Pioneer Offices Closed  —  

for New Years December 31 to January 2.


Is there a soul that doesn’t love a party?

Is there a soul that doesn’t love a party? How about that surprise your mother threw for you long ago—remember? God bless her—how she pulled it off with holding down a job and keeping you and your siblings clothed and fed we’ll never know. But when you came bursting through the door after school that day, to your wide-eyed wonder the walls and ceiling above your family table were draped with brightly colored crepe paper streamers and festive skinny and fat balloons as far as the eye could see. The table was set with the accoutrements of children, and wafting in the air was the unmistakable mouth-watering hint that your very favorite cake was hiding somewhere, with a frosting decoration that was so totally you! And remember, no sooner were you home than the doorbell began to ring—all your little friends who’d been able (don’t ask me how) to keep the secret and show up on time for that grand and glorious event. It’s party time!

God loves a party, too. Only for his birthday, he’s even more of a Child than we—counting the days until the next celebration. Wait another year? Impossible! Once a month? Still too long a wait. And so God throws a birthday party every single week! You’ve got to admit that you’d have to be a party-lover to plan a calendar like ours—in which every seventh day is declared God’s party for his earth children. The Bible calls it the Sabbath. God simply thinks of it as “a delight” (Isaiah 58:13)! No question, it’s his party for his children.

And why not? If the grand quest of the human journey is to experience our divinely intended “self-actualization” (thank you, Abraham Maslow), then doesn’t it make all the sense in the world that the One who created us for that ultimate discovery would be the same One who invites us to rediscover his destiny through a weekly, deeply personal interaction with him? For that he gave us a Day—but we already knew that.

The bigger question now is How? How can we experience “God’s Party” to the max and reap the phenomenal mental, emotional, physical and spiritual benefits that are promised to those who show up for his Day? Join me in a fresh new “how to” journey for this cyberspace generation—a podcast or telecast journey with five stops along the way: “MySpace,” “Facebook,” “YouTube for YouToo,” “Green Google” and “Yahoo!” Because now that we know the Day, let’s explore the way. It’s party time!