Pastors' Blog

By Pioneer Pastors

October 14, 2015
By Dwight K. Nelson

Since we’re a generation huge on sound-bite success formulas, here’s one more—a short, punchy guarantee for success. Its genius is its simplicity—you can memorize it in twenty seconds.
A hundred years ago this year a short 5’3” woman breathed her last. But when she died, she left a legacy so stunning they’re still unpacking it! With her education cut short by a debilitating accident while in elementary school, the girl grew up and at the age of 17 received a dramatic divine calling to devote the rest of her life to speaking, writing, organizing, leading, visioning, mentoring, preaching, and evangelizing across this nation—and eventually with more speaking, writing, organizing, leading, visioning, mentoring,  preaching and evangelizing globally. As it turns out, this seventeen-year-old who said Yes to God’s call ended up investing the rest of her life, 70 years in a tireless mission and ministry for her Savior.

And when Ellen White died in 1915, she became the most translated American author ever (male or female) and the third most translated author in the world today, with a literary output totaling 100,000 pages (the equivalent of 25 million words) and 128 book titles in print today. As the result of her ministry and spiritual leadership, she helped guide her community of faith (the Seventh-day Adventist church) to become the largest Protestant educational system in the world, the largest Protestant health system in the world, the largest Protestant publishing enterprise in the world, and the most expansive Protestant missions outreach today in more countries than any other denomination.

But on a personal note I have discovered in her writings three fiery passions that flame up in my own heart whenever I read her:

1. A passion for the Savior:
“. . . look to Christ. Let the mind dwell upon His love, upon the beauty, the perfection, of His character. Christ in His self-denial, Christ in His humiliation, Christ in His purity and holiness, Christ in His matchless love—this is the subject for the soul’s contemplation. It is by loving Him, copying Him, depending wholly upon Him, that you are to be transformed into His likeness” (Steps to Christ 70).

2. A passion for the Word of God:
“The Bible is God’s voice speaking to us, just as surely as though we could hear it with our ears. If we realized this, with what awe would we open God’s word, and with what earnestness would we search its precepts! The reading and contemplation of the Scriptures would be regarded as an audience with the Infinite One” (6T 393).

3. A passion for the salvation of the lost:
“As I have thought of that cup trembling in the hands of Christ [in Gethsemane]; as I have realized that He might have refused to drink, and left the world to perish in its sin, I have pledged that every energy of my life should be devoted to the work of winning souls to Him” (9T 103).

No other writer I’ve read is so saturated with these three as this woman.

So what’s that punchy success formula? “Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful” (2 Chronicles 20:20 NIV). You can memorize it in twenty seconds. But it’s a promise for a lifetime. Check it out for yourself—go online and read the short classic Steps to Christ (it’s the book that radically changed my own life at 22) or browse through the apocalyptic classic Great Controversy ( and click on to eBooks).

Been there and done that? Then in the words of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, “Taste them again for the first time.” And why not reconnect with this gift and its promise? Because isn’t it the right time to operationalize God’s success formula in your life, too?

October 7, 2015
By Dwight K. Nelson

After a week of headline heartaches from the mass shooting in Roseburg to the biblical proportion flooding in South Carolina, here’s a headline hardly as ponderous. According to USA TODAY the grammar-checking app Grammarly has run some numbers on the presidential candidates from both parties and their supporters who comment on the candidate’s Facebook page. In short Grammarly set out to find out which candidate’s supporters were the most grammatically correct. I.e., how many spelling and/or grammatical errors appear in the online postings of the various candidates’ supporters.

How did Grammarly come up with its numbers? “A sample of comments from each candidate’s Facebook page was taken, and the negative ones filtered out. Grammarly then took a random sample of at least 180 messages from remaining comments and examined them for errors—focusing on things such as misspellings and punctuation” (USA TODAY 10-7-15).

How did everyone fare? According to Grammarly the most mangled English language treatment added up to “12.6 boo-boos per hundred words.” And the most grammatically correct supporters posted responses averaging 3.1 errors per hundred words. And so between 3.1 and 12.6 errors per hundred words you’ll find all the candidates’ supporters spread out. Makes you wonder how you and I would do, doesn’t it?

I’m sure we’d all agree, though, that checking our grammar is hardly a fair way to evaluate a candidate. Why should the way I spell or write reflect on someone I support?

And yet, wasn’t Jesus suggesting as much  in the Sermon on the Mount? “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Because the truth is: how we live our lives—how we comport ourselves in public, in private—very much reflects on our parents, our spouses, our children, our friends, and even our employers—doesn’t it? Then how much more does how we live reflect on the God we love!

“The church of Christ, every individual disciple of the Master, is heaven’s appointed channel for the revelation of God to [others]. . . . The divine love glowing  in the heart, the Christlike harmony manifested in the life, are as a glimpse of heaven granted to men [and women] of the world, that they may appreciate its [His] excellence” (Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing 40-41).

And so let your light shine, Jesus invites us, with the glow of divine love, the glow of divine compassion—which is precisely what the disenfranchised and alienated among us need from us more than anything else right now (I’m thinking of what we shared last Sabbath in “The Pugwash Factor”—4). Let your light shine so the world, the hurting, the needy, the lost, the lonely may experience God’s compassionate love through you and thus be drawn to Him.

No app to download—just the daily infilling of Jesus so that little things of life—our words of compassion, our acts of kindness, our gestures of friendship—might leave the strongest impression of all.

For God.

September 30, 2015
By Dwight K. Nelson

Talking about cramming two hot button topics into a single headline! It was announced this week (with later Vatican confirmation) that Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refused to sign marriage licenses for same sex applicants and was subsequently jailed for six days, met privately with Pope Francis this past Thursday when he was in Washington. According to the Washington Post: “The pair reportedly chatted about bravery, then hugged and exchanged promises of prayer. The pope thanked Davis for her ‘courage,’ according to the press release, and told her to ‘stay strong.’ The news release also said Francis ‘presented Kim and Joe Davis each with a Rosary that he personally blessed’” (

When asked about the meeting, Vatican spokesman Manuel Dorantes responded, “I do not deny that the meeting took place, but I have no comments to add.”

Is anybody surprised with the pope’s private affirmation of her conscientious objection? Apparently some are. “Since his election as to the papacy in 2013, Francis — with his outspoken criticism of global warming and income inequality, as well as his perceived support of the gay community (‘Who am I to judge?’ he said) — has become a favorite of some liberals. His reported meeting with Davis could feel like a slap to progressives who see him — wrongly or rightly — as their ally on the topic of LGBT acceptance” (ibid).

Kim Davis herself seems surprised. The Post reports: “Davis, an Apostolic Christian, has said that her refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses was ‘a Heaven or Hell decision’ and that she is refusing to issue the documents ‘under God’s authority.’ ‘I was humbled to meet Pope Francis,’ she said in a statement. ‘Of all people, why me?’ She added: ‘I never thought I would meet the Pope. Who am I to have this rare opportunity? I am just a County Clerk who loves Jesus and desires with all my heart to serve him’” (ibid).

Her attorney was less equivocal: “‘Kim Davis has become a symbol of this worldwide conflict between Christian faith and recent cultural challenges regarding marriage,’ [Mat] Staver said. ‘The challenges we face in America regarding the sanctity of human life, marriage, and religious freedom are the same universal challenges Christians face around the world. Religious freedom is a human right that comes from God. These values are shared in common by people of faith, and the threats to religious freedom are universal’” (ibid).

The pope and same sex marriage in America—two combustible debates in Christian circles. So where do we stand, you and I? With Kim Davis? With Pope Francis? With the Supreme Court? In “The Pugwash Factor: How to Respond to the Supreme Court’s Same Sex Marriage Decision” we grapple for the answer. Because somewhere in the life and teaching of Jesus there is enough precedence to know where He stood. And what (or who) could be more supreme than that?

September 23, 2015
By Dwight K. Nelson

Young filmmaker Christopher Hudson has pulled off a headline-grabbing feat. Armed with only a $20,000 budget raised through crowd-funding and gifted with remarkable talent for cutting edge camera work and music/script editing, Hudson directs and stars in this 1:26:00 length docudrama, “Leopard Vision.” Since its September 7 release on YouTube, the movie has gone viral (194,000 YouTube views in less than three weeks). Critics are weighing in, including Hyperfresh, an independent pop culture magazine, which gave “Leopard Vision” a five-star movie review. For a Seventh-day Adventist filmmaker?

It was late in the evening when I got an email this week with one sentence—check out this link. I did. Turns out it was a news piece written by Andrew McChesney for the Adventist Review online. I’d never heard of Christopher Hudson—who grew up an Adventist kid on Long Island but left it all at the age of 19 to hitch his wagon to another star. Began writing “treatments for music videos.” Finally caught a break with Madonna’s production company MadGuy Films. But in the flush of success God caught him. Again. And now “Leopard Vision.”

What struck me—before even watching—was the strong review from Hyperfresh: “Christopher Hudson. Better known globally as the ‘The Forerunner’ has done the unthinkable, in which no man has ever set forth to accomplish, publicly and most importantly—personally. His newest motion picture/documentary ‘Leopard Vision’, reveals the truth behind the biggest hidden agenda in the history of humanity’s existence, which is the decoding of the biblical prophesy [sic] of Revelation in today’s modern times. And this isn’t an ‘opinionated ‘ documentary with assumptions conjured forth by his feelings’ or ‘emotions’. Christopher Hudson uses historical facts proven to be correct in verification of his thesis. . . . By also incorporating Biblical Doctrine and living scripture to confirm this to be evident and true, after watching this film, prepare your mind to be blown out the skull it once rested in” ( ).

Hudson’s theme? McChesney wrote: “It’s a Revelation prophecy seminar unlike any you’ve ever witnessed. . . . a hip, fast-paced film that has gone viral on YouTube and . . . . traces the history of the Catholic church while underscoring what Hudson sees as the central theme of the last book of the Bible: that the book is a revelation of Jesus Christ, not of political powers or false systems of worship” (

Clicking on to the YouTube link, I quickly realized McChesney and Hyperfresh were right—“Leopard Vision” is powerful stuff! Thought I’d catch maybe the first five or 10 minutes but sat in front of my laptop for an hour and half, gripped by Hudson’s screen wizardry, his compelling script and emotive sound track.

On this weekend when the nation and world are mesmerized by the news media’s live coverage of someone who is arguably the most popular human being on the planet today, “Leopard Vision” is a commanding reminder that beyond charisma and news cycles is the unstoppable advance of apocalyptic prophecy—prophecy that is sounding ominously more familiar with each fresh headline. Never read that prophecy before or can’t remember it now? Christopher Hudson’s new tutorial or refresher movie will take care of that—click on to:

In fact do your friends a favor—simply forward this blog with its embedded links or send them the link yourself. Either way wouldn’t this be the right time for the halogen light of prophecy to illumine the gathering darkness?

September 16, 2015
By Dwight K. Nelson

How do you steel yourself against the heart-rending refugee photographs that now wall-paper cyberspace? The lifeless body of 3 year old Alan Kurdi, lying face down in the wet sand, drowned along with his mother and brother in a desperate effort to cross the sea in a dinghy in order to flee the bloody Syrian mayhem. The emaciated Middle-eastern and North African men, women and children walking for miles and miles only to cling to a razor-edged chain-link fence hastily erected by Hungary to stem the massive overflow of fleeing refugees into their country. A nameless boy, sobbing loudly as he and his mother try to run from pursuing border guards, the only English the boy can sob, “Please, please, please.”

How do we steel ourselves from the images pouring in from Europe, chronicling this stunning unexpected humanitarian crisis? Already over 4 million people have fled the civil war in Syria. And lest we think that Europe is the major recipient of this Middle East human largess, the truth is that the tiny countries surrounding Syria are carrying the heaviest burden of these refugees. has graphed the refugee numbers in relation to the host country’s population: Lebanon with 1.1 million new refugees is sheltering 232 refugees per 1000 people; Jordan’s 629,000 refugees means 87 refugees per 1000 citizens; Turkey’s ratio, 21 refugees per 1000. Compare these ratios with the countries of the West: Canada 4.2 refugees per 1000; Germany 2.6 per 1000; the UK 1.8 per 1000; Australia 1.5 per 1000; the US 0.8 per 1000. The authors’ intended point of the graph is obvious—Syria’s neighbors are shouldering the heaviest load and the West could do more. (You can argue the point with them at

And where is God in the midst of this humanitarian crisis? Perhaps as Jesus dramatically reminded us, He is stands in the middle of this overspreading human sea: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the lest of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me” (Matthew 25:40).

Surely God does not blame these refugees for leaving the insanity that has become their homeland. Perhaps they respond to His ancient cry: “Come out of her, My people” (Jeremiah 51:45; Revelation 18:4).

And what shall we do, we who are not governments or the United Nations? Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is embedded in the thick of this European refugee crisis. If you would like to assist ADRA in their mission to these refugees, please click on to

But God’s call to “Come out of her, My people” is not only for geographical refugees—it also a call for spiritual refugees. Forty-eight hours after Pope Francis stands in the well of the United States Congress next Thursday we will ponder on Sabbath, “How to Discern the Pope’s Agenda for America.” With all due respect and courtesy we will reflect on the agenda the immensely popular pope brings to the world’s table. In the halogen light of apocalyptic prophecy that agenda becomes clear. But how then shall we as a faith community reflect both the bold compassion and the radical mission of Christ to this generation? How can the everlasting Good News still be good news in the midst of these escalating headlines? And how can we assist the God who calls these refugees “My people”?

“Come, let us reason together.”

September 9, 2015
By Dwight K. Nelson

So is she a hero or a villain? Rowan County (Kentucky) clerk Kim Davis was welcomed by adulating throngs this Tuesday, when U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning, who had incarcerated her last week for contempt of court, released her from jail. At issue is Ms. Davis’ contention that as an Apostolic Christian her conscience forbids her from complying with the Supreme Court’s summer decision declaring same sex marriages legal across this nation. Citing her understanding of biblical injunctions against same sex sexual relations, the Rowan County clerk refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples applying for the Supreme Court mandated provision.

So if you were the county clerk, how would you have responded to that dilemma, caught between the highest court in the land’s ruling and a growing que of applicants for same sex marriage licenses?

The issue isn’t so neatly resolved, is it? On the one hand the Bible commands Christians: “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God” (Romans 13:1). That seems clear enough. For this fallen planet, God has ordained governmental authority and civil power to preserve a semblance of law and order for the human race. “Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience” (v 5).

But of course, “conscience” was and remains the rub. Simply because Ms. Davis cited her conscience as reason for disobeying the court order to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. The same Bible that commands obedience to governing authorities also declares: “‘We must obey God rather than man’” (Acts 5:29). Those were Peter’s words to the Sanhedrin when he and his fellow apostles were charged not to publicly teach “in this name” of Jesus (v 28). Clearly there are instances when governmental authority is overruled (at least in the divine tribunal) by conscientious loyalty to one’s understanding of God’s Word and His will. Furthermore, even if you have misunderstood a biblical position, you are still enjoined by Scripture to be obedient to your conscience, “for whatever is not from faith [i.e., whatever violates what the conscience believes is right] is sin” (Romans 14:23). Simply put—it is dangerous to disobey your conscience, for through the conscience the Creator communicates with His sentient earth children.

Thus Kim Davis made the decision to honor her conscientious objection to the law of the land and refused to sign the same sex marriage applications. For her act of civil disobedience she was subsequently jailed. Again, what would you have done? Is there a proscribed Christian pathway through the minefield that our national debate over same sex marriage is taking us? What would Jesus do?

On October 3, as a final piece in our mini-series “The Pugwash Factor,” we will grapple with culture, conscience and Scripture in “How to Respond to the Supreme Court’s Same Sex Marriage Decision.” But we must not expect a neat and tidy resolution to the dilemma. Yes, obedience to conscience is in the end a simple matter—just do it—simply obey. But it is hard work to seek an informed conscience that intelligently discerns the issues swirling at Scripture's intersection with our third millennial complexity. Fortunately Christ will guide His followers. What remains for us then is to “take up [your] cross daily and follow Me” (Luke 9:23).

September 2, 2015
By Dwight K. Nelson

The Journal of the American Medical Association published research this Tuesday that might be of particular interest to those of us planning on some Labor Day biking. If the report had simply stated that biking accidents are on the rise, who’d be surprised, given the increased number of bikers of all ages across the country (the result of what some are calling “the Lance Armstrong effect”). But thanks to the celebrity crashes this year of rock star Bono, 55, injured while biking in New York City, and Secretary of State John Kerry, 71, breaking his femur while enjoying a ride in France, researchers are sitting up and taking notice.

According to urologist Benjamin Breyer, lead author of this study and researcher at University of California (San Francisco), “the biggest spike [of bicycle accidents] is an increase in the proportion of injured riders over age 45”—i.e. GenXer and Boomer bicyclists (USA Today 9-2-15). And perhaps not surprisingly male riders dominate the statistics (many suffering urethral damage from their accident). Data collected by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission from 100 emergency rooms across the nation (comparing 1998-1999 with 2012-2013) indicate: bike injuries rose from 96 to 123 per 100,000 adults (28% increase); hospitalizations resulting from injuries jumped from 5.1 to 11.2 per 100,000 adults (120% increase); and the “share of injuries occurring in people older than age 45 increased from 23% to 42%” with hospitalizations of this older group increasing from 39% to 65%.

The statistical point? If you’re male and over the youthful age of 45 and you ride a bike, be careful. In fact be careful whoever you are!

How can we keep safe? “Basic safety precautions are absolutely essential, Breyer says: Wear a helmet and reflective gear, have lights for night riding, and drive defensively” ( Because the good news is that biking remains an exhilarating and effective outdoor exercise sport that’s hard to beat for all ages and both genders.

And by the way, if you’re a biker in Portland, Oregon, or Madison, Wisconsin, or San Francisco, or Berrien Springs, Michigan—you are blessed. Because these are among some progressive communities in this nation making provision for biking lanes and rider safety. (Kudos to our village fathers who opened the new biking/walking lanes along Kephart Avenue just a week ago here in Berrien Springs!)

Biker, walker, driver—whoever we are and whatever our means of transportation, the good news of Labor Day for me is the quiet assurance that when it comes to our salvation the Labor has already been done. The God who created us on the sixth day and then rested on the seventh day is the same God who redeemed us at Calvary on the sixth day and then rested in the tomb on the seventh day. “It is finished.” Because it really was, and it still is. The infinitely heavy lifting has been done—the divine labor completed. And we can rest—all of humanity—in the “blessed assurance” that He is ours and we are His.

So this holiday let’s give thanks to God for His blessed Labor Day. On the sixth day. Both times. So that on the seventh day we can rest in Him. Every time. He pedals. We ride. In peace. Amen.

August 26, 2015
By Dwight K. Nelson

Ever heard of Pugwash? I hadn’t either, until we ended up there this summer after a very long northeasterly drive from Berrien Springs (1500+ miles). Turns out Pugwash is a small town in Nova Scotia, on the far eastern side of Canada and perched on the red clay shores of the Northumberland Strait. Its more famous neighbor across the strait is Prince Edward Island, the home of the fabled “Anne of Green Gables” (that’s “Anne with an e”)—Lucy Maud Montgomery’s heart-tugging story of a spunky red-headed orphan who for a century now has captured the hearts of women young and old (and, not a few men as well). After spending a few days on that beautiful island province, Karen and I drove to Pugwash for the Maritime Conference camp meeting at their picturesque summer camp along the strait. The old timers told us about the time the evangelist Ron Halvorsen visited that camp meeting. Asked at the Canadian border where he was headed, he replied, “Hogwash, Nova Scotia” (an unfortunate turn of a word!).

But what really put the obscure village of Pugwash on the global map was a series of conversations by the world’s scientific community in the early 1950s. The horrific nuclear destruction—unleashed by the twin atomic bombs that obliterated the Japanese cites of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and hastened the end to World War II in August, 1945—raised a deeply troubling angst among thinkers in both the West and East. Was human civilization poised on the brink of nuclear self-annihilation? What guarantees could governments provide to contain nuclear proliferation? Knowing what they now knew, should this community of thinkers remain silent in the face of the end?

Three days before his death on April 18, 1955, American scientist Albert Einstein joined British philosopher Bertrand Russell in signing the Russell-Einstein Manifesto: “The prospect for the human race is sombre beyond all precedent. Mankind are faced with a clear-cut alternative: either we shall all perish, or we shall have to acquire some slight degree of common sense. A great deal of new political thinking will be necessary if utter disaster is to be averted.” (

Two years later in July, 1957, at the village of Pugwash 22 scientists, including ten Nobel Laureates, gathered to ponder how to avert the Cold War’s threat of nuclear obliteration and forge a plan for global peace. But more than a half century later peace is still illusive. And the Pugwash Conferences continue.

Given the escalating turmoil of this age, how shall the followers of Christ live? Knowing what they know about the future and His return, how should they communicate to their world? What should they say? Should this community of thinkers remain silent in the face of the end?
Call it the “Pugwash Factor”*—a series of reflections this fall at Andrews University’s Pioneer Memorial Church, Saturday mornings. Because if those who know do not act or speak up, the planet is doomed.  

*For a list of “The Pugwash Factor” titles/subjects and dates see the back cover of the August 29 worship bulletin.


August 19, 2015
By Dwight K. Nelson

The meteoric rise of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has flummoxed the talking heads of the news media. How could this brash entrepreneurial business tycoon be attracting such “If the election were held today I’d vote for him” kind of support? After all, politics in America isn’t a television reality show . . . is it?

But for new students at Andrews University, perhaps there are a few lessons tucked away in Trump’s quest for the Whitehouse, lessons for your own pursuit of that “impossible dream”:

1. Sometimes you have to plow ahead no matter what the critics are saying. Thank God for our families who are our biggest cheerleaders in the dreams we pursue. And if you’re blessed to have a praying parent, you’ll ride on the updraft of those prayers this new year. But you may be your own worst critic. “What am I doing taking on this huge academic challenge? Look at my grades in high school! Look at the financial investment we’re making! How can I possibly succeed with so unlikely a dream?” When those cloudy thoughts begin to take over, here’s a promise to infuse new courage into your worried heart: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). Every good dream is birthed by God—which means He’s the One leading you to take on this academic challenge.  “I will be with you wherever this new year twists and turns.” With a traveling Companion and Friend like that, there’s no critic who can turn you around!
2. Sometimes you have to raise your voice to be heard above the din. Say what you want about Donald Trump, he’s learned to keep shouting when they’re shouting him down. Nothing will be more faith-inspiring and courage-building than raising your own voice in prayer above the din of campus life. Jesus told a story once about a little widow who was being bullied out of her inheritance. She triumphed because she kept raising her voice above her detractors, until the judge granted her petition. Jesus’ point? “You should always pray and not give up—for God will take care of those who cry out night and day to Him” (see Luke 18:1, 7). So begin every day with 15 quiet minutes in conversation with Him—and the God who watches over the sparrows will take care of you  (see Matthew 10:31).

3. Sometimes you have to talk your faith before you can prove your faith. The news media made it clear from the start nobody would ever take Donald Trump seriously. But Donald Trump does. And the more he talks up that faith (in himself), the more he’s been able to draw believers in him to his cause. I’m not suggesting you should go around campus talking up faith in yourself (you’re not a politician—for which you can be grateful). But you are a friend of the Most High God, and talking up your faith and trust in His ability to guide you to your dreams will not only make believers out of others—it’ll make a believer out of you. John Wesley—a very short man with a very great faith—early in life learned the principle: “You must talk faith until you have faith.” Politicians call it, “Fake it until you make it.” But as a friend of Jesus, you don’t have to fake a thing. Simply talk up your faith in the One “who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20), and He’ll use you to make a believer out of you and the others, too.

The point: You can trump your new year. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”(Philippians 4:13). As Taylor Bunch once put it, “You don’t know the resources of God until you’ve tried the impossible.” So go for it! We’re cheering you on.

August 12, 2015
By Dwight K. Nelson

Sunday morning while still lying in bed, I decided to do the arithmetic. Perhaps it was the simple pleasure of sleeping in our own bed that triggered the notion. And so I counted the number of summer nights we slept in a bed not our own. I was surprised and so recalculated the number. It’s true. The total nights away from our favorite bed (from the last week of May to the last week of July) added up to forty. Brazil, Collegedale, West Virginia, Austin, San Antonio, Pugwash Nova Scotia, Vermont. (That three of those 40 nights were spent with our nearing-the-age-of-two-and-talking-up-a-storm granddaughter Ella certainly made the 40 more palatable!) And if you spent even more nights this summer on the road—and you have my condolences.

Speaking of San Antonio, the 60th Session of the General Conference, with its 2500 delegates and 50,000 attendees on the two Sabbaths, filled the Alamodome with a ten-day event unique in that city’s history. And while a GC session is much more than doing the business of the global Seventh-day Adventist Church—who doesn't enjoy the family reunions and friendship renewals—it was the daily business sessions that turned out to be highly instructive.

Perhaps the most commented on dramatic take-home-truth bears repeating. From the first vote of the business session, it was vividly clear that San Antonio would represent a major sea change in the life of our global faith community. In my memory (and I’ve attended the quinquennial GC sessions since New Orleans in 1985), this was the most marked shift of the locus of church influence—from the long-held dominance of the North to the rapidly growing influence of the South. Clearly the church below the equator has by its sheer numbers of burgeoning membership achieved a global influence it has not had before.

Is that a demographic reality we should bemoan? Hardly. While it was disappointing for those of us who have long believed the Bible does not close the door to the ordination of women to the gospel ministry, but in fact opens that door through the expanding revelation of God’s inclusive love eloquently championed by Scripture itself—nevertheless, decision-making in the healthiest families has always been a shared endeavor. The North has enjoyed its day in the gospel sun. Now the flourishing millions of the South bask in that light. And truth be told, we the church are better for it.

Look at Andrews University. The demographic and geographic shifts of the world and the church are manifested in youthful energy right here on this campus. “Engage globally” is our theme for Fall Fellowship this weekend. How appropriate. Because if we refuse to engage globally, it is now more than clear—both the rest of the church and the world will move on. We must move with them.

No wonder the compelling prayer of Psalm 67 combines a heart cry for God’s blessing with a prayer for the world’s salvation. Apparently in the mind and heart of God, the one is for the sake of the other. His manifold blessings upon His people are to propel them with His saving grace to the world. The one is for the sake of the other. Which surely means that to plead for the one without praying for the other simply misses His point. And our purpose.

“May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him” (Psalm 67:7). I.e., engage globally.