew 24 with a growing disintegration in nature (see vv 7, 29, 32), in politics  (v 6) and in morality (vv 4, 9-12)?  But rather than ending with a whimpering depletion of energy, Jesus predicts in the end an explosion of light and energy in his physical return to earth—“and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power [Greek: “dynamite”] and great glory” (v 30). So are we doomed by the headlines?  Hardly!  In fact, the greater the entropy around us the deeper the certainty can grow within us that the God who has called us friends will journey with us until that grand climax:  “See, I am with you always, even to the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20).  Which means that no matter how “quaquaversal” the journey may yet become, we’ll never be alone—which is the greatest headline of all!